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Angus Robertson

ICS V9.4 due early February 2025

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The next release of ICS is finished, in SVN and the overnight zip.  Once documentation is finished, it will be release next week.


Meanwhile, testing of this version would be appreciated, so any serious problems can be found and fixed before the release. 


I'd particularly like C++ users to try and install it, it's okay for Win32, but getting some missing symbols for Win64, despite adding them.




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Due to planned OpenSSL security releases 11th February, I'm postponing the next release until those versions are bundled and tested with ICS V9.4, hopefully later that week. 


Meanwhile. I'd really appreciate feedback on V9.4 in the overnight zip, just saying you are using it is good, might avoid fixes needed due to bugs I've accidentally introduced. 


And specifically C++ users, as mention In the last message, so it can be installed by GetIt.




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