Connie McBride 0 Posted February 10 I have this statement in my code, but it doesn't always post to the dataset. no sql statement is generated - but only sometimes. 1) the reg_value is always changed in this procedure. 2) the procedure is called in hundreds of places. 3) the procedure works in most cases, not in others. 4) I recently updated from delphi 12.1 to delphi 12.2, and it used to work all the time. I am trying to figure out what changed that would cause it to NOT post the record. the code: aStream.Position := 0; tBlobField(dmCommon.tblGridIniREG_VALUE).LoadFromStream(aStream); freeAndNil(aStream); dmCommon.tblGridIni.Post;---> no SQL statement is generated. nothing is seen through the tracers (sql profiler or firedac trace) this same code works in Delphi 12.1, no issue. the structure: all fields are filled in with values. the issue happens when trying to update. adding new records is fine. doing an Can't include sample data, because it seems unprintable characters are part of it I am saving the grid settings from a devexpress grid by writing to a memory stream and loading it to the varchar(max) field. The problem isn't inherently devexpress, the same version of devexpress works in delphi 12.1. tracing deep into the code, it is returning that there is no change to the reg_value field, so it isn't creating the update statement. Any ideas which flag needs to be unset (or set)? cached updates is not in use. Share this post Link to post