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Patrick PREMARTIN last won the day on May 12 2023

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63 Excellent

About Patrick PREMARTIN

  • Birthday January 12

Technical Information

  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. Patrick PREMARTIN

    OSX universal binary file

    Hi Did you checked the x64 + ARM64 compiler option in project/compiler/compiler ?
  2. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Is there a Delphi "subprocess" library?

    Isn't it what TDosCommand does ? (for Windows only) https://github.com/TurboPack/DOSCommand
  3. Hi, you have this repository too to get version infos : https://github.com/omonien/Delphi-Version-Information
  4. Patrick PREMARTIN

    TControlList — need help!

    You can try Ultra Edit. It works well with big files.
  5. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Cross platform color picker and palette library

    In that case, perhaps adding https://www.whocanuse.com/ could be fun ?
  6. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Cross platform color picker and palette library

    Awesome! Thank you so much for this work Jim. Clearly the best color selector I've seen in almost 30 years. I'll definitely be using it to replace the selectors supplied with Delphi when I refresh my icon generation and image button creation tools.
  7. Patrick PREMARTIN

    My YouTube Channel - The Silver Coder

    Hi. I haven't watched the video but will do for sure. On GitHub, please don't forget to use some topics like "delphi, delphi-app, delphi-sample, sample-app, VCL, Firemonkey, ..." depending on your repositories. The internal linking between projects is one way to fight for global visibility of our language and project.
  8. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Interbase dev license

    Hi. The developer edition is not supposed to be used in production. It's for development and testing. Depending on the used features, try Firebird in production if an InterBase Server license is too expensive for your needs. Your code will remain the same and you can use IB in the future if needed.
  9. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Looking for Best Book for FMX UI Design

    If videos are in the game, a lot of things are available on Embarcadero's YouTube channel : https://www.youtube.com/@EmbarcaderoTech/playlists Look at (the old) "modernize with Windows 10" playlist : Or the "Desktop First UX" During the online conferences some speakers had shown a lot of things about FireMonkey and designing programs. One of them (Ray Konopka) is a specialist of this subject : https://www.youtube.com/@EmbarcaderoTech/search?query=konopka And if you want to understand how FMX and the IDE work together, you also can be interested by my (in English) videos from last year conference : From GetIt you'll find some screen samples, it could be an help to design and understand how to stack components to reproduce the beautiful UI you (or your infographist) have in mind. 😉
  10. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Looking for Best Book for FMX UI Design

    Hi This one can be a good choice too : it's a "how to create FMX programs" with simple sample projects. https://delphi-books.com/en/Delphi-Programming-Projects.html
  11. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Any chance of getting a signed installer?

    Just a reminder about self-signed certificates: they're no more valid than no certificate for Windows, and that's normal. Nothing prevents someone from creating one with the same name as the original certificate and spreading malware in the software. The advantage of expensive certificates is that there is a check on the identity of the signatory or his company. This is the only reason to use certificates: to validate the issuer and ensure that the file has not been modified since it was signed. Self-signature can only be used within a company, with a key distributed to company devices for internal software. For external software, it's of no use at all. To create a personal certificate, all you have to do is go to the environment options in the Windows deployment level, and the IDE will suggest either using an existing certificate, or creating your own.
  12. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Any chance of getting a signed installer?

    There are 2 CSC levels, the first one is allowed for people, the second only for companies.
  13. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Any chance of getting a signed installer?

    Globally yes, I have to trust you... and Windows have to trust me. 😉 For current exe's we can assume that they have been downloaded and installed enough for me to sign them with my eyes closed and return the signed exe for troubleshooting and to avoid smartscreen, for the future it would be better if this was done at source.
  14. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Any chance of getting a signed installer?

    Certum has lower prices for open source projects, but it's a "by project" CSC : https://shop.certum.eu/code-signing.html (having sponsors could help in any case) For current Delphi 11 and 12 releases I can sign them for you if you want.
  15. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Any chance of getting a signed installer?

    Let's Encrypt deliver only website certificates, they are not compatible with code signing on Windows.