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edit form with extended / different query then i ist form (logic)

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I want to have list of documents in one form (simple query) and edit form for particular document in other form (extended query).

In simplier case - when the same query is used - I have no problems at all, everything is clear.

Goal is to have simple / light query for list (let say, common fields - id, name) and more extended version for edit form (almost every field included) potentially with master / detail and CachedUpdates.


Editing case itself I can imaging (how to implement), but what about adding? Especially if user cancel adding.

I mean how to link both queries as it was the same (actually both queries for the same document) - if editor is closed (and product was created), how to update list (not update, but refresh one row).


Thank you in advance!

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Hi there!

As it turns out, my question is intertwined with this article from @Uwe Raabe


The example in this article does not take into account adding (editing only), and here is implemented absolutely what I'm looking for - in the main form / edit form is used different datasources.

So, if save the record, I just need only to call Refresh method for retrieving new  / updated values for only one record. At least it should work.


But still not understand, how to do it in case of adding new record (employee in that case) - if I put dsData.DataSet.Insert (for editing dsData.DataSet.Edit do the job), I can't call Refresh (or it has no sence probabaly), I even can't temporaraily Post (user probably can press "Cancel" later - no adding at all)







Edited by WalkingAway

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