grantful 3 Posted 15 hours ago I am trying to to take a backup sqlite database and move it from the default Downloads folder to the default documets folder. procedure CopyFileFromUri(const AUri: string; const ADestPath: string); var LInputStream: JInputStream; LOutputStream: JFileOutputStream; LBuffer: TJavaArray<Byte>; LBytesRead: Integer; begin LInputStream := TAndroidHelper.Context.getContentResolver.openInputStream(StrToJURI(AUri)); try LOutputStream := TJFileOutputStream.JavaClass.init(StringToJString(ADestPath)); try LBuffer := TJavaArray<Byte>.Create(1024); try repeat LBytesRead :=; if LBytesRead > 0 then LOutputStream.write(LBuffer, 0, LBytesRead); until LBytesRead = -1; finally LBuffer.Free; end; finally LOutputStream.close; end; finally LInputStream.close; end; end; procedure TfrmVehicle.ReplaceDBFile(const SourcePath: string); var DestPath: string; begin // Assuming the destination database is in the documents folder DestPath := TPath.Combine(TPath.GetDocumentsPath, 'AutoRepair.db'); try // If a database file already exists at the destination, delete it first if TFile.Exists(DestPath) then TFile.Delete(DestPath); // Copy the selected database file to the destination TFile.Copy(SourcePath, DestPath); //CopyFileFromUri(SourcePath, DestPath); ShowMessage('Database replaced successfully.'); // Refresh the FireDAC connection and datasets //RefreshFireDACConnection; except on E: Exception do begin ShowMessage('Error replacing database: ' + E.Message); // Handle the exception as needed, e.g., log it or take appropriate action. end; end; end; function GetFilePathFromUri(const AUri: string): string; var LUri: Jnet_Uri; LCursor: JCursor; LColumnIndex: Integer; begin Result := ''; LUri := StrToJURI(AUri); // Convert the URI string to a Jnet_Uri object if LUri.getScheme.equals(StringToJString('content')) then begin // Query the content resolver to get the file path LCursor := TAndroidHelper.Context.getContentResolver.query(LUri, nil, nil, nil, nil); if LCursor <> nil then begin try if LCursor.moveToFirst then begin LColumnIndex := LCursor.getColumnIndex(StringToJString('_data')); // Column for file path if LColumnIndex <> -1 then Result := JStringToString(LCursor.getString(LColumnIndex)); end; finally LCursor.close; end; end; end else if LUri.getScheme.equals(StringToJString('file')) then begin // If it's a file URI, just return the path Result := JStringToString(LUri.getPath); end; end; procedure TfrmVehicle.FileSelectorComplete(Sender: TObject; const AOK: Boolean); var I: Integer; FileName, FilePath, RawUri: string; begin try if AOK then begin for I := Low(FFilesSelector.SelectedFiles) to High(FFilesSelector.SelectedFiles) do begin try // Get the raw URI and log it RawUri := FFilesSelector.SelectedFiles[I].RawPath; ShowMessage('Raw URI: ' + RawUri); // Log the raw URI // Get the decoded file path and log it FilePath := GetFilePathFromUri(RawUri); ShowMessage('Decoded File Path: ' + FilePath); // Log the decoded file path // Extract the file name from the decoded path FileName := ExtractFileName(FilePath); ShowMessage('Selected File Name: ' + FileName); // Log the selected file name if SameText(FileName, 'AutoRepair.db') then begin ReplaceDBFile(FilePath); Exit; end; except on E: Exception do begin ShowMessage('An error occurred while processing file: ' + E.Message); // Additional exception handling code here, if needed end; end; end; ShowMessage('No file named AutoRepair.db was selected.'); end else begin ShowMessage('No files were selected.'); end; except on E: Exception do begin ShowMessage('An error occurred: ' + E.Message); // Additional exception handling code here, if needed end; end; end; It compiles but I am having a problem implementing this into my app. On android i get Selected filename : = nothing. ANy help is much appreciated. Share this post Link to post
Dave Nottage 580 Posted 9 hours ago 5 hours ago, grantful said: i get Selected filename : = nothing What does GetFilePathFromUri return? I expect it's nothing as well. Check the Android section of the readme for information on how to access the file Share this post Link to post