Jasonjac2 0 Posted February 25 I have to periodically push sync (Make destination the same as source) between 2 databases (Eventually FB to SQLite, but for now sqlite to sqlite). I have sync'd datasets a number of times over my programming career and have some specific to the use case and some more generic solutions. As the datasets are relatively small I decided to try using TFDBatchmove in the hope it might not be super efficient, but would be a case of hooking up some components and pressing the Go button :-). A day later and I still haven't got it working. I intended building from a very trivial example. I also had a look at the samples for D12.1, which in a classic sample fashion wasn't super clear to read the code. So Q1) is it suitable to us use the batchmove components in this way? Current test: 2 identical tables in sqlite, run it once, it fills the table (that actually works) Modify the destination table (e.g. blank a few field values) Rerun and initially I get an exception "Not Implemented" By trial and error I add in an event handler for OnFindDestRecord - which I thought I wouldn't need as I am using TFDTable, the sqlite table has a primary key and the field structures are identical. Now I have hand coded the locate from source to destination it gives me: Project FDBatchMoveScratch.exe raised exception class EFDDBEngineException with message '[FireDAC][Phys][SQLite]-312. Exact update affected [0] rows, while [1] was requested'. Project FDBatchMoveScratch.exe raised exception class EFDException with message '[FireDAC][DApt]-400. Update command updated [0] instead of [1] record. Possible reasons: update table does not have PK or row identifier, record has been changed/deleted by another user'. Adding in event handlers for all of the batch move events, to try and work out what is going on - it is trying to update the 1st row, eventhough the row is identical. So I am clearly missing something (or a lot of things). For info - I have 2 FDConnections, an FDBatchMove, in fact to avoid ambiguity, I've pasted the objects below . Q2) Can anyone point me to a decent walk through of setting up one way sync and resync. I could have hand coded a compare, update, insert, delete routine by hand in this time :-(. As always, thank you for your time with this. object FDBatchMove1: TFDBatchMove Reader = FDBatchMoveDataSetReader1 Writer = FDBatchMoveDataSetWriter1 Mode = dmAppendUpdate Options = [poIdentityInsert, poSkipUnmatchedDestFields, poUseTransactions] Mappings = <> LogFileAction = laAppend LogFileName = 'Data.log' OnProgress = FDBatchMove1Progress OnFindDestRecord = FDBatchMove1FindDestRecord OnWriteValue = FDBatchMove1WriteValue OnWriteRecord = FDBatchMove1WriteRecord Left = 384 Top = 216 end object FDBatchMoveDataSetReader1: TFDBatchMoveDataSetReader DataSet = tblsrcWebUsers Left = 520 Top = 120 end object FDBatchMoveDataSetWriter1: TFDBatchMoveDataSetWriter Direct = True DataSet = tbldestWebUsers Left = 512 Top = 296 end object tbldestWebUsers: TFDTable IndexFieldNames = 'ID' Connection = FDConnectionSQLiteDest ResourceOptions.AssignedValues = [rvEscapeExpand] TableName = 'WEB_USERS' Left = 376 Top = 288 object tbldestWebUsersID: TIntegerField FieldName = 'ID' Origin = 'ID' ProviderFlags = [pfInUpdate, pfInWhere, pfInKey] Required = True end object tbldestWebUsersUSERNAME: TStringField FieldName = 'USERNAME' Origin = 'USERNAME' Required = True Size = 50 end object tbldestWebUsersROLE: TStringField FieldName = 'ROLE' Origin = 'ROLE' Size = 50 end object tbldestWebUsersIS_ACTIVE: TIntegerField FieldName = 'IS_ACTIVE' Origin = 'IS_ACTIVE' end object tbldestWebUsersCOMPANY_NAME: TStringField FieldName = 'COMPANY_NAME' Origin = 'COMPANY_NAME' Size = 50 end end Share this post Link to post
Jasonjac2 0 Posted February 25 OK, things move on. I needed to set the FDBatchMoveDataSetWriter1.direct to false and it worked. "FDBatchMoveDataSetWriter1.direct to false. Looking at the help on TFDBatchMoveDataSetWriter.direct I can't see why it wouldn't work with sqlite. Now I have it working for this use case, I stripped out some of the random changes I made to try and get it working (removed the FDBatchMove1FindDestRecord), removed the persistent fields etc. I took another look at the sample and was definitely none the wiser about merging data. So I inch further on, still asking for any decent blogs / walkthroughs / gems of knowledge. Things I know that are coming my way if I continue down this path: - It doesn't help me decide if there are any records that need removing. Normally I use a "ladder" approach, organising the source and destination in such a way that if all rows are in both, then you can just .next on each dataset, but if there is a row in dest where the calculated PK is < the current calculated source PK, then it needs to be deleted. -- anyone dealt with this in the TFDBatchMove world? - Currently this is all sqlite to sqlite with identical field structures just to build the example, moving on, I it will need to cater for pulling a joined SQL from the src and pushing into a denormalised table in sqlite. TIA Regards, Jason Share this post Link to post
Jasonjac2 0 Posted March 3 ...We make more progress forward and some steps back... Using Calculated Fields in your Source Dataset - YOU CAN'T It appears you can't use calculated fields in the source table. The reason I want to is: There is a field that is a constants and I didn't want to have to include it in the query. TFDBatchMove.mappings[?].SourceExpression I thought you would be able to pull fields from the source dataset, but you can't do that, unless they are actually cited in the mappings. So I have Line2, Line2...Postcode and need to convert that into Address (those items concatenated with ~s. I thought I could this with Line1 etc in the source query, but as it doesn't appear in the mappings, you get a filed not found (Line1||"~"||Line2). Share this post Link to post
Die Holländer 82 Posted March 4 Is it not possible in sqlite to create a INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE trigger on the source table to sync it to the destination table? Share this post Link to post
Jasonjac2 0 Posted March 4 On 3/4/2025 at 9:26 AM, Die Holländer said: Is it not possible in sqlite to create a INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE trigger on the source table to sync it to the destination table? Thanks for replying, I started to think I was the only Batchmover :-). I am not that familiar with SQLite to know if you can use triggers between 2 separate databases. Regardless, in my actually use case the SQLite <> SQLite was a stepping stone to the actual source, which would be firebird (an older version of FB). Things are moving on. I wish I hadn't started with BatchMove as using something i have used before would have required a lot less head scratching, but it has been a good learning curve for TFDBatchMove. Other Gotchas.... If you don't assign a sourceFieldName or SourceExpression, then in FDBatchMoveWebUsersWriteValue for that field, you get whatever the previous value was,, e.g. I need to put a value in for a field - Address, where address is going to be built in FDBatchMoveWebUsersWriteValue. There is no sourcefield to base it on, so the Mapping just has a destination field. When the FDBatchMoveWebUsersWriteValue gets invoked for the address, AValue actually has the phone number in it , which was the previous call to the event handler - a bit messy think. Share this post Link to post
Die Holländer 82 Posted March 5 The Batchmove is mostly used when you have to dump a large dataset into an table once. I think what you want is to sync tables, so when something is changed in the one table there will be the same change in the other table automatically. First you make the tables the same with the data and then the trigger does the rest. The trigger must also work for two databases, especially when they are on the same database server. I'm also not familiar with SQLite but do a Goolge search on like "SQLite INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE trigger two tables" I can DM you an example of a MSSQL trigger that does this if you wish. Share this post Link to post
Jasonjac2 0 Posted March 5 On 3/5/2025 at 7:07 AM, Die Holländer said: The Batchmove is mostly used when you have to dump a large dataset into an table once. I think what you want is Yes, I can see that, as well as transforming from one format to another (It seems to be used a lot to TDataset -> JSON etc). I thought when I saw update and delete it would be a more general purpose component. Thanks for the offer on the trigger, but I don't think I would use it at the moment. I have written replication engines for firebird and happy with triggers. I was hoping for a simple (to develop) engine, but I can see me moving away from the batchmove component, especially as the records grow - the Find Matching Record is so poor in terms of me not being able to .next the target dataset, that when I get to thousands of records , it is going to be horribly slow. I guess when I have done this working prototype, I'll go back and make my "zipper / ladder" algorithm a bit more componentised and use that instead. It's a shame as the component does a lot. Share this post Link to post
Die Holländer 82 Posted March 5 "Bulk insert" is another term. Maybe you know it... Share this post Link to post