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A.M. Hoornweg

Plugin to expand namespaces in DCU?s?

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Hello World,


does anyone know of an IDE plugin or other tool that will analyze the interface section of a unit and expand the unit names with their full namespaces, such as "rtl, vcl, db" etc ?

Thanks in advance!



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MMX Code Explorer can do this and GExperts has a similar option, IIRC.

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I use MMX code explorer but I can't find the option to do this, can you point me to it? Thanks in advance!

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In MMX options select Pascal - Sorting. In the group Format unit uses clauses check Group and sort uses clause. Next time you execute Format Uses Clause (Ctrl-Alt-U) the unit names are resolved based on the current Unit Scope Names of the current project.


If you don't want the grouping you can simply empty the Groups entry in MMX Project options.

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