ULIK 16 Posted March 18 (edited) Hi, since aeons the following code is used by our application to extract a ZIP file to a given folder: procedure TForm1.ShellUnzip(const AZipFile, ATargetFolder: String; const AFilter: String = ''); const SHCONTCH_NOPROGRESSBOX = 4; SHCONTCH_AUTORENAME = 8; SHCONTCH_RESPONDYESTOALL = 16; SHCONTF_INCLUDEHIDDEN = 128; SHCONTF_FOLDERS = 32; SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS = 64; var vShellObj: Variant; vSrcPath, vDestPath: Variant; vShellPathItems: Variant; begin vShellObj := CreateOleObject('Shell.Application'); vSrcPath := vShellObj.NameSpace(AZipFile); vDestPath := vShellObj.NameSpace(ATargetFolder); vShellPathItems := vSrcPath.Items; if strNN(AFilter) then vShellPathItems.Filter(SHCONTF_INCLUDEHIDDEN or SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS or SHCONTF_FOLDERS, AFilter); vDestPath.CopyHere(vShellPathItems, SHCONTCH_NOPROGRESSBOX or SHCONTCH_RESPONDYESTOALL); end; It still works fine on Windows 11/Intel . But it fails on Windows 11/ARM64: This error raises for every file contained on the ZIP file. I just checked: If I use the above method to copy over some plain files (not within a ZIP), then it works fine on ARM64. But why it fails for files contained on a ZIP file and how to fix this? I would prefer not to use a 3rd party library for that task. Edited March 18 by ULIK typo Share this post Link to post