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IBLite "product INTERBASE is not licensed" Exception after Delphi Rio 10.3.3 Update

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After upgrading to Delphi Rio 10.3.3, I have an issue with IBLite licensing on Android devices (haven't checked on iOS). The issue is the following. When a user downloads the app for the first time, it runs perfectly fine. When they update the app (if they have it already installed on their phone), they get the "product INTERBASE is not licensed" exception. In the same way, during development, if I do a "clean install", everything works fine. If I don't I'm getting the same error.


Most probably, there is a file on the existing app that is not being overwritten during the update because it is newer then the file on the updated app. The files needed for IBLite are the following: 


- reg_iblite.txt

- ibconfig

- admin.ib

- license.txt

- oss_license_notice.txt

- interbase.msg


I even changed the date on my PC, modified the files above to have a future datestamp and tried again. Same error.


Is there something I'm missing?


Kindly advise

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I changed my Interbase connection from IBLite to IBTogo. Now, if I run the app without the "-cleaninstall" in the Run parameters, it works fine on the device. If I create a bundle (32 & 64-bit) and upload it to the Google Play Store, I'm getting the same error: "product INTERBASE is not licensed". Have in mind that this is ONLY if the app is already installed and is updating; not when the user is installing it for the first time.


I'm out of ideas.

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