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BackgroundWorker stopping app closing

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I have an IOmniBackgroundWork in my application and the application closes normally if I don't use it, but if I add a workitem the app hangs when closing.


The Teardown is as per the examples:



Result := FBackgroundWorker.Terminate(5000);

FBackgroundWorker := Nil;


the result is always False (I have tried varying values for Terminate).


The workitems are always an interfaced object and always get to the OnRequestDone method so I can't understand why Terminate returns false.. I have tried setting the interface to Nil and also not setting it to Nil in the OnRequestDone method.


I think I'm missing something here. Any ideas?





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You are missing a reproducible test case 😉


Sincerely, I have no idea. If the example works for you (you tested it, probably?) and the application doesn't, you'll have to find what that difference is.

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just working through the code. Given that the Data in the WorkItem is WorkItem.Data.AsInterface = TSomeObject.Create; when would you expect the Object, and the WorkItem to be freed? thanks

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