Hafedh TRIMECHE 1 Posted June 7, 2020 Using SSL libraries version 1.0.2u, EAccessViolation is raised. Code used for connection: procedure TTCPClient.Connect; var LConfig : TTCPConfig; begin Lock; LConfig := FConfig; Unlock; if LConfig.HostOrIP='' then Exit; Disconnect; try inherited Host := LConfig.HostOrIP; inherited Port := LConfig.Port except end; if LConfig.SSLEnabled then IOHandler := FSSLHandler else IOHandler := nil; try inherited Connect; except on E: Exception do HandleException(E); end; end; =============================================================================== Application Name : PGFClient.exe Memory manager : msvcrt.dll Compiler Version : Delphi: 33 Indy Version : Zeos Version : 7.2.6-stable Report Unique ID : {4C789C3C-712A-4FE7-B68B-73FF6B4160F1} Start Time : 2020-06-07 23:33:47.688 Exception Time : 2020-06-07 23:34:19.770 Application up time : 32 seconds 82 milliseconds =============================================================================== Processor : eMachines, eMachines G640, AMD64 Family 16 Model 6 Stepping 3, AMD Athlon(tm) II P320 Dual-Core Processor, 2.095 GHz System : Windows 10 (Version 10.0, Build 18362, 64-bit Edition) Display : 1680x1050 pixels, 96 bpp Total Physical Memory : 5.748 GB Free Physical Memory : 1.092 GB Max used Memory : 176.047 MB =============================================================================== Exception class : EAccessViolation Access violation at address 007D7E14 in module 'PGFClient.exe'. Read of address 0000000C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Module : IdSSLOpenSSL Command Line : D:\Applications-Folder\PGFClient\PGFClient.exe Procedure : IdSSLOpenSSL.TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.SetPassThrough Unit : IdSSLOpenSSL.pas Line : 2889 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [007D7E14] IdSSLOpenSSL.TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.SetPassThrough (Line 2889, "IdSSLOpenSSL.pas" + 36) + $1F [00795019] IdIOHandler.TIdIOHandler.ReadFromSource (Line 1737, "IdIOHandler.pas" + 62) + $1 [0079B436] IdIOHandlerStack.DoConnectTimeout (Line 329, "IdIOHandlerStack.pas" + 76) + $2C [007A13DA] IdTCPConnection.TIdTCPConnection.DoOnDisconnected (Line 584, "IdTCPConnection.pas" + 1) + $6 [007DEFE0] uTCP.TTCPClient.Connect (Line 1694, "uTCP.pas" + 13) + $A [00B29D32] uAsyncTCP.TTCPAsyncThread.Execute (Line 421, "uAsyncTCP.pas" + 21) + $0 [00B2AC95] uAsyncTCP.TTCPAsyncClient.Disconnect (Line 842, "uAsyncTCP.pas" + 5) + $3 [00DE877E] uClient.TMainForm.ControllerStart (Line 1781, "uClient.pas" + 68) + $1B [00BC5DBD] uMainForm.TUForm.Destroy (Line 1304, "uMainForm.pas" + 9) + $8 [00BC65EE] uMainForm.TUForm.WndProc (Line 1554, "uMainForm.pas" + 38) + $22 [0057980C] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C [004DDDDC] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $14 [0067606F] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $F3 [006760B2] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $A [006763E5] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run + $C9 [00E2C32D] PGFClient.PGFClient (Line 19, "" + -934) + $7 Share this post Link to post
Remy Lebeau 1472 Posted June 8, 2020 (edited) You did not show how you are creating and setting up your FSSLHandler, or how you are using TIdTCPClient in your TTCPAsyncThread, but the error report indicates that a nil pointer is being accessed inside of the IOHandler's PassThrough property setter method. The report also says that you are using Delphi 10.3 Rio. Are you using an up-to-date version of Indy 10 with it? Delphi 10.4 shipped with an updated Indy 10 snapshot from a few weeks ago. There were some changes made to the PassThrough setter back in August 2019, but I can't tell if you are using that version or not. The call stack trace shown in your error report makes no sense. It implies that your MainForm is trying to connect to the server while the Form is being destroyed? Typically, when an exception is logged, only the call stack of the thread that raised the exception should be logged. But the only way this error report's call stack trace makes sense is if it is actually logging call stacks from multiple threads at the same time, overlapping them. I think your code has a secondary worker thread that is trying to connect to the server at the same moment that your MainForm is destroying the Indy components. You need to shut down your TTCPAsyncThread completely before allowed the MainForm to destroy the Indy components. I'm also a little worried that Indy's ReadFromSource() method appears in this error report at all. TIdTCPClient's Connect() method doesn't call ReadFromSource(), which implies that something else in your code is trying to read from the TCP connection when it likely should not be. Are you, by chance, making any calls to TIdTCPClient's Connected() method to check the state of the TCP connection, in particular in the main thread? If so, you should not be doing that at all. It is hard to diagnose this error without seeing all of your relevant code that is using Indy, at least the connect and disconnect portions. Edited June 8, 2020 by Remy Lebeau Share this post Link to post
Hafedh TRIMECHE 1 Posted June 9, 2020 (edited) Thank you Remy, Indeed, the exception is raised because the function Connected is called before the FSSLHandler is assigned to IOHandler so fSSLSocket and/or fSSL not assigned too. function TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Readable(AMSec: Integer = IdTimeoutDefault): Boolean; begin if not fPassThrough then begin Result := ssl_pending(fSSLSocket.fSSL) > 0; if Result then Exit; end; Result := inherited Readable(AMSec); end; Edited June 9, 2020 by Hafedh TRIMECHE Share this post Link to post
Remy Lebeau 1472 Posted June 9, 2020 12 hours ago, Hafedh TRIMECHE said: Indeed, the exception is raised because the function Connected is called You are right, I misspoke. TIdTCPClient's Connect() method does call the Connected() method internally. 12 hours ago, Hafedh TRIMECHE said: before the FSSLHandler is assigned to IOHandler Not true, otherwise you would not be getting the exception inside of TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL. The Connected() method checks for a nil IOHandler. So, the fact that you are getting an exception inside of the Readable() method of TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL means that your FSSLHandler is actually assigned to the TIdTCPClient's IOHandler. 12 hours ago, Hafedh TRIMECHE said: so fSSLSocket and/or fSSL not assigned too. Also not true, because Readable() accesses the fSSLSocket object only when the fPassThrough member is False, and that member can't be False without an active fSSLSocket object, as the PassThrough property setter ensures that object's existence before setting fPassThrough to False. Your earlier crash report clearly shows your TTCPClient.Connect() method being called while your MainForm is being destroyed, so I still believe that your code is trying to access the TIdTCPClient and/or TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL while (or after) it is in a state of destruction. Your code is not cleaning up after itself properly during a shutdown. But you have not shown any of your actual code for TTCPAsyncThread or TMainForm, so noone can tell you why it is not cleaning up properly. You are likely missing some shutdown logic to stop the TTCPAsyncThread before the MainForm destroys the Indy components. Share this post Link to post
Hafedh TRIMECHE 1 Posted June 9, 2020 Please find the exception raised at the form creation and not at it's shutdown. =============================================================================== Application Name : PGFClient.exe Memory manager : msvcrt.dll Compiler Version : Delphi: 33 Indy Version : Zeos Version : 7.2.6-stable Report Unique ID : {44B4A782-BEAF-4AB4-AEAC-5863139C89AC} Start Time : 2020-06-09 22:42:32.370 Exception Time : 2020-06-09 22:43:08.037 Application up time : 35 seconds 667 milliseconds =============================================================================== Processor : eMachines, eMachines G640, AMD64 Family 16 Model 6 Stepping 3, AMD Athlon(tm) II P320 Dual-Core Processor, 2.095 GHz System : Windows 10 (Version 10.0, Build 18362, 64-bit Edition) Display : 1680x1050 pixels, 96 bpp Total Physical Memory : 5.748 GB Free Physical Memory : 2.211 GB Max used Memory : 179.254 MB =============================================================================== Exception class : EAccessViolation Access violation at address 007D98E8 in module 'PGFClient.exe'. Read of address 0000000C Exception trigger : UnhandledException ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Module : IdSSLOpenSSL Command Line : D:\Applications-Folder\PGFClient\PGFClient.exe Procedure : IdSSLOpenSSL.TIdSSLSocket.GetSSLError Unit : IdSSLOpenSSL.pas Line : 3647 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [007D98E8] IdSSLOpenSSL.TIdSSLSocket.GetSSLError (Line 3647, "IdSSLOpenSSL.pas" + 5) + $1 [007D87F4] IdSSLOpenSSL.TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.CheckForError (Line 3134, "IdSSLOpenSSL.pas" + 4) + $8 [007952C0] IdIOHandler.TIdIOHandler.ReadFromSource (Line 1737, "IdIOHandler.pas" + 62) + $8 [0079B59A] IdIOHandlerStack.TIdIOHandlerStack.Connected (Line 243, "IdIOHandlerStack.pas" + 1) + $8 [007A153E] IdTCPConnection.TIdTCPConnection.Connected (Line 503, "IdTCPConnection.pas" + 7) + $4 [007DF0EE] uTCP.TTCPClient.Connected (Line 1664, "uTCP.pas" + 7) + $0 [00B29E3E] uAsyncTCP.TTCPAsyncThread.Connected (Line 383, "uAsyncTCP.pas" + 1) + $B [00B2ADAD] uAsyncTCP.TTCPAsyncClient.Connect (Line 803, "uAsyncTCP.pas" + 14) + $7 [00DE888E] uClient.TMainForm.ControllerStart (Line 1760, "uClient.pas" + 47) + $9 [00BC5ECD] uMainForm.TUForm.SafeActivate (Line 1287, "uMainForm.pas" + 10) + $14 [00BC66FE] uMainForm.TUForm.WndProc (Line 1520, "uMainForm.pas" + 5) + $3 [0057980C] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C [004DDDDC] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $14 [0067606F] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $F3 [006760B2] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $A [006763E5] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run + $C9 [00E2C32D] PGFClient.PGFClient (Line 18, "" + -935) + $7 Would the creation of the the client into a thread be the problem? type TTCPAsyncWorker=class(TTCPClient) private end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TTCPAsyncClient.Connect(Client:TTCPClient):Boolean; begin if FTerminated then Exit(False); Client.AssignConfig(FConfig); Client.Bound := False; if Client.Connected then Client.Disconnect; Result := False; if Client.Host<>'' then begin Client.Connect; Result := Client.Connected; end; end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TTCPAsyncThread.Execute; var TCPHandler : TTCPHandler; Data , Pattern : TBytes; begin inherited; COMInitialize; InitRecord(TCPHandler,SizeOf(TCPHandler)); FWorker := TTCPAsyncWorker.Create(nil); TCPHandler.Worker := FWorker; FWorker.SSLEnabled := FAsyncClient.SSLEnabled; FWorker.Timeout := IdTimeoutDefault; FWorker.OnConnect := FAsyncClient.DoOnConnect; FWorker.OnDisconnect := FAsyncClient.DoOnDisconnect; FStarted := True; while (not FAsyncClient.FTerminated) do begin RelinquishTimeSlice(20); if FAsyncClient.FTerminated then Break; if (FAsyncClient.Host='') or (FAsyncClient.Port=0) then Continue; while FWorker.Bound do begin if FAsyncClient.Tagged then begin TCPHandler.Data := FWorker.Read(TCPHandler.AsyncTag); if TCPHandler.Data=nil then begin RelinquishTimeSlice; Break; end; ProcessTagRead(TCPHandler); end else begin if (not FAsyncClient.DoOnWaitForData(TCPHandler,Data,Pattern)) then begin Disconnect; Break; end; MatchData(Data,Pattern); end; end; if FAsyncClient.FTerminated then Break; if (not Connected) then begin if FWorker.LastError<>0 then FAsyncClient.DoOnDisconnect(FWorker); FAsyncClient.Connect(FWorker); end; end; COMUninitialize; FreeAndNil(FWorker); end; Best regards. Share this post Link to post
Remy Lebeau 1472 Posted June 10, 2020 18 hours ago, Hafedh TRIMECHE said: Please find the exception raised at the form creation and not at it's shutdown. That stack trace is useless without CONTEXT. WHERE in your code is that AccessViolation occurring exactly? At best, all I can gleam from this report is that a nil pointer is still being accessed. Probably when the IOHandler's ReadFromSource() calls TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.CheckForError(), which then calls fSSLSocket.GetSSLError() when fPassThrough is False. But as I told you earlier, fSSLSocket cannot be nil when fPassThrough is False. So where is the nil exactly? You need to debug your code, I can't do it remotely for you. 18 hours ago, Hafedh TRIMECHE said: Would the creation of the the client into a thread be the problem? Usually no. But I can't say for certain as you did not show ALL of your relevant code for how the client gets created and passed around and used. It is really hard to follow your code. Can you please do a separate test where you just create a simple thread that connects a simple TIdTCPClient and TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL to your server, without all the extra noise? Do you still run into problems when doing that test? Share this post Link to post
Hafedh TRIMECHE 1 Posted June 10, 2020 (edited) This TCP Client Wrapper is used for connecting to the server: type TTCPClientNotify = procedure(Client:TTCPClient) of object; TTCPClientVerify = function(Client:TTCPClient;const Certificate:string):Boolean of object; TSSLOptions=class private FP12 : TBytes; FKeyPassword : string; FPEMCert , FPEMKey : string; FCiphers : string; public constructor Create; property P12 : TBytes read FP12 write FP12; property KeyPassword : string read FKeyPassword write FKeyPassword; property Ciphers : string read FCiphers write FCiphers; end; TSSLIOClient = class(TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL) private FSSLOptions : TSSLOptions; FCACert : PX509; FCert : PX509; FPrivateKey : PEVP_PKEY; procedure InitSSLContext; property PassThrough; function GetPeerCert:string; function GetPeerCommonName:string; protected procedure InitComponent;override; public destructor Destroy;override; property SSLOptions:TSSLOptions read FSSLOptions write FSSLOptions; procedure StartSSL;override; property PeerCert : string read GetPeerCert; property PeerCommonName : string read GetPeerCommonName; end; TTCPConfig= packed record HostOrIP : string; Port : Integer; Tagged : Boolean; MaxConnections : Word; Timeout : Integer; P12 : TBytes; KeyPassword : string; Ciphers : string; SSLEnabled : Boolean; LinkCheckInterval : Integer; end; TTCPClient=class(TIdTCPClient) strict private property OnConnected; property OnDisconnected; private var FCS : TTCPLock; FSSLHandler : TSSLIOClient; FPeerCertificate : string; FCommonName : string; FConfig : TTCPConfig; FLastError : Integer; FLastErrorDesc : string; FBound : Boolean; FOnConnect : TTCPClientNotify; FOnVerify : TTCPClientVerify; FOnDisconnect : TTCPClientNotify; procedure ClearErrors; procedure SetHostOrIP(Value:string); procedure SetRemotePort(Value:Integer); procedure SetTagged(Value:Boolean); procedure SetTimeout(Value:Integer); procedure SetP12(Value:TBytes); procedure SetKeyPassword(Value:string); procedure SetCiphers(Value:string); procedure SetSSLEnabled(Value:Boolean); function GetPeerInfo(Index:Integer):string; procedure HandleException(AException:Exception); procedure SetBound(Value:Boolean); protected procedure InitComponent;override; procedure DoOnConnected;override; procedure DoOnDisconnected;override; function DoOnVerify(const PEMCert:string):Boolean;virtual; public Destructor Destroy;override; procedure Lock; procedure Unlock; public property Host : string read FConfig.HostOrIP write SetHostOrIP; property Port : Integer read FConfig.Port write SetRemotePort; property Tagged : Boolean read FConfig.Tagged write SetTagged; property Timeout : Integer read FConfig.Timeout write SetTimeout; property P12 : TBytes read FConfig.P12 write SetP12; property KeyPassword : string read FConfig.KeyPassword write SetKeyPassword; property Ciphers : string read FConfig.Ciphers write SetCiphers; property SSLEnabled : Boolean read FConfig.SSLEnabled write SetSSLEnabled; procedure SetError(ErrorCode:Integer;ErrorDesc:string); procedure AssignConfig(Config:TTCPConfig); procedure Connect;overload;override; procedure Connect(const AHost:string;const APort:Integer);reintroduce;overload; procedure Reconnect; procedure Disconnect(ANotifyPeer:Boolean);override; function Connected:Boolean;override; property Bound : Boolean read FBound write SetBound; public property LastError : Integer read FLastError; property LastErrorDesc : string read FLastErrorDesc; property PeerCertificate : string index 1 read GetPeerInfo; property CommonName : string index 2 read GetPeerInfo; public property OnConnect : TTCPClientNotify read FOnConnect write FOnConnect; property OnVerify : TTCPClientVerify read FOnVerify write FOnVerify; property OnDisconnect : TTCPClientNotify read FOnDisconnect write FOnDisconnect; end; implementation procedure HandleSocketException(E:Exception;var SocketError:Integer); begin if E=nil then SocketError := 0 else begin SocketError := WSANO_RECOVERY; if (E is EIdSocketError) then SocketError := (E as EIdSocketError).LastError else if (E is EIdOpenSSLError) then SocketError := Id_WSAENOPROTOOPT else if (E is EIdReadTimeout) then SocketError := Id_WSAETIMEDOUT else if (E is EIdConnClosedGracefully) then SocketError := Id_WSAEHOSTDOWN else if (E is EIdAlreadyConnected) then SocketError := Id_WSAEISCONN ; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// constructor TSSLOptions.Create; begin LoadOpenSSL; FP12 := nil; FKeyPassword := ''; FPEMCert := ''; FPEMKey := ''; FCiphers := ''; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function VerifyCallback(ok:TIdC_INT;ctx:PX509_STORE_CTX):TIdC_INT;cdecl; begin Result := 1; end; function TSSLIOClient.GetPeerCert: string; begin if Assigned(fSSLSocket) and Assigned(fSSLSocket.PeerCert) then Result := TCPX509ToPEM(fSSLSocket.PeerCert.Certificate) else Result := ''; end; function TSSLIOClient.GetPeerCommonName:string; begin if Assigned(fSSLSocket) and Assigned(fSSLSocket.PeerCert) then Result := TCPX509Name(fSSLSocket.PeerCert.Certificate) else Result := ''; end; procedure TSSLIOClient.InitComponent; begin LoadOpenSSL; inherited; FCACert := nil; FCert := nil; FPrivateKey := nil; FSSLOptions := TSSLOptions.Create; FSSLOptions.FCiphers := SSLClientCiphers; PassThrough := False; end; destructor TSSLIOClient.Destroy; begin Close; if FCACert <>nil then X509_free(FCACert); if FCert <>nil then X509_free(FCert); if FPrivateKey<>nil then EVP_PKEY_free(FPrivateKey); FreeAndNil(FSSLOptions); inherited; end; type TTCPSSLContext = class(TIdSSLContext) public constructor Create; end; constructor TTCPSSLContext.Create; const SSLVersion = High(TIdSSLVersion); begin inherited; RootCertFile := ''; CertFile := ''; KeyFile := ''; DHParamsFile := ''; VerifyDepth := 0; VerifyMode := []; VerifyDirs := ''; CipherList := ''; VerifyOn := False; StatusInfoOn := False; Method := sslvSSLv23; SSLVersions := [SSLVersion,Pred(SSLVersion)]; end; procedure TSSLIOClient.InitSSLContext; begin if Assigned(fSSLContext) then FreeAndNil(fSSLContext); fSSLContext := TTCPSSLContext.Create; fSSLContext.Parent := Self; fSSLContext.StatusInfoOn := Assigned(fOnStatusInfo) or Assigned(fOnStatusInfoEx); fSSLContext.Mode := sslmClient; TTCPSSLContext(fSSLContext).InitContext(sslCtxClient); end; procedure TSSLIOClient.StartSSL; var Error : Integer; FSSLCtx : PSSL_CTX; begin InitSSLContext; FSSLCtx := TTCPSSLContext(fSSLContext).fContext; Error := SSL_CTX_set_options(FSSLCtx,SSL_OP_STRONG); if Error>0 then begin SSL_CTX_set_mode(FSSLCtx,SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY); PrepareSSL(FSSLOptions,FCACert,FCert,FPrivateKey); if Assigned(FPrivateKey) and Assigned(FCACert) and Assigned(FCert) then begin if Error>0 then Error := SSL_CTX_use_certificate(FSSLCtx,FCert); if Error>0 then Error := SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(FSSLCtx,FPrivateKey); if Error>0 then Error := SSL_CTX_check_private_key(FSSLCtx); end; SSL_CTX_set_verify(FSSLCtx,SSL_VERIFY_PEER,VerifyCallback); SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(FSSLCtx,1); if Error>0 then Error := SSL_CTX_ctrl(FSSLCtx,SSL_CTRL_SET_ECDH_AUTO,1,nil); if (Error>0) and (FSSLOptions.FCiphers<>'') then begin Error := SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(FSSLCtx,PAnsiChar(RawByteString(FSSLOptions.FCiphers))); end; end; if Error<=0 then begin FreeAndNil(fSSLContext); EIdOSSLCreatingContextError.RaiseException(RSSSLCreatingContextError); end; inherited; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TTCPClient.InitComponent; begin LoadOpenSSL; InitRecord(FConfig,SizeOf(FConfig)); inherited; FCS := TTCPLock.Create(ClassName); Tagged := False; FSSLHandler := TSSLIOClient.Create(Self); FPeerCertificate := ''; FCommonName := ''; FBound := False; FOnConnect := nil; FOnVerify := nil; FOnDisconnect := nil; OnConnected := nil; OnDisconnected := nil; Timeout := IdTimeoutDefault; Ciphers := 'DEFAULT'; SSLEnabled := False; end; procedure TTCPClient.Lock; begin FCS.Lock; end; procedure TTCPClient.Unlock; begin FCS.Unlock; end; procedure TTCPClient.SetHostOrIP(Value: string); var _Port : Integer; _Params : string; begin Value := ParseURI(Trim(Value),0,_Port,_Params); if (FConfig.HostOrIP=Value) and (FConfig.Port=_Port) then Exit; Lock; FConfig.HostOrIP := Value; if _Port>0 then FConfig.Port := _Port; Unlock; end; procedure TTCPClient.SetRemotePort(Value: Integer); begin if FConfig.Port=Value then Exit; Lock; FConfig.Port := Value; Unlock; end; procedure TTCPClient.SetTagged(Value:Boolean); begin if FConfig.Tagged=Value then Exit; if Connected then raise TCPException.Create('Tagged can only be set when connection is closed !...'); Lock; FConfig.Tagged := Value; Unlock; end; procedure TTCPClient.SetTimeout(Value:Integer); begin if Value<=0 then Value := IdTimeoutDefault; if FConfig.Timeout=Value then Exit; Lock; FConfig.Timeout := Value; ReadTimeout := TimeoutMS(FConfig.Timeout); Unlock; end; procedure TTCPClient.SetP12(Value:TBytes); begin if Similar(Value,FConfig.P12) then Exit; Lock; FConfig.P12 := Value; Unlock; end; procedure TTCPClient.SetKeyPassword(Value: string); begin Value := Trim(Value); if FConfig.KeyPassword=Value then Exit; Lock; FConfig.KeyPassword := Value; Unlock; end; procedure TTCPClient.SetCiphers(Value: string); begin Value := Trim(Value); if FConfig.Ciphers=Value then Exit; Lock; FConfig.Ciphers := Value; Unlock; end; procedure TTCPClient.SetSSLEnabled(Value:Boolean); begin if FConfig.SSLEnabled=Value then Exit; Lock; FConfig.SSLEnabled := Value; Unlock; end; destructor TTCPClient.Destroy; begin Disconnect; FreeAndNil(FCS); inherited; end; function TTCPClient.DoOnVerify(const PEMCert:string):Boolean; begin if Assigned(FOnVerify) then Result := FOnVerify(Self,PEMCert) else Result := True; end; procedure TTCPClient.DoOnConnected; begin inherited; Socket.Binding.SetKeepAliveValues(True,KeepAliveDefault,KeepAliveIntervalDefault); if Assigned(FSSLHandler) then begin FPeerCertificate := FSSLHandler.PeerCert; FCommonName := FSSLHandler.PeerCommonName; end else begin FPeerCertificate := ''; FCommonName := ''; end; if DoOnVerify(FPeerCertificate) then begin if Assigned(FOnConnect) then FOnConnect(Self); if Assigned(FCompressor) then FCompressor.FActive := True; end else Disconnect; end; procedure TTCPClient.SetBound(Value:Boolean); begin Lock; FBound := Value; Unlock; end; procedure TTCPClient.DoOnDisconnected; begin inherited; if Assigned(FOnDisconnect) then FOnDisconnect(Self); end; function TTCPClient.GetPeerInfo(Index:Integer): string; begin case Index of 1 : Result := FPeerCertificate; 2 : Result := FCommonName; end; end; procedure TTCPClient.AssignConfig(Config:TTCPConfig); begin FConfig.HostOrIP := Config.HostOrIP; FConfig.Port := Config.Port; FConfig.Tagged := Config.Tagged; FConfig.Timeout := Config.Timeout; FConfig.P12 := Config.P12; FConfig.KeyPassword := Config.KeyPassword; FConfig.Ciphers := Config.Ciphers; FConfig.SSLEnabled := Config.SSLEnabled; FConfig.LinkCheckInterval := Config.LinkCheckInterval; end; procedure TTCPClient.HandleException(AException: Exception); begin inherited; HandleSocketException(AException,FLastError); Lock; FLastErrorDesc := AException.Message; Unlock; end; procedure TTCPClient.ClearErrors; begin Lock; FLastError := 0; FLastErrorDesc := ''; Unlock; end; procedure TTCPClient.SetError(ErrorCode:Integer;ErrorDesc: string); begin Lock; FLastError := ErrorCode; FLastErrorDesc := ErrorDesc; Unlock; end; function TTCPClient.Connected: Boolean; begin try Result := (inherited Connected); except Result := False; end; end; procedure TTCPClient.Disconnect(ANotifyPeer:Boolean); begin try inherited Disconnect(ANotifyPeer); except end; end; procedure TTCPClient.Connect; var LConfig : TTCPConfig; begin Lock; LConfig := FConfig; Unlock; if LConfig.HostOrIP='' then Exit; Disconnect; try inherited Host := LConfig.HostOrIP; inherited Port := LConfig.Port except end; if LConfig.SSLEnabled then IOHandler := FSSLHandler else IOHandler := nil; try inherited Connect; except on E: Exception do HandleException(E); end; end; procedure TTCPClient.Connect(const AHost:string;const APort:Integer); begin SetHostOrIP(AHost); SetRemotePort(APort); Connect; end; procedure TTCPClient.Reconnect; begin Connect; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TTCPClient connection is invoked from a the Thread Pool: function TTCPAsyncClient.Connect(Client:TTCPClient):Boolean; begin if FTerminated then Exit(False); Client.AssignConfig(FConfig); Client.Bound := False; if Client.Connected then Client.Disconnect; Result := False; if Client.Host<>'' then begin Client.Connect; Result := Client.Connected; end; end; But this exception is raised: =============================================================================== Application Name : PGFClient.exe Memory manager : msvcrt.dll Compiler Version : Delphi: 33 Indy Version : Zeos Version : 7.2.6-stable Report Unique ID : {E824D1A9-DCC4-4F71-ADC7-0882AB6D23DD} Start Time : 2020-06-10 20:05:08.588 Exception Time : 2020-06-10 20:05:58.583 Application up time : 49 seconds 995 milliseconds =============================================================================== Processor : eMachines, eMachines G640, AMD64 Family 16 Model 6 Stepping 3, AMD Athlon(tm) II P320 Dual-Core Processor, 2.095 GHz System : Windows 10 (Version 10.0, Build 18362, 64-bit Edition) Display : 1680x1050 pixels, 96 bpp Total Physical Memory : 5.748 GB Free Physical Memory : 1.772 GB Max used Memory : 174.250 MB =============================================================================== Exception class : EAccessViolation Access violation at address 007D7F78 in module 'PGFClient.exe'. Read of address 0000000C Exception trigger : UnhandledException ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Module : IdSSLOpenSSL Command Line : D:\Applications-Folder\PGFClient\PGFClient.exe Procedure : IdSSLOpenSSL.TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Readable Unit : IdSSLOpenSSL.pas Line : 2846 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [007D7F78] IdSSLOpenSSL.TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Readable (Line 2846, "IdSSLOpenSSL.pas" + 3) + $6 [00620030] Vcl.Themes.{System.Generics.Collections}TList<Vcl.Themes.TStyleHookClass>.GetCapacity + $8 [0079517D] IdIOHandler.TIdIOHandler.ReadFromSource (Line 1696, "IdIOHandler.pas" + 21) + $8 [0079B59A] IdIOHandlerStack.TIdIOHandlerStack.Connected (Line 243, "IdIOHandlerStack.pas" + 1) + $8 [007A153E] IdTCPConnection.TIdTCPConnection.Connected (Line 503, "IdTCPConnection.pas" + 7) + $4 [007DF064] uTCP.TTCPClient.Connected (Line 1653, "uTCP.pas" + 2) + $0 [00B29DAA] uAsyncTCP.TTCPAsyncThread.Connected (Line 383, "uAsyncTCP.pas" + 1) + $B [00B2AD19] uAsyncTCP.TTCPAsyncClient.Connect (Line 803, "uAsyncTCP.pas" + 14) + $7 [00DE881E] uClient.TMainForm.ControllerStart (Line 1760, "uClient.pas" + 47) + $9 [00BC5E71] uMainForm.TUForm.SafeActivate (Line 1288, "uMainForm.pas" + 10) + $14 [00BC66A6] uMainForm.TUForm.WndProc (Line 1521, "uMainForm.pas" + 5) + $3 [0057980C] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C [004DDDDC] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $14 [0067606F] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $F3 [006760B2] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $A [006763E5] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run + $C9 [00E2C32D] PGFClient.PGFClient (Line 18, "" + -935) + $7 Edited June 10, 2020 by Hafedh TRIMECHE Share this post Link to post
Hafedh TRIMECHE 1 Posted June 10, 2020 The function Readable is overridden to avoid exception. type TIdSSLSocketWrapper=class(TIdSSLSocket); function TSSLIOClient.Readable(AMSec:Integer):Boolean; var IdSSLSocketWrapper : TIdSSLSocketWrapper; begin IdSSLSocketWrapper := TIdSSLSocketWrapper(fSSLSocket); Result := Assigned(IdSSLSocketWrapper) and Assigned(IdSSLSocketWrapper.fSSL); Result := Result and inherited; end; Share this post Link to post
Hafedh TRIMECHE 1 Posted June 10, 2020 Now the exception is raised inside OpenSSL libraries (libeay32.dll) EC_GROUP_get_degree: =============================================================================== Application Name : PGFClient.exe Memory manager : msvcrt.dll Compiler Version : Delphi: 33 Indy Version : Zeos Version : 7.2.6-stable Report Unique ID : {17CF23EB-3608-40C5-B1F7-3EB94BA7BA55} Start Time : 2020-06-10 21:15:28.616 Exception Time : 2020-06-10 21:16:06.970 Application up time : 38 seconds 354 milliseconds =============================================================================== Processor : eMachines, eMachines G640, AMD64 Family 16 Model 6 Stepping 3, AMD Athlon(tm) II P320 Dual-Core Processor, 2.095 GHz System : Windows 10 (Version 10.0, Build 18362, 64-bit Edition) Display : 1680x1050 pixels, 96 bpp Total Physical Memory : 5.748 GB Free Physical Memory : 1.553 GB Max used Memory : 180.152 MB =============================================================================== Exception class : EAccessViolation Access violation at address 62A56256 in module 'libeay32.dll'. Read of address FEEEFF0E Exception trigger : UnhandledException ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Module : Command Line : D:\Applications-Folder\PGFClient\PGFClient.exe Procedure : EC_GROUP_get_degree ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [62A56256] EC_GROUP_get_degree + $6 [00554DEB] System.SyncObjs.TCriticalSection.Release + $B [007D6C49] IdSSLOpenSSL.SslLockingCallback (Line 2249, "IdSSLOpenSSL.pas" + 16) + $5 [00409A5C] System.TMonitor.Enter + $10 [00409F34] System.TMonitor.TryEnter + $28 [00409BEA] System.TMonitor.Exit + $6 [007D9E51] IdSSLOpenSSL.TIdSSLSocket.Connect (Line 3782, "IdSSLOpenSSL.pas" + 36) + $B [007D85BE] IdSSLOpenSSL.TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.OpenEncodedConnection (Line 3091, "IdSSLOpenSSL.pas" + 54) + $13 [007D7EDE] IdSSLOpenSSL.TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.StartSSL (Line 2819, "IdSSLOpenSSL.pas" + 2) + $2 [007D7EC1] IdSSLOpenSSL.TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.ConnectClient (Line 2813, "IdSSLOpenSSL.pas" + 23) + $5 [0079F12A] IdIOHandlerSocket.TIdIOHandlerSocket.Open (Line 369, "IdIOHandlerSocket.pas" + 13) + $4 [007D7F56] IdSSLOpenSSL.TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Open (Line 2839, "IdSSLOpenSSL.pas" + 2) + $0 [0079AB5C] IdTCPClient.TIdTCPClientCustom.Connect (Line 328, "IdTCPClient.pas" + 54) + $B [0079596D] IdIOHandler.TIdIOHandler.SetHost (Line 1958, "IdIOHandler.pas" + 1) + $8 [007DF1FF] uTCP.TTCPClient.Connect (Line 1699, "uTCP.pas" + 14) + $3 [00B2ACB1] uAsyncTCP.TTCPAsyncClient.Connect (Line 774, "uAsyncTCP.pas" + 8) + $4 [00B29FF4] uAsyncTCP.TTCPAsyncThread.Execute (Line 442, "uAsyncTCP.pas" + 42) + $6 [004DA455] System.Classes.ThreadProc + $49 [0040ADAC] System.ThreadWrapper + $28 Share this post Link to post
Hafedh TRIMECHE 1 Posted June 12, 2020 (edited) Exceptions are raised if Connected function is called before a connection attempt is made using Connect method. the variable FConnectionAttempt is introduced and initialized to False within the overridden InitComponent method: procedure TTCPClient.InitComponent; begin LoadOpenSSL; InitRecord(FConfig,SizeOf(FConfig)); inherited; FConnectionAttempt := False; IOHandler := nil; FCS := TTCPLock.Create(ClassName); Tagged := False; CompressClass := nil; FSSLHandler := TSSLIOClient.Create(Self); FPeerCertificate := ''; FCommonName := ''; FBound := False; FOnConnect := nil; FOnVerify := nil; FOnDisconnect := nil; OnConnected := nil; OnDisconnected := nil; Timeout := IdTimeoutDefault; Ciphers := 'DEFAULT'; SSLEnabled := False; end; function TTCPClient.Connected:Boolean; begin if (not FConnectionAttempt) then Exit(False); try Result := (inherited Connected); except Result := False; end; end; procedure TTCPClient.Connect; var LConfig : TTCPConfig; begin Lock; LConfig := FConfig; Unlock; if LConfig.HostOrIP='' then Exit; Disconnect; try inherited Host := LConfig.HostOrIP; inherited Port := LConfig.Port except end; if LConfig.SSLEnabled then IOHandler := FSSLHandler else IOHandler := nil; try inherited Connect; except on E: Exception do HandleException(E); end; FConnectionAttempt := True; end; It seams that calling Connected function before invoking Connect method generates an access to components/objects not already initialized (fSSLSocket and/or fSSL). After modification made, no exception is raised. Edited June 12, 2020 by Hafedh TRIMECHE Share this post Link to post
Remy Lebeau 1472 Posted June 12, 2020 5 hours ago, Hafedh TRIMECHE said: Exceptions are raised if Connected function is called before a connection attempt is made using Connect method. Can you be more specific? What is the actual exception that is being raised? Connect() does call Connected(), but it should not raise an exception if there is no connection. And if that exception is due to your earlier issues with fSSLSocket being nil, your recent patches should have addressed that. Honestly, you are the only person who seems to be having so many problems with TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL. Other people use it all the time just fine. So either you are just not using it correctly (and you posted WAY too much code for me to go through it all - I asked you to test a simple example that doesn't use your wrappers at all), or maybe your Indy installation is faulty/corrupted - have you tried upgrading to the latest Indy release yet? 5 hours ago, Hafedh TRIMECHE said: It seams that calling Connected function before invoking Connect method generates an access to components/objects not already initialized (fSSLSocket and/or fSSL). It should not be doing that. Rather than continuing to apply band-aid patches, have you tried actually debugging the IOHandler's startup to figure out why it is in such a bad state to begin with? Because what you have described so far is NOT how it is supposed to behave under normal conditions. Which makes me wonder if maybe there are other problems in your code that may be corrupting memory and the IOHandler is just the victim of that. Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted June 12, 2020 On 6/10/2020 at 11:21 PM, Hafedh TRIMECHE said: Now the exception is raised inside OpenSSL libraries (libeay32.dll) EC_GROUP_get_degree: That stack makes no sense, in my opinion the only logic can explain to get to EC_GROUP_get_degree from System.SyncObjs.TCriticalSection.Release is that the stack had been corrupted (overwritten). so start at that connect function and double check your local vars for overflows. Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted June 12, 2020 I forgot to mention another situation can lead to stack corruption like that, check the OpenSSL functions you are calling ( or you have added ) , make sure they all do have the stdcall calling convention. Share this post Link to post