I have no idea about how TRzLauncher is implemented, but regardless I would just use a thin wrapper around ShellExecuteEx. Here's the implementation I usually use: unit amShell; (* * Copyright © 2006 Anders Melander * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. *) interface uses Windows, Controls; type Shell = class private public class procedure DisplayURL(const URL: string; Parent: TWinControl = nil; const AdditionalParams: string = ''); class function DisplayFile(const Filename: string; Parent: TWinControl = nil): boolean; class function Execute(const Filename: string; const Parameters: string = ''; Parent: TWinControl = nil; Wait: boolean = False): boolean; overload; class function Execute(Parent: TWinControl; const FileName: string; const Operation: string = 'open'; const Parameters: string = ''; ShowCmd: Integer = SW_SHOWNORMAL; Wait: boolean = False): boolean; overload; static; end; resourcestring sShellExecuteBrowseError = 'Failed to open the homepage in your default browser.'+#13#13+ 'Homepage: %s'+#13+ 'Error: %s'; sShellExecuteFileOpenError = 'Failed to open the file.'+#13#13+ 'Filename: %s'+#13+ 'Error: %s'; implementation uses ActiveX, ShellAPI, SysUtils, IOUtils, Forms, Dialogs, StrUtils, Classes, Types, Messages, IdURI, amCursorService, amDialogs; class function Shell.DisplayFile(const Filename: string; Parent: TWinControl): boolean; var Error: integer; begin Result := Execute(Parent, Filename); if (not Result) then begin Error := GetLastError; MessageDlgEx(Format(sShellExecuteFileOpenError, [Filename, SysErrorMessage(Error)]), mtWarning, [mbOk], 0); end; end; class function Shell.Execute(const Filename, Parameters: string; Parent: TWinControl; Wait: boolean): boolean; var Error: integer; begin Result := Execute(Parent, Filename, '', Parameters, SW_SHOWNORMAL, Wait); if (not Result) then begin Error := GetLastError; MessageDlgEx(Format(sShellExecuteFileOpenError, [Filename, SysErrorMessage(Error)]), mtWarning, [mbOk], 0); end; end; class procedure Shell.DisplayURL(const URL: string; Parent: TWinControl; const AdditionalParams: string); var Error: integer; URI: TIdURI; FinalURL: string; FinalParams: string; ParamList: TStringDynArray; s: string; Params: TStringList; n: integer; Name, Value: string; begin try URI := TIdURI.Create(URL); try // Note that we use TIdURI even with no additional params as we would still like to get the original params encoded (' '->'%20'). if (AdditionalParams <> '') then begin Params := TStringList.Create; try Params.CaseSensitive := False; // Create a Key/Value list of original parameters ParamList := SplitString(URI.Params, '&'); for s in ParamList do Params.Add(s); // Add additional parameters, overriding the original values if there are duplicates ParamList := SplitString(AdditionalParams, '&'); for s in ParamList do begin n := Pos('=', s); if (n <> 0) then begin // Key/Value pair Name := Copy(s, 1, n-1); Value := Copy(s, n+1, MaxInt); Params.Values[Name] := Value; end else // No value, just key Params.Values[s] := ''; end; // Build parameter string FinalParams := ''; for s in Params do if (FinalParams = '') then FinalParams := s else FinalParams := FinalParams + '&' + s; finally Params.Free; end; URI.Params := FinalParams; end; FinalURL := URI.URI; finally URI.Free; end; except on E: EIdURIException do begin s := URL; if (AdditionalParams <> '') then s := s + '(' + AdditionalParams + ')'; MessageDlgEx(Format('Invalid URL: %s'#13'%s', [s, E.Message]), mtWarning, [mbOk], 0); exit; end; end; if (not Execute(Parent, 'rundll32.exe', 'open', 'url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '+FinalURL)) then begin Error := GetLastError; MessageDlgEx(Format(sShellExecuteBrowseError, [FinalURL, SysErrorMessage(Error)]), mtWarning, [mbOk], 0); end; end; class function Shell.Execute(Parent: TWinControl; const FileName, Operation, Parameters: string; ShowCmd: Integer; Wait: boolean): boolean; var Handle: HWND; ShellExecuteInfo: TShellExecuteInfo; Error: integer; Res: Cardinal; Msg: TMsg; begin if (Parent <> nil) then Handle := Parent.Handle else Handle := Application.MainForm.Handle; FillChar(ShellExecuteInfo, SizeOf(ShellExecuteInfo), 0); ShellExecuteInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(ShellExecuteInfo); ShellExecuteInfo.fMask := SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI or SEE_MASK_HMONITOR or SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS;// or SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; if (Wait) then ShellExecuteInfo.fMask := ShellExecuteInfo.fMask or SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS or SEE_MASK_NOASYNC; ShellExecuteInfo.Wnd := Handle; ShellExecuteInfo.hMonitor := THandle(Application.MainForm.Monitor.Handle); // Cast to avoind range check error if (Operation <> '') then ShellExecuteInfo.lpVerb := PChar(Operation); if (FileName <> '') then ShellExecuteInfo.lpFile := PChar(FileName); if (Parameters <> '') then ShellExecuteInfo.lpParameters := PChar(Parameters); ShellExecuteInfo.lpDirectory := PChar(TPath.GetDirectoryName(Filename)); ShellExecuteInfo.nShow := ShowCmd; SaveCursor(crAppStart); Result := ShellAPI.ShellExecuteEx(@ShellExecuteInfo); if (not Result) then begin Error := GetLastError; if (Error = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) then begin // See: // * https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/287087 // * http://wellsr.com/vba/2016/excel/use-vba-shellexecute-to-open-url-in-default-browser/ if (ShellAPI.ShellExecute(Handle, ShellExecuteInfo.lpVerb, ShellExecuteInfo.lpFile, ShellExecuteInfo.lpParameters, nil, CmdShow) > SE_ERR_DLLNOTFOUND) then Result := True else SetLastError(Error); end; end else if (Wait) then begin try while (True) do begin Res := MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, ShellExecuteInfo.hProcess, False, INFINITE, QS_PAINT); case Res of WAIT_OBJECT_0: break; WAIT_OBJECT_0+1: while (PeekMessage(Msg, 0, QS_PAINT shl 16, QS_PAINT shl 16, PM_REMOVE)) do begin if (Msg.message = WM_QUIT) then begin PostQuitMessage(Msg.wParam); exit; end; TranslateMessage(Msg); DispatchMessage(Msg); end; else break; end; end; finally CloseHandle(ShellExecuteInfo.hProcess); end; end; end; var NeedCoUninitialize: boolean = False; initialization // ShellExecute needs CoInitialize NeedCoUninitialize := Succeeded(CoInitializeEx(nil, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED or COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE)); finalization if (NeedCoUninitialize) then CoUninitialize; end.  
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