good news: same that you dont have BDE installer, stay knowing that RAD 10.4 CAN access Paradox or others by ODBC driver! then, you dont really need have BDE installed in your machine! in fact, BDE installer just installs the binary files to administrate your file-datas, or be, itself is not necessary for access Paradox tables for example! like if when you install Firebird, Interbase (whatever) binarys the RAD Studio until have "dclbde.dcp" in your default installation! for access your old-datas-files like Paradox, for example: (NOT NEEDS BDE AT ALL) in DataExplorer window (right side of your screen), in FireDAC connection, select "ODBC Data Source" ---> it normally is "empty" right-click and create a "NEW CONNECTION", give a name now, the FireDAC Connection appears, use the "Wizard" to create a new "DSN" with the definitions about your database (or folder where the files is in choice create a new DSN choice the drivers referent to data-files, for example: Driver for Microsoft for Paradox (*.db) in save, choice save this file DSN in same folder than your project, for easy access .. ok until "conclude"  all done, you came back to FireDAC Connection, then, just test the connection: click Test button it's done! now, you can use a FDTable or FDQuery to access your tables Happy end! No needs BDE itself for access old data-files, Paradox, DBase, Excell, etc.. NOTE: any component that use FDConnection, in this case, can be used! not needs be FDTable or FDQuery!            hug