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Tasks communication

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I hardly use tasks comm.

A very simple question: is this code right?

if lTask.Comm.Writer.IsFull then
	lLocalLogger.Debug(Format('Task Queue is FULL %s...', [lTask.Name]), lSenderLogTagMain);
	lTask.Comm.Send(WM_RECEIVE_DO, TOmniValue.CastFrom < IBroadcastMessage < TDataPacketBody >>(ABroadcastMessage));


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I try to better explain my problem. I understand the last question was a bit (lot...) stupid 😉

I need to know if the receiver task is alive.

In some cases the receiver task has gone so I continue to send messages to it and I receive this error: "TOmniCommunicationEndpoint.Send: Queue is full"

How can I avoid this problem? I would like to do something like this:

if not MyTask.IsDead then

// or

if WatchDog(MyTask) <> Dead then
// where WatchDog can check the healty of the Task and the MyTask.Comm.Writer.IsFull

Thanks in advance,


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