kvk1989 2 Posted January 20, 2022 (edited) Hi , I'm trying to get gpt partition in listview when i click button it's give me this error My codes procedure TForm1.sButton9Click(Sender: TObject); var st1, st2, st3, st4: Int64; i: Integer; staradr, endadr, sizeadr: string; sList: TStringList; storage: string; begin if (Firehose = '') then // (RawXML = '') or (PathXML = '') then begin Showmessage('Firehose Not Found Please add it'); exit; end; if (not Pos('9008', cbb1.Text) > 0) then begin Showmessage('Port qualcomm not detected '); exit; end; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; Port := Getport(cbb1.Text).Trim; log('Scanning port ', 0, 0); log('Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008' + #13, 0, 1); log('Connect ', 0, 0); log(Trim(cbb1.Text) + #13, clTeal, 1); log('Initialize device ... ' + #13, 0, 0); if not(EmmcDlInfo(Port)) then begin log('Expection : DA already Send Please remove cable and try again ' + #13, clred, 1); Screen.Cursor := 0; exit; end; log('Serial ', 0, 0); log(info.serial + #13, 0, 1); log('MSM ID ', 0, 0); log(info.msmid + #13, 0, 1); log('PKHASH ', 0, 0); log(info.hash + #13, 0, 1); log('SBL ID ', 0, 0); log(info.sblid + #13, 0, 1); log('Initialize successfuly ' + #13, 0, 0); application.ProcessMessages; if (cbb2.ItemIndex = 0) then storage := 'emmc' else storage := 'ufs'; log('Storage Type ', 0, 0); log(uppercase(storage) + #13, 0, 1); application.ProcessMessages; ListGPT := TStringList.Create; sList := TStringList.Create; try if not(EmmcDlGPT(Port, storage, Firehose)) then exit; if ListGPT.Count > 0 then begin application.ProcessMessages; for i := 0 to ListGPT.Count - 1 do begin splitkata(',', ListGPT, sList); st1 := (StrToint64(sList[1]) * 512); st2 := (StrToint64(sList[2]) * 512); st3 := ((st1 + st2) - 1); st4 := Trunc(StrToint64(sList[2]) / 2); staradr := '0x' + IntToHex(st1, 8); endadr := '0x' + IntToHex(st3, 8); sizeadr := intTostr(st4); application.ProcessMessages; ListViewXML(sList, sList + '.img', staradr, endadr, sizeadr, lv1); end; end; log('Information GPT operation successfuly' + #13, 0, 1); finally ListGPT.Free; sList.Free; end; application.ProcessMessages; log('Rebooting ... ', 0, 0); EmmcDlReboot(Port); Screen.Cursor := 0; end; Edited January 20, 2022 by kvk1989 Share this post Link to post
David Heffernan 2364 Posted January 20, 2022 sList[1] is likely the issue because sList contains 1 or fewer items. Use the debugger to confirm. Those calls to ProcessMessages look likely to cause you problems. If.not now, some time in the future. 1 Share this post Link to post