Stano 145 Posted March 15, 2022 Hi, I want to create a component based on TActionToolBar. I want to dynamically create a TActionManager in it. TActionManager to populate TAction. I have this code procedure TjstVstDBNavigator.NewActions; var ItemIndex: Cardinal; ActionBarItem: TActionBarItem; ActionClientItem: TActionClientItem; begin // My code if Assigned(FAcnMan) then FreeAndNil(FAcnMan); FAcnMan := TAcTionManager.Create(Self); FAcnMan.SetSubComponent(True); Self.ActionManager := FAcnMan; FActions.Clear; // Copied code ActionBarItem := FAcnMan.ActionBars.Add; for var IdxActn in FRequiredIdxActn do begin ItemIndex := Ord(TIndexAction(IdxActn)); // Create new action for a menu/ActionToolBar item FActions.Add(TAction.Create(Self)); FActions.Last.Category := 'PopupMenuItems'; .... // Add this action to the Action Manager FActions.Last.ActionList := FAcnMan; // Also add this action to the Action Bar ??? actionClientItem := ActionBarItem.Items.Add; actionClientItem.Action := FActions.Last; end; // My code Self.ActionClient := FAcnMan.ActionBars[0]; end; The buttons are displayed. But only Caption. I want to set the TAction properties as follows (copied from Embt): procedure TjstVstDBNavigator.ApplyShowOnAction; const NoActionToolBar = -1; var Action: TAction; BarItem: TActionBarItem; Client: TActionClientItem; K: Integer; begin for var J := 0 to FAcnMan.ActionBars.Count -1 do // OK begin BarItem := FAcnMan.ActionBars.ActionBars[J]; // I'm done here if BarItem.ActionBar <> nil then begin for K := 0 to BarItem.Items.Count -1 do begin Client := BarItem.Items[K]; if Client.Action <> nil then begin Action := (Client.Action as TAction); if Action <> nil then begin Client.ShowShortCut ...; ... end; I don't have the whole structure in ActionManager. The figure shows the structure created by the ActionManager. I need that. I have no idea how to do it. Share this post Link to post
Stano 145 Posted March 15, 2022 (edited) If I throw this condition if BarItem.ActionBar <> nil then then I'll get it right Edited March 15, 2022 by Stano Share this post Link to post
Stano 145 Posted March 19, 2022 I just pushed the problem. I'll open a test project. I'll run it. I will close the app and the appropriate pas unit. I open the pas unit. I'm getting an error while loading. The reason is that I miss the part in the frame. See picture. I can't do it. Can anyone help me? acttb1.ActionManager := actmgr1; ActionBarItem := actmgr1.ActionBars.Add; for var ItemIndex := 0 to 4 do begin // Create new action for a ActionToolBar item Action := TAction.Create(Self); Action.Category := 'Database'; // Add this action to the Action Manager Action.ActionList := actmgr1; // Also add this action to the ActionBar actionClientItem := ActionBarItem.Items.Add; actionClientItem.Action := Action; end; acttb1.ActionClient := ActionBarItem; acttb1.ActionManager := actmgr1 Share this post Link to post
Pat Foley 53 Posted March 20, 2022 Use ActionManager as in design window and its property editors and sub editors adding stubs to be used like this to connect the events at runtime. procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); const popupmenuitemCaptions: array[0..1] of String=('Action4','frameAction1'); var popupFrameCaption: string; I: Integer; A: TContainedAction; begin for popupFrameCaption in popupmenuitemCaptions do for I := 0 to ActionManager1.ActionCount - 1 do begin A := ActionManager1.Actions[I]; if A.caption = popupFrameCaption then begin A.OnExecute := Frame11.PopupActionBar1.Items[0].OnClick; A.Execute; Break; end; end; end; object ActionManager1: TActionManager ActionBars = < item Items.CaptionOptions = coAll Items = <> ActionBar = ActionToolBar3 end> LinkedActionLists = < item Caption = '(No Name)' end> Images = ImageList1 Left = 722 Top = 172 StyleName = 'Platform Default' object Action4: TAction Category = 'Frame' Caption = 'Action4' ImageIndex = 1 OnExecute = Action4Execute end object DatasetFirst1: TDataSetFirst Category = 'Dataset' Caption = '&First' Hint = 'First' ImageIndex = 0 end end Inspecting the object in design by copying it to notepad shows Images property to possibly set at runtime. Share this post Link to post
Stano 145 Posted March 20, 2022 The problem is gone. Don't know why / how yet. Keep the topic closed. Share this post Link to post
Stano 145 Posted March 20, 2022 The solution, as always, is simple: FAcnMan.ActionBars[0].ActionBar := Self; /// - TActionToolBar Share this post Link to post