msd 5 Posted April 23, 2022 Hello, I'm working now on Latest RAD Studio and I version incompatibility of my source which is generating some unique HardwareID function InternalGetHardwareID(Hdd: AnsiChar): AnsiString; var pdw: pDWord; mc, fl: dword; ID_1: AnsiString; ID_1L: dword; ID_2: Cardinal; ID_3: Cardinal; ID_5: AnsiString; CPUID: TCPUID; I: Integer; AddOn: Longword; TempStr: AnsiString; TempByte: Byte; Index: Integer; FUniqueID: AnsiString; begin Result := ''; FUniqueID := '{61AF17B9-4EDB-4849-93CD-113C14E139F7}'; try New(pdw); GetVolumeInformation(PChar(Hdd + ':'), nil, 0, pdw, mc, fl, nil, 0); ID_1L := pdw^; ID_1 := IntToHex(pdw^, 8); Dispose(pdw); except exit; end; for I := Low(CPUID) to High(CPUID) do CPUID[I] := -1; if IsCPUIDAvailable then begin CPUID := GetCPUID; ID_2 := CPUID[1] + CPUID[2] + CPUID[3] + CPUID[4]; // First chance exception at $7631ED42. Exception class EIntOverflow with message 'Integer overflow' ID_3 := (CPUID[1] shr 12 and 3) * (CPUID[1] shr 8 and $F) * (CPUID[1] shr 4 and $F) * (CPUID[1] and $F); ID_5 := GetCPUVendor; {$WARNINGS OFF} AddOn := Longword(ID_1L + ID_2 * ID_3); for I := 1 to Length(ID_5) do AddOn := (AddOn xor Ord(ID_5[I])); TempStr := IntToHex(AddOn, 8); Index := 1; for I := 1 to Length(TempStr) do begin {$R-} TempByte := ((Ord(TempStr[I]) xor (AddOn div I)) + Ord(ID_1[I])) div 5; {$R+} {$WARNINGS ON} if poUniqueHardwareID in Options then // This is error line begin TempByte := Ord(FUniqueID[Index]) xor TempByte; Inc(Index); if Index > Length(FUniqueID) then Index := 1; end; Result := Result + IntToHex(TempByte, 2); end; if Length(Result) > 16 then Result := Copy(Result, 1, 16); if Length(Result) < 16 then for I := Length(Result) + 1 to 16 do Result := '0' + Result; end else begin if Assigned(FOnUnknownHardware) then FOnUnknownHardware(Self); // This is error line end; end; Share this post Link to post
Dave Nottage 577 Posted April 23, 2022 50 minutes ago, msd said: // This is error line I don't see how that would have ever compiled in that form. Since it's a standalone function, there's no "Self" for it to refer to. Perhaps InternalGetHardwareID was once a method of an object? 2 Share this post Link to post