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FMX Groupbox run-time display issue

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I am not an expert with FireMonkey and I am at a loss how to solve this problem :


Config :  Windows 10 -  Win 32 platform  - RAD STUDIO 10.4.2   Delphi ( Sydney)


I use a few  GroupBoxes that display nicefully in the EDI , like this :




On the contrary at Run time they all show like this, that is with the headers struck out by the very frame of the groupbox  whereas the textstyle is normall :




I tried Groupboxes with other applications  ( Test.dproj with TGroupBox) without any issue at run-time .
I doubt whether this comes from my code because it does not impact the style of the GroupBoxes that remains by default but then what ???
Any idea ?


I join the FMX text defining the groupbox above :


  object GroupBoxRoute: TGroupBox
    StyledSettings = [Family, Size, FontColor, Other]
    Position.X = 424.000000000000000000
    Position.Y = 216.000000000000000000
    Size.Width = 177.000000000000000000
    Size.Height = 153.000000000000000000
    Size.PlatformDefault = False
    Text = 'On Ground'
    TextSettings.Font.StyleExt = {00070000000000000004000000}
    TabOrder = 56
    object Label55: TLabel
      StyledSettings = [Family, Size, FontColor]
      Position.X = 24.000000000000000000
      Position.Y = 32.000000000000000000
      Size.Width = 33.000000000000000000
      Size.Height = 25.000000000000000000
      Size.PlatformDefault = False
      TextSettings.Font.StyleExt = {00070000000000000004000000}
      Text = 'COG'
      TabOrder = 42
    object Label56: TLabel
      StyledSettings = [Family, Size, FontColor]
      Position.X = 24.000000000000000000
      Position.Y = 72.000000000000000000
      Size.Width = 33.000000000000000000
      Size.Height = 25.000000000000000000
      Size.PlatformDefault = False
      TextSettings.Font.StyleExt = {00070000000000000004000000}
      Text = 'SOG'
      TabOrder = 38
    object Label57: TLabel
      StyledSettings = [Family, Size, FontColor]
      Position.X = 128.000000000000000000
      Position.Y = 32.000000000000000000
      Size.Width = 33.000000000000000000
      Size.Height = 25.000000000000000000
      Size.PlatformDefault = False
      TextSettings.Font.StyleExt = {00070000000000000004000000}
      Text = #176
      TabOrder = 41
    object Label58: TLabel
      StyledSettings = [Family, Size, FontColor]
      Position.X = 128.000000000000000000
      Position.Y = 72.000000000000000000
      Size.Width = 33.000000000000000000
      Size.Height = 25.000000000000000000
      Size.PlatformDefault = False
      TextSettings.Font.StyleExt = {00070000000000000004000000}
      Text = 'kts'
      TabOrder = 39
    object EdCOG: TEdit
      Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
      TabOrder = 45
      Text = '0'
      TextSettings.Font.StyleExt = {00070000000000000004000000}
      TextSettings.FontColor = claBlueviolet
      TextSettings.HorzAlign = Center
      Position.X = 72.000000000000000000
      Position.Y = 32.000000000000000000
      Size.Width = 49.000000000000000000
      Size.Height = 21.000000000000000000
      Size.PlatformDefault = False
      StyledSettings = [Family, Size]
    object EdSOG: TEdit
      Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
      TabOrder = 44
      Text = '0'
      TextSettings.Font.StyleExt = {00070000000000000004000000}
      TextSettings.FontColor = claBlueviolet
      TextSettings.HorzAlign = Center
      Position.X = 72.000000000000000000
      Position.Y = 72.000000000000000000
      Size.Width = 49.000000000000000000
      Size.Height = 21.000000000000000000
      Size.PlatformDefault = False
      StyledSettings = [Family, Size]
    object Label59: TLabel
      StyledSettings = [Family, Size, FontColor]
      Position.X = 24.000000000000000000
      Position.Y = 112.000000000000000000
      Size.Width = 49.000000000000000000
      Size.Height = 25.000000000000000000
      Size.PlatformDefault = False
      TextSettings.Font.StyleExt = {00070000000000000004000000}
      Text = 'Drift'
      TabOrder = 36
    object Label60: TLabel
      StyledSettings = [Family, Size, FontColor]
      Position.X = 128.000000000000000000
      Position.Y = 112.000000000000000000
      Size.Width = 33.000000000000000000
      Size.Height = 25.000000000000000000
      Size.PlatformDefault = False
      TextSettings.Font.StyleExt = {00070000000000000004000000}
      Text = #176
      TabOrder = 40
    object EdDeriv: TEdit
      Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
      TabOrder = 43
      Text = '0'
      TextSettings.Font.StyleExt = {00070000000000000004000000}
      TextSettings.FontColor = claBlueviolet
      TextSettings.HorzAlign = Center
      Position.X = 72.000000000000000000
      Position.Y = 112.000000000000000000
      Size.Width = 49.000000000000000000
      Size.Height = 21.000000000000000000
      Size.PlatformDefault = False
      StyledSettings = [Family, Size]





Edited by jptf59

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I have found out the cause of the problem : the documentation of Embarcadero is not complete when it says , you can also use FMX.Types.GlobalUseGPUCanvas with windows.  It should have been added : provided you do not use GroupBoxes ! Neither with Win32 nor Win64 will the GroupBoxes display correctly if FMX.Types.GlobalUseGPUCanvas is set to true.


In my app, one of the units I used (third party) began with an initialization sequence setting the flag to true. Disabling it solved my problem.   We can consider it's a FireMonkey bug, I think.

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