JohnLM 27 Posted November 18, 2022 (edited) Issue/Problem: when deploying an app to android that has the: (camera, json, or barcode components on a form) the app starts up with a black screen flame and hangs and closes down. Has anyone tried the trial version of TMS FNC WX Pack Android? -- link: I have been having a difficult time with the trial version v1.5.1.0 (via Getit) working on my smartphone with Android 10, using Delphi 11.2 Alexandria Professional under Windows 7 and also Windows 10 laptops. The trial version states to set it in release mode (For mobile device deployment, the trial version supports deploying in release mode only) which I have done, but after the app is deployed I still have a black screen with the Delphi flame and it eventually closes whenever click out of the screen. I am hoping that someone with similar experience knows how to resolve this issue. I would really appreciate the help. Thank you. Edited November 19, 2022 by JohnLM I was not happy with my original post. Share this post Link to post
JohnLM 27 Posted November 19, 2022 (edited) Update.. 11-19-2022 Sat 6:18pm 1. I found out that this component pack requires a 64-bit Android and be compiled for 64-bit applications. If your compiler IDE supports 64-bit platforms (i.e., Delphi 11 Alexandria supports 32/64-bit platforms for Android), the apps will compile and deploy to an Android device via the USB cable. 2. Delphi XE7 Professional only supports 32-bit compile/deployment for Android - so compiling and deploying over to Android will result in a black screen display. 3. Delphi 11 Alexandria (Professional) (I have 11.2) supports 32 and 64-bit compile/deployment for Android. For this Trial version component, I have tested short custom-made apps to compile and deploy over to my smartphone (Android 10) under Windows 7 and Windows 10, successfully. In these tests, I only added the FNC WX camera component, and two regular TButtons (for Start camera and Stop camera event functions). And there is no black screen. All the components show as usual in any app created. However, the FNC WX's camera component does not work. There is no video/image displayed. To get this far, I had to add two files to the Libraries folder, for this package on my laptop install, as it was located in my "C:\Users\{your-computer-name}\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\trial\TMSFNCWXPack {RSXE7}\Android Support" folder, and locate and add the following two files into the Libraries section in your IDE: * JavaScriptHelper.jar * FNCWebChromeClient.jar right-click on the yellow [Libraries] folder, shown below, and select Add.. .. and add the two files mentioned above, to it. Once completed, you should see the two files when you click the down-arrow and scroll down, shown below. Create a new project, form, and add the two tbuttons and fnc wx camera component to the form. and add these two code snippets to turn on/off the camera. procedure TForm1.btnStartClick(Sender: TObject); begin cam.Stop; cam.CameraType := wctFront; // or change to wctBack cam.Start; end; procedure TForm1.btnStopClick(Sender: TObject); begin cam.Stop; end; Compile and see what happens in your final product. When I compile and deploy my version to my smartphone (Android 10), and select the Start button, I get no video/image. It is a blank white area, as seen below. I will post an update in another post if I find any additional answers or success. Edited November 20, 2022 by JohnLM Share this post Link to post
JohnLM 27 Posted December 5, 2022 Update.. and Success.. Sorry for the long delay. As it turned out, I had to update my smartphone's Android version from 10 to 12, and now all is working with the trial. However, I've since purchased their product. Share this post Link to post