kvk1989 2 Posted November 30, 2022 procedure TLoaderEngine.ResumePThread; begin ResumeThread(hThread); bProcessSuspended := False; end; { This function Exit the remote process } procedure TLoaderEngine.TerminateRemoteProcess; begin TerminateProcess(hProcess, 0); end; { This function return the state of proces. If suspended it will return true } function TLoaderEngine.CheckIfSuspended : Boolean; begin Result := bProcessSuspended; end; { This function returns the VA (Virtual Address) of desired dll or main process if you wanna find pattern in main process itself you have to put main exe name in ModuleName parameter, else you can put the name of dll } function TLoaderEngine.FindBytesPattern(ModuleName : string; Pattern: array of Byte; Mask: array of Byte; Hits : Integer): DWORD; var PELocation : DWORD; NoOfSections, PESign : Word; SectionHeader : IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER; BaseAddress, SectionStartAddress : DWORD; i, j, k, cnt: Integer; SectionDataBuffer : array of Byte; begin PELocation := 0; NoOfSections := 0; PESign := 0; cnt := 0; Result := 0; ZeroMemory(@SectionHeader, SizeOf(SectionHeader)); BaseAddress := GetRemoteDLLBase(ModuleName); ReadMemory(BaseAddress, PESign, 2); if PESign = $5A4D then begin ReadMemory(BaseAddress + $3C, PELocation, 4); ReadMemory(BaseAddress + PELocation, PESign, 2); if PESign = $4550 then begin ReadMemory(BaseAddress + PELocation + 6, NoOfSections, 2); if NoOfSections > 0 then begin SectionStartAddress := BaseAddress + PELocation + $F8; for i := 1 to NoOfSections do begin Result := 0; j := 0; { Read section header } ReadMemory(SectionStartAddress, SectionHeader, SizeOf(SectionHeader)); { Set Length of array and read data from process } SetLength(SectionDataBuffer, SectionHeader.Misc.VirtualSize); ReadMemory(SectionHeader.VirtualAddress + BaseAddress, SectionDataBuffer[0], SectionHeader.Misc.VirtualSize); { Let's process that data } for k := 0 to (SectionHeader.Misc.VirtualSize - Length(Pattern)) -1 do begin if (SectionDataBuffer[k] = Pattern[j]) or (Mask[j] = 1) then begin Inc(j); if Length(Pattern) = j then begin Inc(cnt); { Check if we found it } if Hits = cnt then begin Result := SectionHeader.VirtualAddress + (k - (Length(Pattern) - 1)) + BaseAddress; Break; end; end; end else j := 0; end; if Result <> 0 then Break; { Process next section } SectionStartAddress := SectionStartAddress + SizeOf(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER); end; end else Result := 0; end else Result := 0; end else Result := 0; end; { This function return handle of process } function TLoaderEngine.GetProcessHandle : THandle; begin Result := hProcess; end; { This function return handle of thread } function TLoaderEngine.GetThreadHandle: THandle; begin Result := hThread; end; { This function will stop the program here until it finds a newly created window of Target or until it hits the timeout. } function TLoaderEngine.WaitTillFirstWindow(Timeout: Integer) : Boolean; var TimeoutCounter : Integer; begin TimeoutCounter := 0; bEnumWindow := False; { Loop for checking EnumWindows } while not bEnumWindow do begin EnumWindows(@EnumWindowsProc, 0); Inc(TimeoutCounter); if TimeoutCounter div 100 = Timeout then begin Break; end; end; Result := bEnumWindow; end; { This function return the base address of loaded dll in Remote process. If function fails returns 0 } function TLoaderEngine.GetRemoteDLLBase(DLLName : string) : DWORD; var cbNeeded, DLLPathSize : DWORD; DLLPath : string; hModP : PHMODULE; hMods : array of HMODULE; Filename : array[0..MAX_PATH-1] of Char; i : Integer; begin EnumProcessModules(hProcess, nil, 0, cbNeeded); Result := 0; if cbNeeded <= 0 then Exit; //Alloc memory for storing hMods SetLength(hMods, cbNeeded div sizeof(HMODULE)); ZeroMemory(@hMods[0], SizeOf(hMods)); hModP := @hMods[0]; if EnumProcessModules(hProcess, hModP, cbNeeded, cbNeeded) then begin for i := 0 to Length(hMods)-1 do begin ZeroMemory(@Filename[0], Length(Filename)*2); DLLPathSize := Length(Filename); if GetMappedFileName(hProcess, Pointer(hMods[i]), @Filename[0],DLLPathSize) > 0 then begin //do nothing end else begin // just another trick to retrive dll path GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, hMods[i], @Filename[0], DLLPathSize); end; //make both text in lowercase just for case sensitive //if DLLname found in DLLpath break the loop and return Base of DLL DLLPath := LowerCase(Filename); DLLName := LowerCase(DLLName); if Pos(DLLName, DLLPath) > 0 then begin Result := hMods[i]; Break; end; end; end else Result := 0; end; { This function alloct memory in remote process, if this function fail it will return nil as result } function TLoaderEngine.AllocMemory(Size: NativeUInt) : Pointer; begin Result := VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, nil, Size, MEM_COMMIT or MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); end; { This function free memory in which is alloct by AllocMemory } function TLoaderEngine.DeAllocMemory(Memory: Pointer) : Boolean; begin if VirtualFreeEx(hProcess, Memory, 0, MEM_RELEASE) then Result := True else Result := false; end; { Destructor of TLoaderEngine class } destructor TLoaderEngine.Destroy; begin inherited; CloseHandle(hProcess); CloseHandle(hThread); end; end. Hi can someone help me to make it on gui thanks ! Here is link of. This code https://github.com/GautamGreat/LoaderEngine Share this post Link to post
Remy Lebeau 1468 Posted November 30, 2022 (edited) 12 hours ago, kvk1989 said: Hi can someone help me to make it on gui thanks ! I'm not sure what you are asking for exactly. Are you asking for someone to make a GUI frontend for your code? Or, do you want to write to memory of an external GUI program? Writing to a process's memory is the title of this discussion thread, but your code is not attempting to do that. So your question seems to be about something else entirely. Please clarify. Edited November 30, 2022 by Remy Lebeau 1 Share this post Link to post
kvk1989 2 Posted November 30, 2022 5 hours ago, Remy Lebeau said: I'm not sure what you are asking for exactly. Are you asking for someone to make a GUI frontend for your code? Or, do you want to write to memory of an external GUI program? Writing to a process's memory is the title of this discussion thread, but your code is not attempting to do that. So your question seems to be about something else entirely. Please clarify. Hi I attach a github link (loader engine) unit Loader_Engine; I just want to add these code on external gui program ! Thanks ! Share this post Link to post
Remy Lebeau 1468 Posted December 1, 2022 18 hours ago, kvk1989 said: Hi I attach a github link (loader engine) unit Loader_Engine; There is no link (not that it matters, I didn't ask for the code, I asked you to clarify your question). 18 hours ago, kvk1989 said: I just want to add these code on external gui program ! That doesn't clarify anything. My earlier question still stands. Share this post Link to post