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Juan C.Cilleruelo

Creation of TPythonDelphiVar on-the-fly don't works as expected.

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I'm having the following problem with TPythonDelphiVar component.

I use the next method to create one instance of this component on-the-fly:

function TForm1.NewVariable(AVarName :string):TPythonDelphiVar;
   Result := TPythonDelphiVar.Create(nil);
   Result.Engine    := PythonEngine;
   Result.Module    := '__main__';
   Result.VarName   := AVarName;

I have a Private variable declared in the TForm1class, like this:

    FVariable :TPythonDelphiVar;

And I use the next code to create on-the-fly my variable QUANTITY:

FVariable := NewVariable('QUANTITY');
FVariable.Value := 1.0;

All seems ok, but when I execute the program, and I try to print the value of QUANTITY:

(Phyton script).


I get the following message error in a message error window: "NameError: 'QUANTITY' is not defined. " 

And in the output memo of the PythonEngine, the next one:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 13, in <module>
NameError: name 'QUANTITY' is not defined

I can't understand why creating the TPythonDelphiVar on-the-fly doesn't work while creating the same component in design time works well. 

Do you understand what the problem is?

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The same problem with the class TPythonModule.  If I create in visual form, including it on a form, it works well. If I create it on the fly, the next statements 


FPythonModule.AddDelphiMethod('ComponentCount', ComponentCount, 'ComponentCount');
FPythonModule.AddDelphiMethod('GetPRICE'      , GetPRICE      , 'GetPRICE'      );


run, but when I try to use ComponentCount in my Python Script, does not exist. 


what's happening?   


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Hello Juan, Do you have fixed this issue or do you have another solution?


Regards Andreas

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If you create an Engine client (e.g. TPythonDelphiVar TPythonModule) after the engine is initialized, you should call the client Initialize method.   If the client is created before the engine is initialized, you should not call Initialize.

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Hello @Juan C.Cilleruelo and @AndreasSt, I had the same issue and managed to retrieve the TPythonDelphiVar like this.

function TPythonViewModel.GetDelphiVar: string;
  PyResult: PPyObject;
  FPythonDelphiVar.Engine := FPythonEngine;
  FPythonDelphiVar.Module := '__main__';
  FPythonDelphiVar.VarName := 'DelphiVar';

  FPythonEngine.ExecString('DelphiVar ="Hello"');
  PyResult := FPythonEngine.EvalString('DelphiVar');
  if PyResult <> nil then
    Result := FPythonEngine.PyObjectAsString(PyResult)
    Result := 'Error: EvalString returned nil';
Edited by Paschalis

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