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Log an error: [api] No implementation found for http method GET

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It happens that a method is called that does not exist. Then I get the error message "[api] No implementation found for http method GET".
Is there a way to write the called method and this parameters to a log?




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Dear Kostas,

firstly I want to apologize not being much available these months. I've been very busy and many things fell behind.


The easiest way to log errors in MARS is to provide an InvokeError handler:


      procedure (const AActivation: IMARSActivation; const AException: Exception; var AHandled: Boolean)
        CodeSite.SendError('Error: ' + AException.Message + ' Path: ' + AActivation.URL.Path);


There is an (empty) example of this in Server.Ignition.pas unit of the MARSTemplate (Demos folder).


Hope this helps!





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