Guest Posted March 20, 2023 (edited) Hi All, I am using the TFtpClient ICS component with Delphi 7 under Win7. The files upload are OK but when I download files I get : 1 - image zero size (jpeg or png) 2 - word document file is empty (zero size) 3 - pdf file is OK UPDATE: pdf was OK and know no (don't understand) On the site images and documents files are corrects (???) I wonder if it is a corrupt files......... Can you please help me to solve this problem ? Thank you Regards, Here is my code Function FtpDownLoadFile(FHost: String;FUserName: String;FPassword: String;F_FileName: String;F_FromHostDir,F_LocalDir : String ):Boolean; var FTP:TFtpClient; begin Result:=False; FTP:=TFtpClient.Create(nil); try FTP.HostName := FHost; FTP.Username := FUserName; FTP.Password :='xxx';// FPassword; FTP.Timeout:= ftpTimeOut; FTP.LocalFileName := F_LocalDir+'\'+F_FileName; FTP.HostDirName := F_FromHostDir; FTP.HostFileName := F_FileName; FTP.Binary := TRUE; FTP.Passive := TRUE; if not FTP.Connected then FTP.Connect; FTP.Get; finally If Assigned(FTP) then FTP.Free; Result:=True; end; end; Edited March 20, 2023 by Guest Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted March 20, 2023 Forgot to tell that I use OverbyteIcsFtpServ demo for uploading files Regards, Share this post Link to post
Fr0sT.Brutal 901 Posted March 21, 2023 Did you even look at FTP client demo? You're using it fundamentally wrong. ICS is asynchronous - this means you start an action and wait for some events to happen Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 591 Posted March 21, 2023 Most ICS high level protocol components provide both sync and async methods, the former are often easier to work with for many applications. Impossible to say why the presented code is not working, since there are no given parameters or any logging of what the component actually does. It is also the old way to create FTP applications. You should build the sample OverbyteIcsXferTst.dpr which uses the modern TIcsFtpMulti component. Look at the Single FTP tab and the doFtpDown1Click method which shows how to download a single file, although it is just as easy to tell it to download a complete directory structure of thousands of files, I appreciate OverbyteIcsXferTst.dpr is a complex sample illustrating several different components, I'll do a simple FTP snippet later today. Angus Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted March 21, 2023 (edited) Before I used that code directly from the component and not creating if not FtpClient1.Connected then FtpClient1.OpenAsync else try FtpClient1.GetAsync; Result:=true; except Result:=false; Screen.Cursor:=crDefault; end; So I used asynchronous and the downloaded files are corrects but I can dowload only one file until I restart either the application or the server so I changed the method instead of asynchronous and can download files at time but with empty files as explained in the previous post The code for the RequestDone (frm the demo) is: procedure FtpClient1RequestDone(Sender: TObject; RqType: TFtpRequest; ErrCode: Word); begin if ((RqType = ftpGetAsync) or (RqType = ftpRenameAsync) or (RqType = ftpDeleteAsync) or (RqType = ftpRenAsync) or (RqType = ftpListAsync) or (RqType = ftpConnectAsync) ) then begin if RqType = ftpConnectAsync then begin If (ErrCode<>0) then begin MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); MessageDlg(Server stopped',mtInformation,[mbOk],0); abort; end; end; if ErrCode = 0 then begin // MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); // MessageDlg('File received recu ' ,mtInformation,[mbOk],0); // FtpClient1.Quit; exit; end else If ((ErrCode=10061) or (ErrCode=500)) then begin Screen.Cursor:=crDefault; MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); MessageDlg('Connection refused or service stopped ',mtInformation,[mbOk],0); abort; end; begin MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); MessageDlg('Failed (Error ' +IntToStr(ErrCode) + ') ' ,mtInformation,[mbOk],0); abort; end; If ((ErrCode=10061) or (ErrCode=500)) then begin MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); MessageDlg('Connection refused or service stopped',mtInformation,[mbOk],0); abort; end; end else begin if ErrCode <> 0 then begin MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); MessageDlg('Error #' + IntToStr(ErrCode),mtInformation,[mbOk],0); If ((ErrCode=10061) or (ErrCode=500)) then begin Screen.Cursor:=crDefault; MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); MessageDlg('Connection refused or service stopped',mtInformation,[mbOk],0); end; Exit; end; end; try case RqType of ftpOpenAsync: FtpClient1.User; ftpUserAsync: FtpClient1.Pass; ftpPassAsync: FtpClient1.Cwd; ftpCwdAsync: FtpClient1.TypeSet; ftpConnectAsync: begin exit; end; ftpTypeSetAsync: begin // if FtpClient1.Tag=2 then GetFile(fLocalFileName,fHostFileName,fLocalDirName,'get'); // if FtpClient1.Tag=3 then GetFile(fLocalFileName,fHostFileName,fHostFileName,'rename'); exit; end; ftpQuitAsync: FtpClient1.Quit; else Begin // MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); // MessageDlg('Unexpected RqType ' + IntToStr(Ord(RqType)),mtInformation,[mbOk],0); // ResultsListBox.Items.Add('Unexpected RqType ' + IntToStr(Ord(RqType))); end; end; except on E:Exception do begin MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); MessageDlg( E.Message ,mtInformation,[mbOk],0); end; end; end; Thanks Edited March 21, 2023 by Guest Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted March 21, 2023 (edited) I simplified and corrected the code using asynchronous methods writing in the RequestDone event of the component and now I can download multiple files at the time with the corrects sizes but the problem now the server seems to be looping (writing through the memo) waiting for something maybe a closing connection (even I do FtpClient1.QuitAsync; without result) and I cannot close the window of the application using the close button (X) until I stop the service. Thanks you for the help procedure TDM1.FtpClient1RequestDone(Sender: TObject; RqType: TFtpRequest;ErrCode: Word); begin if ErrCode <> 0 then begin MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); MessageDlg('Error #' + IntToStr(ErrCode),mtInformation,[mbOk],0); If ((ErrCode=10061) or (ErrCode=500)) then begin Screen.Cursor:=crDefault; MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); MessageDlg('Service stopped',mtInformation,[mbOk],0); end; Exit; end; try case RqType of ftpOpenAsync: FtpClient1.User; ftpUserAsync: FtpClient1.Pass; ftpPassAsync: FtpClient1.Cwd; ftpCwdAsync: FtpClient1.TypeSet; ftpConnectAsync: begin exit; end; ftpTypeSetAsync: begin GetFile(fLocalFileName,fHostFileName,fLocalDirName,'get'); exit; end; ftpGetAsync: begin GetFile(fLocalFileName,fHostFileName,fLocalDirName,'get'); exit; end; ftpRenameAsync: begin // end; ftpDeleteAsync: begin // end; ftpQuitAsync: FtpClient1.QuitAsync; else Begin // end; end; except on E:Exception do begin MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); MessageDlg( E.Message ,mtInformation,[mbOk],0); end; end; end; Procedure GetFile procedure TDM1.GetFile(LocalFileName,HostFileName, LocalDirName,CommandType: string); begin if CommandType='get' then begin FtpClient1.LocalFileName := Trim(fLocalDirName) + '\' +fLocalFileName; FtpClient1.HostFileName := fLocalFileName; FtpClient1.GetAsync; end; end; Code for the connection FtpClient1.HostName := fHostName; FtpClient1.UserName :=fUserName; FtpClient1.PassWord :='xxxxxx'; FtpClient1.HostDirName :=fHostDirName; FtpClient1.LocalFileName:=fLocalFileName; FtpClient1.TimeOut :=ftpTimeOut; FtpClient1.Binary := TRUE; FtpClient1.Passive := TRUE; if not FtpClient1.Connected then FtpClient1.OpenAsync else try FtpClient1.GetAsync; Result:=true; except Result:=false; Screen.Cursor:=crDefault; exit; end; Edited March 21, 2023 by Guest Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted March 22, 2023 Sorry I don't see the tag SOLVED so it 's solved Thanks for all and have a good day Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 591 Posted March 22, 2023 Uses OverbyteIcsWsocket, OverbyteIcsFtpcli, OverbyteIcsFileCopy, OverbyteIcsFtpMulti; procedure TSnippets.AddLogText(const Line: String); begin LogWin.Lines.Add(Line); end; procedure TSnippets.onXferEvent (LogLevel: TIcsCopyLogLevel ; Info: string ; var Cancel: boolean) ; begin if (LogLevel = LogLevelInfo) or (LogLevel = LogLevelFile) then begin AddLogText (Info) ; LabelProgress.Caption := Info ; end ; if (LogLevel = LogLevelProg) then begin if Info <> '' then LabelProgress.Caption := 'Progress: ' + Info else LabelProgress.Caption := '' ; end ; if (LogLevel = LogLevelDiag) and ShowDiags.Checked then AddLogText (Info) ; if AbortFlag then Cancel := true ; end; procedure TSnippets.doFtpDownOneFileClick(Sender: TObject); var FtpMultiClient: TIcsFtpMulti ; taskres: TIcsTaskResult ; myftppath, myftpfile, myfiletarget: String; myftphost, myftpusername, myftppassword: String; myftptype: TFtpType; myfilereplace: TIcsFileCopyRepl; begin // parameters for the single FTP download operation myftppath := '/testing' ; // FTP server path for file myftpfile := ''; // FTP file to download myfiletarget := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(DirTemp.Text) + myftpfile; // where we download to myftphost := '' ; // supports IPv4 and IPv6 myftpusername := 'anonymous' ; // no uploads myftppassword := 'icssnippets' ; myftptype := FtpTypeAuthSslBoth; // or FtpTypeNone, FtpTypeConnSslBoth (no SSL or only SSL) myfilereplace := FCReplAlways; // or FCReplNever, FCReplNewer // create component and events to see progress FtpMultiClient := TIcsFtpMulti.Create (self) ; FtpMultiClient.CopyEvent := onXferEvent ; doFtpDownOneFile.Enabled := false ; AbortFlag := false ; LabelProgress.Caption := '' ; try try // essential FTP parameters FtpMultiClient.SocketFamily := sfIPv4; // or sfIPv6 or sfAny FtpMultiClient.HostName1 := myftphost ; FtpMultiClient.FtpType := myftptype ; FtpMultiClient.UserName := myftpusername ; FtpMultiClient.PassWord := myftppassword ; FtpMultiClient.MaxAttempts := 2 ; // logon attempts, may try IPv6 then IPv4 FtpMultiClient.FailRepeat := 2 ; // retries for failed xfers FtpMultiClient.PassiveX := True ; // must be after connection type FtpMultiClient.FtpSslVerMethod := ftpSslVerBundle; // or ftpSslVerNone to skip checking certificates FtpMultiClient.FtpSslReportChain := False; // true to list SSL certificates FtpMultiClient.SrcDir := '/' ; // required FtpMultiClient.BulkMode := BulkModeDownload ; // required // connect, login, get features taskres := FtpMultiClient.FtpLogon ; if taskres = TaskResOKNew then begin taskres := FtpMultiClient.FtpDownOneFile (myftppath, myftpfile, myfiletarget, myfilereplace) ; end ; AddLogText ('Task Result: ' + IcsGetTaskResName (taskres)) ; AddLogText (FtpMultiClient.ReqResponse) ; except AddLogText ('FTP Error - ' + IcsGetExceptMess (ExceptObject)) ; end ; finally FtpMultiClient.FtpLogoff ; FreeAndNil (FtpMultiClient) ; LabelProgress.Caption := 'FTP Completed' ; doFtpDownOneFile.Enabled := true ; end ; end; This code is from a new ICS snippets application that has simple examples of many common ICS tasks, this one downloads a single file using SSL from one of my public FTP servers, using the modern TIcsFtpMulti component. It only needs a couple more properties and it will download multiple directories of files. Angus Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted March 22, 2023 Thanks you very much for the Angus Robertson but it is enough complicated, anyway I will try to undertand it Have a good day Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 591 Posted March 22, 2023 Much of my code is similar to yours, except it uses different methods that do vastly more complicated things than the simple methods in the older component. Just build it and run it, with a log window, and it will just download a file. Or you can run the OverbyteIcsXferTst.dpr sample that does the same thing. It will be in SVN in a few days when I've done more snippets. Angus Share this post Link to post