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Delphi WebBrowser Display Problem

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Dear all,


I have a problem with the display of HTML code in the Delphi Webbrowser.


Following problem:

If I write html code that includes an image, then the image is not displayed in Delphi, I only see a cross. But the html file is being displayed correctly in a normal browser.

However, If I use a website like WordToHtml Converter, and take that html code, than the image is displayed correctly in Delphi. Both Html codes are identical, with the difference that the source of the image is then coming from that converter website.. I do not really  understand what the problem is. The formatting is displayed correctly.


My Delphi code to display html code looks like this:


// Load HTML File and Display it in WBBROWSER
procedure TForm1.LoadHtmlCode(var filename:string);
   Doc: Variant;

   textfile2:TextFile; // html file


    // Load Htmlcode from File

    // init

    AssignFile(textfile2, filename);

    while not eof(textfile2) do
          readln(textfile2, temp);


    if NOT Assigned(wbBrowser.Document) then

    // Display HTML Code
    Doc := wbBrowser.Document;
    Doc.DesignMode := 'Off';

    DO Application.ProcessMessages;

    wbBrowser.OleObject.Document.bgColor := '#000000';


And my simple HTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<p style='margin-top:0cm;margin-right:0cm;margin-bottom:0cm;margin-left:0cm;line-height:107%;font-size:15px;font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif;text-align:justify;'><span data-darkreader-inline-color="" style="font-size: 29px; line-height: 107%; font-family: Corbert; color: white; --darkreader-inline-color: #e8e6e3;">blablabla.</span></p>

<img src="img/Antenne.png" height="80" width="50">




Many thanks

Enjoy your day


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Well, the image source file is specified using a relative path. But what is it relative to? If you open a HTML file in a web browser the path is relative to the folder the HTML file resides in, if you serve the HTML from a web server it is relative to the folder defined as root for the web page. If you load the HTML directly into a TWebbrowser it may be relative to the current directory as seen by the running program.

As a test set the current directory in the program to the folder that contains the img subfolder, using the System.IOUtils.TDirectory.SetCurrentDirectory method, before loading the HTML string. Oh, and forget the old file functions, TFile from System.IOUtils has ReadAllText method that does the job in one line...

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Oh thanks Peter!!

Makes totally sense- it works now !

And cheers for the ReadAllText, didn't knew that one, makes life simple 🙂


Another question:

I try to hide the scrollbars. My html document is only a few sentences such that no scrolling is needed, however the bar is still there. Even after

adding the following code AFTER loading my html page

  // hide scrollbar
  wbBrowser.OleObject.Document.Body.Style.OverflowX := 'hidden';
  wbBrowser.OleObject.Document.Body.Style.OverflowY := 'hidden';

Is there another possibility?


Edited by scienceguy

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23 hours ago, scienceguy said:

Another question:

I try to hide the scrollbars. My html document is only a few sentences such that no scrolling is needed, however the bar is still there. Even after

adding the following code AFTER loading my html page

Sorry, I cannot help you with that; my knowledge of TWebBrowser is pretty basic.

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