tinyBigGAMES 67 Posted May 3, 2023 Integrate with OpenAI's ChatGPT API seamlessly from Delphi. Features Easily access the GPT API from a single class Supports both GPT3 and GPT4 models API key can be read from ChatGPTApiKey environment variable if defined Automatically sanitizes input to minimize errors Ability to define proxy settings Adjust personality response with a precision range of 0-1, from precise to creative Stream responses just like in the ChatGPT web interface Usage Get your API Key: https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys Define environment variable ChatGPTApiKey and assigned your API key. You may have to reboot your machine for it to take effect. // Basic example showing how to query ChatGPT uses AskChatGPT; var LChat: TAskChatGPT; begin LChat := TAskChatGPT.Create; try // set chat params LChat.Model := GPT3; // use the GPT3 model, or GPT4 for the GPT4 model LChat.Creative := 1; // 0-1, 0 being most percise and 1 being most creative // ask question LChat.Question := 'What is Delphi?' // print question PrintLn('Q: %s', [LChat.Question]); // process and print response if LChat.Process then PrintLn('A: %s', [LChat.Response]); finally LChat.Free; end; end; Media Download https://github.com/tinyBigGAMES/AskChatGPT 4 Share this post Link to post