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Change "FadeOut" code to "FadeIn" code

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You can't do the fade-in from the constructor because the form isn't visible at that point.


  1. Create the form.
  2. Set MasterAlpha=0
  3. Show the form
  4. Fade in

I suggest you simply override ShowScreen:

procedure TGameBaseScreen.ShowScreen;
  ScreenImg.Bitmap.MasterAlpha := 0;
  inherited; // Form is made visible here

And there was an endless loop in the Fade in method. This one works:

procedure TGameBaseScreen.FadeIn;
  EndTickCount: Cardinal;
  TickCount: Cardinal;
  Progress: Integer;
  Alpha, LastAlpha: integer;
  MAX_TIME = 1000; // mS
  ScreenImg.Bitmap.DrawMode := dmBlend; // So MasterAlpha is used to draw the bitmap

  TickCount := GetTickCount;
  EndTickCount := TickCount + MAX_TIME;
  LastAlpha := -1;

  while (TickCount <= EndTickCount) do
    Progress := Min(TickCount - (EndTickCount - MAX_TIME), MAX_TIME);

    Alpha := MulDiv(255, Progress, MAX_TIME);

    if (Alpha <> LastAlpha) then
      ScreenImg.Bitmap.MasterAlpha := Alpha;

      LastAlpha := Alpha;
    end else

    TickCount := GetTickCount;
  ScreenImg.Bitmap.MasterAlpha := 255;


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@Anders - Brilliant! This last one worked a treat. I copied in the ShowScreen procedure as an override and it works great for all screens except the play screen (in this case, it fades from white instead of black). However, I also noticed that the latest version of the FadeOut procedure (the one from the PR) also fades to white on the play screen.


So, I'm guessing that this is because FadeIn and FadeOut use MasterAlpha, and somewhere in the Lemmix codebase the background of the play screen is set to white, but I could be wrong. I'll look into this more tomorrow. Thanks again, it's taken a long time to get anywhere with this!

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