DelphiRio 4 Posted March 29, 2019 (edited) I would like to draw something like this: Thank you very much Edited March 29, 2019 by DelphiRio Share this post Link to post
Anders Melander 1861 Posted March 30, 2019 And have you looked at the Polygon and Gradient examples? Share this post Link to post
jbWishmaster 2 Posted March 30, 2019 (edited) function Build_RoundRect(Radius : TFloat; Rec: TFloatRect; BorderWidth : TFloat ): TArrayOfFloatPoint; var FRec : TFloatRect; begin FRec.Left:= Rec.Left + 0.5 * BorderWidth; FRec.Top:= Rec.Top + 0.5 * BorderWidth; FRec.Right:= Rec.Right - 0.5 * BorderWidth; FRec.Bottom:= Rec.Bottom - 0.5 * BorderWidth; Result:= RoundRect(FRec, Radius); end; procedure Draw_GradientLinear(Dst : TBitmap32; StartPoint, EndPoint: TFloatPoint; Outline : TArrayOfFloatPoint; Colors : TGradColors); var FFilter : TLinearGradientPolygonFiller; FPolys : TArrayOfArrayOfFloatPoint; begin FFilter := TLinearGradientPolygonFiller.Create(); try Setlength(FPolys, 0); FPolys:= PolyPolygon(Outline); FFilter.StartPoint:= StartPoint; FFilter.EndPoint:= EndPoint; FFilter.WrapMode:= wmClamp;// TWrapMode(1); FFilter.Gradient.ClearColorStops; FFilter.Gradient.StartColor:= Color32(Colors[1]); FFilter.Gradient.EndColor:= Color32(Colors[2]); PolyPolygonFS(Dst, FPolys, FFilter, pfWinding); finally FFilter.Free; Setlength(FPolys, 0); end; end; //---------------------------------------------------------- TGradColors = Array of TColor; TGradPosition = Array [1..2] of TFloat; TGradientStyle = (gsLinearV, gsLinearH, .......) procedure TjbGradient.PaintTo(Dst: TBitmap32; R: TRect); var Buffer : TBitmap32; Colors : TGradColors; Position : TGradPosition; Center : TFloatPoint; Radius : TFloat; Angle : TFloat; CenterPoint : TFloatPoint; FOutline : TArrayOfFloatPoint; StartPoint, EndPoint: TFloatPoint; FRect : TFloatRect; begin if IsRectEmpty(R) then exit; FRect:= FloatRect(R); Buffer := TBitmap32.Create; Buffer.SetSize(R.Width, R.Height); Buffer.ResetAlpha; Buffer.MasterAlpha := FAlpha; Buffer.DrawMode := dmBlend; Buffer.Clear(0); FOutline:= Build_RoundRect(RoundRadius, FRect, 1); if Length(FOutline) = 0 then exit; case FGradStyle of gsLinearV: begin SetLength(Colors, 3); Colors[1]:= ColorFrom; Colors[2]:= ColorTo; StartPoint.X:= 0; StartPoint.Y:= FRect.Top; EndPoint.X:= 0; EndPoint.Y:= FRect.Bottom; Draw_GradientLinear(Buffer, StartPoint, EndPoint, FOutline, Colors); Buffer.DrawTo(Dst, 0, 0); end; gsLinearH: begin SetLength(Colors, 3); Colors[1]:= ColorFrom; Colors[2]:= ColorTo; StartPoint.X:= FRect.Left; StartPoint.Y:= 0; EndPoint.X:= FRect.Right; EndPoint.Y:= 0; Draw_GradientLinear(Buffer, StartPoint, EndPoint, FOutline, Colors); Buffer.DrawTo(Dst, 0, 0); end; end ... it's just a small snippet I hope it helps. Edited March 30, 2019 by jbWishmaster Share this post Link to post
DelphiRio 4 Posted March 30, 2019 @jbWishmaster Thank you very much. @Anders Melander I opened GradSampler, changed the code to: // ... FOutline := RoundRect(FloatRect(20, 20, 200, 200), 3); // ... procedure TFrmGradientSampler.PaintBox32PaintBuffer(Sender: TObject); begin //... Renderer.Filler := nil; Renderer.Color := clRed32; Renderer.PolyPolygonFS(BuildPolyPolyline(PolyPolygon(FOutline), True, 1, jsRound, esRound)); //... end; The border is not RED and larger than 1px (see the screenshot - zoom in version). How to get it draw same to (I mean the border quality) : Thank you very much Share this post Link to post
jbWishmaster 2 Posted March 30, 2019 (edited) try the following code, it works for me. procedure Draw_PannelFrame_Flat_Rounded(Dst : TBitmap32; R: TRect; Sides : TSides; Color : TColor32; PenStyle: TPenStyle; StrokeWidth : Single = 1; Radius : Integer = 6) ; var Points : TArrayOfFloatPoint; Dashes : TArrayOfFloat; FRect : TFloatRect; begin FRect:= FloatRect(R); case PenStyle of psSolid: begin Points:= Build_RoundRect(Radius, FRect, StrokeWidth * 1); PolyPolylineFS(Dst, PolyPolygon(Points), Color, True, StrokeWidth * 1, jsMiter, esSquare); end; psDash: begin // Dashes := MakeArrayOfFloat([10, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]); Dashes := MakeArrayOfFloat([6, 2, 6, 2]); Points:= Build_RoundRect(Radius, FRect, StrokeWidth * 1); DashLineFS(Dst, Points, Dashes, Color, True, StrokeWidth * 1); end; psDot: begin Dashes := MakeArrayOfFloat([2, 2, 2, 2]); Points:= Build_RoundRect(Radius, FRect, StrokeWidth * 1); DashLineFS(Dst, Points, Dashes, Color, True, StrokeWidth * 1); end; psDashDot: begin Dashes := MakeArrayOfFloat([6, 2, 2, 2]); Points:= Build_RoundRect(Radius, FRect, StrokeWidth * 1); DashLineFS(Dst, Points, Dashes, Color, True, StrokeWidth * 1); end; psDashDotDot: begin Dashes := MakeArrayOfFloat([10, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]); Points:= Build_RoundRect(Radius, FRect, StrokeWidth * 1); DashLineFS(Dst, Points, Dashes, Color, True, StrokeWidth * 1); end; psClear: ; psInsideFrame: begin Points:= Build_RoundRect(Radius, FRect, StrokeWidth * 1); PolyPolylineFS(Dst, PolyPolygon(Points), Color, True, StrokeWidth * 1); end; psUserStyle: ; psAlternate: ; end; end; Edited March 30, 2019 by jbWishmaster 1 Share this post Link to post