magic2000 0 Posted May 26, 2023 I want to report a problem that will occur if you sent an email with an attachment (ICS v8.68). In my opinion, the Content-Transfer-Encoding should be "8bit" Some mail client handle this per "autocorrection", some clients do not. ... This is a multipart MIME message. --= Multipart Boundary 0526231338 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit asdfÄÖÄ ... Here is "my" fix for this, I think there will be no side effects. Unfortunately, it can not be handeled by trigger events. OverByteIcsSmtpProt.pas ... function TSmtpMessageText.SetText( ... else begin FWrapText := FALSE; FTransferEncoding := smtpEnc8bit; //instead of smptEnc7bit FCurrentIdx := 0; end; ... Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 577 Posted May 26, 2023 That particular code segment is only used if you send a blank message, there are lots of lines just above it relating to setting FTransferEncoding to that specified in DefaultEncoding based on checking the actual text. So it's more likely you are not setting DefaultEncoding to smtpEnc8bit and Allow8Bit to true before sending email. Angus Share this post Link to post