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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/18 in Posts

  1. We at PowerArchiver got hit thursday afternoon. At first, google search console did not show much info, so we were not sure what was happening, but soon after all of our pages and downloads were blocked via Chrome and Firefox for most users. I know Beyond Compare was hit as well, and one of their installers is still tagged. From little we can find out by our own analysis: - Might be based on bad heuristics that is tagging many Inno Setups - Only 2 inno setup based installers were tagged, 7-8 others on same page were not including Inno and MSI. One of them was portable installer that just copied either x86 or x64 files to your folder. So it cant be doing anything smart to analyze installers. - Certificate was fine. We contacted Digicert, they told us certificate is valid, no complains and they even re-issued a new one. - By morning next day, every file signed by our certificate was blocked by Chrome and Firefox as dangerous, no matter what it was. - We deleted executables specified in our search console report and put up MSI based installer - Review passed after that (took 10 hrs) - At the same time we tried personal connections to many people at Chrome and Google security team. Might have helped as well as our previous installers were not tagged anymore. But it is a weekend, and we have not received any feedback directly. In this new world when company controlling 75% of the Internet can block software vendors with over 20 years of business experience and trusted publisher by all Antivirus companies with whitelisting service setup, and give you no way to even complain about "unwanted software" or explain the problems, we are now afraid to use anything open source that can be misused by someone else, such as Inno Setup or Nullsoft Installer. We are looking to switch to only commercial MSI based installer but there are features we need: 1. Bundle x86 and x64 in same bootstrapper. (MSI by default cant) 2. Multiple language support for bootstrapper (MSI by default cant) We used to use AI exclusively, and it is great looking with advanced boot strapper but we have had issues that users reported that could never be reproduced by us and AI team, which lead to us to start using much simpler Inno Setup. Anyone has any suggestions with something they deployed to 100,000 of users with above features? I know InstallAware has those, but it does not look too professional. Installshield Express might be safe bet, but not sure if it has all the features? Thanks!
  2. The dxGetText installer available from SourceForge has been quite outdated for a while. Via this StackOverflow answer I got this link, where somebody actually went through the trouble to update the tools and create ... https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/12/02/using-dxgettext-on-windows-10/
  3. If you are maintaining a library, component or plugin for various Delphi versions you will sooner or later hit a point where it becomes necessary to have different code for some of them. Some examples are: The constants faTemporary and faSymlink are only declared in Delphi 2009 and later, so you have to declare them yourself for older versions. Some Open Tools API function have bugs in some versions so you have to implement a workaround. Some classes or functions have been added to later versions of the RTL so you need to implement them yourself for older versions, but you don’t want to use these implementations for newer versions The traditional way of masking code for some Delphi versions is using the VERxxx symbols which the compiler defines, where xxx is the compiler version multiplied by 10. Note that the compiler versions started with Turbo Pascal, not with ... https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/12/02/conditional-compilation-for-various-delphi-versions/
  4. I have just uploaded the second beta version of GExperts 1.3.12 for Delphi 10.3 Rio. NOTE: This is still a BETA! Also note that this is for Delphi 10.3 Rio only. It won’t work with any other versions. Beware of bugs, e.g. the Goto-Dialog enhancements still cause redraw problems if theming is enabled. But many bugs from the first beta have been fixed. Please report any bugs on SourceForge. Also note, that I have not yet tested the installer as I don’t have a fresh Delphi 10.3 installation for that test. https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/12/01/gexperts-1-3-12-beta-2-for-delphi-10-3-rio-available/