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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/21 in Posts

  1. esegece

    ANN: sgcBiometrics 2.0

    sgcBiometrics is a package based on Microsoft Windows Biometric Framework, which support the consistent development and management of biometric devices such as fingerprint readers or Facial Recognition cameras with support for Windows Hello. What's new 2.0 A new component has been added to sgcBiometrics library. The Facial Recognition is now supported, this requires a compatible Windows Hello Camera. With this new component you can now Monitor the presence of Faces, know when Arrive, when Depart and more. Find below the links with more information: Online Help Facial Recognition Compiled Demo Tests have been done with a Logitech Brio WebCam 4K Ultra HD Editions supported: - From Delphi 7 to Delphi 10.4 - From CBuilder 2010 to CBuilder 10.4 More info: https://www.esegece.com/biometrics Download You can download an already compiled demos which shows main features. Requires a Fingerprint Sensor or Windows Camera with support for Windows Hello and Windows 10 or Windows 2016 Server. https://www.esegece.com/biometrics/download
  2. Anders Melander

    What is the future roadmap of Graphics32 ?

    Yes, that was my assumption. You can use the Graphics32 to map from a quadrilateral to a rectangle too (for example I use it for perspective correction), but it's true that one of the quadrilaterals must be a rectangle. However since it can do both forward and reverse transformation you can actually use two of them to do quadrilateral to quadrilateral transformation although that would not be very efficient. A better way would be to use one to create the source matrix, use a second to create the destination matrix, multiply the first with the inverse of the second and use the result as the transformation matrix. I believe that's also the method you use. I.e. Matrix = SrcMatrix * Adjoint(DstMatrix) True, but I don't think Graphics32 has ever targeted the average user. It does have a steep learning curve and does require an understanding of at least some of the low level principles - such as alpha compositing.
  3. Dalija Prasnikar

    The Case of Delphi Const String Parameters

    I answered before thinking... so you got me But, real answer is more complicated. Technically, memory representation in Swift allows both variants depending on the size of data (content). So until you discuss actual code, there is not way of telling how will inner representation work. It may be value and it may be reference. In Swift value types and reference types in terms of Swift documentation also means all value types in Swift imply copy on assignment semantic, so for Swift developers that classification carries more weight than actual underlying representation - which again depends on the actual content. Also Swift compiler has(d) bugs around handling "value types" that are not really value types, but rather reference types in terms of Wikipedia definition, that would cause memory leaks under certain conditions (and other issues). I am saying bugs, because some of those I know about were actual bugs, I am not in position to say whether some of those bugs are just "as designed" behavior similar to Delphi const string parameter behavior. I am not that deeply involved with Swift and I am not familiar with all its internals, that also change every five minutes as Swift involves. Just like Delphi strings, Swift "fake" value types can suffer from some problems cause by the fact that they don't occupy single location in memory.
  4. Alfredo Silvano

    [Android] Hangs on splashscreen

    By removing the new event handler and using System.Messaging, the problem no longer occurs. Thanks a lot