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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/21 in Posts

  1. Geoffrey Smith

    Delphi integration with Quickbooks using REST

    I have created a demo project that you could look at here https://github.com/geoffsmith82/DelphiIntuitAccess
  2. DUnit is not actively being maintained, true. But I am planning to keep on using it - it achieved a nice balance between being flexible enough but at the same time very simple and not overengineered, ymmv. I don't care what some guy in that issue says - they have been doing modifications to DUnit themselfes for ages and suddenly its a DUnit issue they cannot/don't want to fix? How ridiculous tbh. I have my opinion about DUnitX - but it's certainly not deprecated but Vincent does not care for adding C++ support afaik. I was in fact looking into dusting off DUnit, removing old cruft like the CLR stuff and applying some optimizations such as making parameters const, reducing unnecessary overhead in Check methods and so on (doing so improves the overall runtime of my tests by like 10% simply because the CheckSomething methods are faster!) while doing that I could look into making it work with C++