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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/22 in Posts

  1. gkobler

    LangMan for Delphi

    For my commercial programs I have been using Loclaizer for decades. I am very satisfied with it. https://korzh.com/localizer
  2. quite interesting.. WaitForMultipleObjects Linux Not sure what is implemented in delphi already for linux. TEvent for sure. pevents github
  3. Hello, I don't think it will be easy ... personally I rewrote such code to use only a single wake-up event. But a Google search for WaitForMultipleObjects linux does have some interesting results, for example: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20580626 There are Stackoverflow results too, but the site is down right now, so I can't check them.
  4. Ondrej Kelle

    FB-3,09 Recursive CTE

    Your CTE is in fact not recursive as it doesn't reference itself or use UNION ALL. Generalized syntax for a recursive CTE looks like this: WITH RECURSIVE <cte_alias> AS ( SELECT <parent data> -- root node’s data UNION ALL SELECT <child data> -- children’s data JOIN <cte_alias> ON <parent_link> ) -- DO // for the Delphians SELECT * FROM <cte_alias> Source: https://www.firebirdsql.org/file/community/ppts/fbcon11/FBTrees2011.pdf
  5. Ondrej Kelle

    Build / Output messages filtering plugin

    Years ago I wrote the "JEDI Uses Wizard" which scanned compiler messages to "catch" unresolved symbol errors and offer adding appropriate units to the uses clause. With no official OpenTools API available, it had to use a hack to retrieve the compiler output from the message window's treeview. The code is very old and perhaps a bit dangerous (although back then it seemed stable) and I have no idea if it still works today (the IDE internals might have changed). See if it helps you: https://github.com/project-jedi/jcl/blob/master/jcl/experts/useswizard/JCLUsesWizard.pas