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Everything posted by programmerdelphi2k

  1. yes! this is expected .. as is another session, like a new user on MSWindows or any OS!!! now try compare the setup files, for example, using "Edit -> Compare - Beyond Compare" tools! see the differences...
  2. try create a new "session for your IDE" using the param "R" on BDS.exe command-line to see if your new IDE is ok or not? ...\bin\bds.exe -r MyNewIDE <<any name if you want>> you'll have a new setup on: C:\Users\<<user name>>\AppData\Roaming\Embarcadero\MyNewIDE Registry: \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\MyNewIDE
  3. look, RAD 11.x use new IDE designer using "delphi" components (if I dont wronged... TControlList to create a menus), then, I have some bugs too! same that in FULLHD only, for example, if you try manipulate your "float-menus" for example drag'n'drop, many times ... sometimes, happens a infinity looping and you can the "menus..." rolling on screen... it's crazy... then, my tip it's "not redefine it, but re-adjust it manually ... save your desktop again... close IDE! (IDE save re-save your desktop again each "exit"!
  4. normally, I dont like how IDE show the menu default, then, I use "customize" right-click and readjust it... then, I save it using "View->Desktop-Save Desktop" or shortcut on IDE menu! remember that you can use "....\bin\bds.exe /highdpi:unaware " command line for "UnAware" dpi changes!
  5. programmerdelphi2k

    File Manifest : changing it does not load new settings.

    try use "output" project to a folder with privilegies for "any user", and necessary copy your "manifest manually" for test...run it... if ok, use your Project-Deployment to add your manifest and copy it for this folder (RemotePath = ..., )
  6. your profile IDE stay on : (try BACKUP it, and delete) C:\Users\<<windows user>>\AppData\Roaming\Embarcadero\BDS\22.0
  7. programmerdelphi2k

    File Manifest : changing it does not load new settings.

    maybe clearing "prefetch" infos? in "RUN" (Win+R) type "Prefetch" and see the folder with it
  8. Certainly, no one will use, in real world practice, the solutions to the questions contained in an entrance exam, not even during the course of college, however, it is necessary to know what is the minimum knowledge that the candidate for the vacancy can offer to your future teacher... The master has more to worry about, doesn't he?
  9. programmerdelphi2k

    tgridpanel resize

    procedure TForm1.CreateMyGridPanelColumns; var LColumnItem: TColumnItem; LRowItem : TRowItem; LButton : TButton; begin GridPanel1.ColumnCollection.Clear; GridPanel1.RowCollection.Clear; // GridPanel1.BeginUpdate; // avoid "premature" repaints try LRowItem := GridPanel1.RowCollection.Add; LRowItem.SizeStyle := TSizeStyle.ssAbsolute; LRowItem.Value := 100; // LColumnItem := GridPanel1.ColumnCollection.Add; LColumnItem.SizeStyle := TSizeStyle.ssPercent; LColumnItem.Value := 33.33; // LColumnItem := GridPanel1.ColumnCollection.Add; LColumnItem.SizeStyle := TSizeStyle.ssPercent; LColumnItem.Value := 33.33; // LColumnItem := GridPanel1.ColumnCollection.Add; LColumnItem.SizeStyle := TSizeStyle.ssPercent; LColumnItem.Value := 33.33; finally GridPanel1.EndUpdate; end; // for var i: Integer := 1 to 3 do begin LButton := TButton.Create(Self); LButton.Parent := GridPanel1; LButton.Align := TAlign.alClient; LButton.Caption := LButton.Width.ToString; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormResize(Sender: TObject); begin for var i: Integer := 0 to (GridPanel1.ControlCount - 1) do if (GridPanel1.Controls[i] is TButton) then TButton(GridPanel1.Controls[i]).Caption := TButton(GridPanel1.Controls[i]).Width.ToString; end; procedure TForm1.GridPanel1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if (ssCtrl in Shift) and (Button = TMouseButton.mbLeft) then CreateMyGridPanelColumns; end; Lately, my mental health hasn't been good... so I'm using the computer more!
  10. programmerdelphi2k

    Searching for full-time remote position...

    thanks COVID-19 + insane 2TRI pack + 2K/mo ... who's pay it?
  11. programmerdelphi2k

    Zeos on Delphi 11.2

    if none "internal" types was changed... you can create your "packages" File, New, Packages.... now, add all units that you find on RAD v10 (how to know: just open the RAD v10 package and see the names)
  12. programmerdelphi2k

    No one can help

    Certainly, no anger! Just listen to your heart, and when possible all those who want to help you in some way! As I said, it was just using a tool to "check / validate" your DB, right from the start!
  13. programmerdelphi2k

    Keep getting Expected and identifier but received VAR same for IN and Contains

    sorry, @Linuxuser1234 I have delete my samples, you can refresh me about this code?
  14. programmerdelphi2k

    No one can help

    I have this "tech" in a project where I can read a file with +6GBytes (in disk), and each read (buffer) can have any size, since that < "file-Size" and < memory-avaliable (obviously, we must be sensible here and not overdo it at this point)! I start with Buffer of 32MBytes... read, work it, save and go ahead!!! all operations works on "bytes" processing... reading bytes, changing values, saving bytes! < 2minutes! < 4GBytes RAM on max data-charge (normally, 1GB is enough)
  15. programmerdelphi2k

    No one can help

  16. programmerdelphi2k

    No one can help

    here is the project that "HE" send me! NOTE: anyone can see that it's a terrible project (same that for tests) TestMyDataBase.zip
  17. programmerdelphi2k

    No one can help

    I have to agree with "Melander"... unfortunately, the topic should have another title: Please dont help, I dont need! Finally, I didn't attack anyone, I just reported what happened, and I can prove it with emails and "private message"! I'm sorry I couldn't help but in fact the applicant doesn't give us the chance to help and postpones using the "possible solutions" sent to him! Without further ado, I, as "Frost.Brutal" also give up and say that I will not respond to possible future attacks! luck!
  18. programmerdelphi2k

    TAlphaColorRec in Android

    Your code is?
  19. programmerdelphi2k

    Looking for a localization tool

    Since the problem is "where" to store the information regarding each translation (country), wouldn't it be an alternative to create all the translations using "resouces/strings" inside a "RES" file, and, according to the user's selection , load this "RES" and update the visual components or not on the user's screen? In this way, you have the alternative of being able to add or remove the languages that your software can use, without the need to bloat your executable or dll. NOTE: if you have a slow internet you can the this happens on "Chrome" buttons... there, you can see just a text used to receive a text from user-language: like "S_Button_Start" ==> final text "Start"
  20. programmerdelphi2k

    Create Form

    try this: not necessary "it's a good example of Factories usage", but it will works! unit uMyFormsT; interface uses System.Classes, System.SysUtils, Vcl.Forms; type TMyFactoryToForms = class public class function CreateAForm(const AClassName: string): TForm; end; implementation { TMyFactoryToForms } uses uForm3, uForm4; class function TMyFactoryToForms.CreateAForm(const AClassName: string): TForm; var APersistentClass: TPersistentClass; begin result := nil; // APersistentClass := GetClass(AClassName); if APersistentClass = nil then exit; // result := TFormClass(APersistentClass).Create(nil); end; initialization RegisterClasses([TForm3, TForm4]); finalization UnRegisterClasses([TForm3, TForm4]); end. implementation {$R *.dfm} uses uMyFormsT; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var AForm: TForm; begin if (ListBox1.ItemIndex > -1) then begin AForm := TMyFactoryToForms.CreateAForm(ListBox1.Items[ListBox1.ItemIndex]); // if (AForm <> nil) then try AForm.ShowModal; finally AForm.Free; end else ShowMessage('Sorry, ' + ListBox1.Items[ListBox1.ItemIndex] + ', was not registered on system'); end; end; initialization ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := true; finalization end.
  21. programmerdelphi2k

    Create Form

    look, "MyForm" in your sample WILL BE a "instance of a Object", then, you needs a "CLASS to create this instance"! this class can TForm, TForm2, TForm3, or same TForm1 (but needs attention here)! for that "MyForm := MyForm.Create... does not works!!! you needs some like this: MyForm := TFormClass( X_Class_to_Forms ).Create(...);
  22. programmerdelphi2k

    Sweet 16: Delphi/Object Pascal

    would be a ChatGPT case? 😁
  23. programmerdelphi2k

    Delphi 10.4.2 Right Click over a word -> Find Declaration, Not working.

    no no no! sometimes yes, sometimes no! not all cases!
  24. programmerdelphi2k

    No one can help

    I said to him, that: first "The source code he sent me mixed "memory access" through "OpenProcess(), GetProcessMemoryInfo(), EnumProcess(), ... etc and lots of pointers...". Then said to eliminate any other types of tasks, and then, main, check if the "specific record" in the SQL DB is really OK, or there could be some kind of problem, like data corruption! However, he told me that the record in question was "1GBytes" in size... which I thought was an exaggeration even for a large base database.... Naturally, the error is already found in the structuring of the database data, because surely something is not right in this configuration. Of course, you could have a single record in your table, with a size of 1GB of data, however, this would certainly be something very peculiar and directed to a specific case of information storage. I think the "base" is already contaminated so the results will be catastrophic when the weather warms up!!! However, my opinion was not and will not be taken into account, even though he posted the request for help in a public way for anyone who wanted to help! But as he himself already said in his previous posts: "that hardly anyone could help...." then, what is said is unsaid! Not Delphi, my friend! but, Yours! NOTE: I did (for him) a prototype using SQL DB read/write BLOB fields to show for him, how would be ? but I was ignored! just 22KB in 7zip + project + SQLite DB Luck in the next Gigabytes in VCL_SQLite_and_FireDAC_RichEdit_and_BLOB_field.7z