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Everything posted by Patrick PREMARTIN

  1. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Code signing certificates have become so expensive...

    The CSC are available only on physical token or by a cloud hosting solution like Amazon HSM (https://aws.amazon.com/fr/cloudhsm/). If a provider tells you an other thing, it talks about an SSL certificate or it's not a real CSC provider. The less expensive I've found is Certum. I use them since two years. If you choose the token they send a USB SIM card reader (not compatible with Windows ARM) and a SIM for the storage. After that the certificate is delivered directly to the token by a Java app. The PIN code is needed for each signature. If you choose the cloud CSC you will have to use a Java app each time you sign to allow access to the certificate. Other provider has physical keys which need or don't need the PIN for each signature. Check before ordering. If you try Certum, order here : https://certum.store/data-safety/code-signing-certificates.html Choose the "Standard code signing" in the cloud or set (the box with SIM+card reader) depending on what you need.
  2. Patrick PREMARTIN

    for loop variable value after the loop

    "I" is a variable. Its value is known during and after the loop. It's not a good way to write code but it's not wrong. The "for" loop can be seen as a "while I<=LastValue" with a "inc". It's a reason why so many developers wanted the "for var" syntax.
  3. Patrick PREMARTIN

    How do you shut off the Welcome Page?

    if it's an old project you perhaps saved its desktop for other projects it's simple : a checkbox at the bottom of the welcome page
  4. Patrick PREMARTIN

    The Advent of Code 2024.

    Thanks 🙂 I was a SEO guy in an other life. Putting links and hashtags everywhere has become a reflex, I can be quite insistent on that, please excuse me. As long as we're spreading our codes, we might as well do our utmost to make sure they have a chance of being seen one day. To infinity and beyond, Delphi defeats the TIOBE index! Maybe I'm overdoing it?
  5. Patrick PREMARTIN

    The Advent of Code 2024.

    please, please, please, don't forget to add some topics to your repositories to increase cross visibility like I have on https://github.com/DeveloppeurPascal/My-Advent-Of-Code-Delphi-Projects plllleeeeeaaaasssseeeee
  6. Patrick PREMARTIN

    The Advent of Code 2024.

    I'll try to start this week-end on Twitch, but will probably prefer coding some things on my games or tools. I'm not really focused on this challenge this year, which is weird. 😉
  7. Patrick PREMARTIN

    How to generate aab file

    Since 11.3 or 12 the Android key generator don't create a password for the alias.
  8. Patrick PREMARTIN

    How to Force the Generation of a New Notification Token on iOS Without Reinstalling the App?

    Hi, Perhaps you can ask to Apple directly if they had a problem with your account ?
  9. Patrick PREMARTIN

    StreamingMedia sample says MP4 file not supported

    Good idea, I haven't looked at it for ZicPlay on Windows. I should try it for M4A files !
  10. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Getit Server access from Delphi D10.1 Berlin

    Hi After the big hosting crash last year Embarcadero didn't restored GetIt packages for non supported releases before 10.4 (supported as the Community Edition at this time). If you are looking for something you can find it as open source or from editors for trial or developer edition of external programs. If not contact Ian Barker to explain what package you need.
  11. Patrick PREMARTIN

    The Advent of Code 2024.

    Ready for tomorrow start ? Don't forget that IA like ChatGPT and Copilot are not welcome during coding challenges. It's a game for humans coders only. 😉 (if you use them it has no interest except learning how to explain the problem to them)
  12. Patrick PREMARTIN

    StreamingMedia sample says MP4 file not supported

    The TMediaPlayer component don't use latest APIs on Windows and can't access latests codecs. Some files can't be opened even with the old Media Player from Microsoft. On Mac, iOS and Android I haven't this problem.
  13. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Buying a mini pc to install Delphi

    Yes, each ARM OS does the conversion it needs to run X86/x64 based programs. Parallels Desktop is great for Windows VMs on Mx Macs. All tasks a Windows developer have to do can be done with it. (except for rare devices with no ARM driver)
  14. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Some new projects...

    Good idea for PLUA project. I've seen an old LUA package for Pascal but it wasn't maintained. @tinyBigGAMES You open many projects but globally only for Windows, do you want to try other platforms in the future ?
  15. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Meta-Delphi question about web hosting..

    Perhaps you can tell us more about your project ? Depending on what you want to do we could help to find the better solution.
  16. Hi From the contacts I have from time to time following presentations or training courses, it seems that I'm better known for the video game coding part of my hobby than for the other stuff. It's true that I find it more fun (especially to stream on Twitch), but I also have utilities for Delphi developers created to simplify my life that I make available as binaries and source code on my GitHub account. App Stores Screen Captures Generator : to generate all the needed images from your screen captures when you have to publish your softwares on current app stores Copyright Pascal Projects : to add a copyright text in the header of each PAS/DPR files of a folder tree DProj To Windows Setup : to generate the Windows setup from Delphi deployment wizard data. It uses Inno Setup to create the install program and Exe Bulk Signing to sign the exe files. Exe Bulk Signing : a local and network signing program for Windows executables (exe+msix). It has an API you can use to integrate it in your projects like I did with "DProj To Windows Setup". Folder to FMX Image List : to create a FireMonkey TImageList to copy paste in your project or in a data module unit from all images in a folder tree. It fills the multires bitmaps depending on file names. Google Play Developer Banner Generator : to create a picture to use has your Play Store developer banner composed by a random collage of images you add to your project. I use it with icons of my Android apps. HTML Writer : to simply get HTML source code or WYSIWYG HTML content. I use Delphi HTML Components library in this program to have the WYSYWYG HTML editor and a memo for the source code tab item. Pic Mob Generator : my icons generator from basics layers or images, SVG, paths or rectangles. It export JPEG&PNG images, ICO and ICNS files. For the SVG I used RiverSoftAVG SVG Component Library, but next release will use Skia4Delphi. SM Code Generator : I use it in some multi players games, for EXE Bulk Signing API and client projects. The program generates Delphi code you only have to use in your projects to have a client / server solution to exchange formatted messages over IP. The library uses standard TCP sockets from Embarcadero (with no external dependencies). SVG Folder to Delphi Unit : to import SVG files as Pascal strings in your projects. I use it in some games with Skia4Delphi to show icons or sprites. The program generates a unit (compatible with Delphi 12.X and higher) with SVG found in a folder. Some of these programs are available from GetIt. The others will be submitted before the end of the year. The download links are on their GitHub repositories and will be added to their websites (which should be redirected to GitHub in the meantime). If you need changes in these programs or have suggestions, be free to tell here or as issues on their repositories. I'm also looking for ideas of simple tools to develop during live coding streams to show Delphi or web solutions. They are distributed as shareware programs. Contributions and sponsoring are welcome but not obligatory, and there are no program restrictions in the absence of a valid license. All features are available for free.
  17. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Some open sourced tools for Delphi developers

    I've set up the hostings but the websites are still to be made. Strangely enough, it's not the thing I enjoy the most, so it's dragging on... The link to download it is the "Using this software" part of the README. I'll change that too when the websites will be really available. Here are the screens captures for this one : https://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=24/47/8npc.png https://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=24/47/tew8.png
  18. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Delphi for Mobile Applications

    Don't forget the cost of maintaining two or more projects in more than one language, with more than one IDE / OS. Depending on the subject, the cost of Delphi licenses is not so high.
  19. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Delphi for Mobile Applications

    Hi Using FireMonkey is globally the same than using VCL except it's more graphic and has more features to auto adapt visual components depending on windows sizes and styles. The big advantage to stay in Delphi is to share a part of your code between desktop and mobiles applications. A lot of samples, docs and books are available to learn how to use FMX features. Check this repositories list https://github.com/DeveloppeurPascal/Delphi-samples/blob/main/OtherDelphiSampleRepositories.md or this books : Fearless Cross-Platform Development with Delphi and Expert Delphi (second edition) For the code you only have to learn how to program asynchronously and a few things about Android permissions if you use some APIs. Start by doing a little app like in Delphi Programming Projects
  20. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Meta-Delphi question about web hosting..

    For an internal app in a company or paid users Thinfinity can be a good simple solution. For a public website it's too expensive. Use Delphi as a server on Windows or Linux if you want and dynamic website solutions (from Delphi or others). For an e-commerce site it could be easier to use an existing solution like LiteCart (simple, easy to use) or Prestashop (more complex but full of features for any commerce) and synchronize its database to your real DB.
  21. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Buying a mini pc to install Delphi

    It's the Mac mini M1 I use. I bought it after the GTK to check if I could work on it with Windows VMs and never changed. The only thing that really annoys me is the SSD, which I also took to be too small and supplemented by external disks around the case. Buying an Intel Mac is a bad idea. Buy a "real" PC instead of that. The Intel based models can't soon use latests macOS releases and you won't be able to code for macOS or iOS. The M1 should still have 2 or 3 years before being deprecated.
  22. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Delphi 12CE and SQLite

    Hi Is FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper added somewhere in your code by the IDE or is it used by FireDAC itself ? What happen when you remove it (in the first case). Is TFDPhysSQLiteDriver component used somewhere in the program ? Did you tried to change the driver type ("native" SQLite or FDE) ?
  23. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Problem of click on a component

    You don't need to set their Name. It's only necessary for the TFrame container. The Name property is only needed to link variables in the classes and the ressources in the DFM/FMX. When you create things by code the Name is not used. Inside the component store your objects instances in private or protected fields/variables instead of local variables in the methods. It won't depend on the possible auto generated names.
  24. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Problem of click on a component

    Just for the others, the webinar is this one "create components without creating components" : (in French, with auto caption and auto translation available in YT player). For the Name, yes. If you want to use more than ont "TFrame component" on your forms it's needed. And for the access to components, never use it : create public or published properties. The user of a component don't have to know its content. It can move, the components order can change, and with FMX if you deal with styles one day it's too dangerous. It's not a good plan for long-term maintenance.
  25. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Problem of click on a component

    Just one more thing : if you use a container (Control, Layout or TFrame) as a component, don't forget to align the components you create in it or manage the Resize(d) event to fixed their size in the container.