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Anders Melander

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Everything posted by Anders Melander

  1. Anders Melander

    Only 2 GB available despite IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE

    Full working set does not mean out of memory; We have virtual memory. Can you explain why increasing the working set solved your problem? https://aviationhumor.net/russians-we-paid-whole-runway-we-use-whole-runway/
  2. Anders Melander

    Only 2 GB available despite IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE

    <Also known as throwing sh*t at a wall>
  3. Anders Melander

    TTaskDialogs not working with Delphi Styles

    I think Cristian is on 11.3 If someone else, other than me (where it works), could check with 12.2 it would be great.
  4. Anders Melander

    TTaskDialogs not working with Delphi Styles

    Strange. Works for me. Also with 150% What I am seeing though (with 11.3 only), is that if I drop the list by clicking on the left half of the dropdown arrow, and then close the list with another click, then the open dialog is invoked. Dropping the list with a click on the right half works as expected.
  5. Anders Melander

    TTaskDialogs not working with Delphi Styles

    I just tried with 11.3 and it works exactly the same. Maybe I'm just not understanding what problem your are experiencing. I'm on Windows 10, BTW.
  6. Anders Melander

    Simulate mousedrag

    I'm curious; What's the purpose then?
  7. Anders Melander

    TTaskDialogs not working with Delphi Styles

    Works for me with Delphi 12.1 at 175%
  8. Anders Melander

    Simulate mousedrag

    No comments on why it shrinks but I don't think your Sleep(100) does what you think they do. Your main thread isn't doing anything while the Sleep executes so if the purpose was to let it process the messages generated by mouse_event then you will have to do that some other way. Application.ProcessMessages *shudder* comes to mind.
  9. Why apologize when you are doing it on purpose?
  10. Anders Melander

    delete key is ignored

    Is your form modal? If not, do you have a TAction on the mainform with the shortcut [Del] ? KeyPreview is a property on the form. Unless you are intercepting keystrokes on the form there is no reason to have KeyPreview=True. If you need KeyPreview=True then the problem might be that your event handler eats the [Del] key. Show us your code.
  11. Anders Melander

    Watch me coding in Delphi on YouTube

    That depends on the brain; Some people prefer to read and some prefer to watch a video. I also think it depends on the subject. Highly technical topics, reference material, and so on, are better in writing because we need them to be precise and unambiguous. But video is fine for entry level stuff and conceptual material. I know that very few of our end-users ever read the documentation (they never notice when it falls behind) but the how-to videos get quite a lot of views and feedback.
  12. Anders Melander

    Scroll an image with mouse (Solved)

    No, don't do that; It would accumulate the various errors there is in coordinate system conversion, mouse imprecision, etc. Also, the example just doesn't work. Instead remember the starting mouse position and adjust the scrollbar position with the difference between the starting mouse position and the current position: type TForm1 = class(TForm) [...] private FStartPos: TPoint; end; procedure TForm1.Image1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin FStartPos.X := X; FStartPos.Y := Y; end; procedure TForm1.Image1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var DeltaMouse: TPoint; begin if (ssLeft in Shift) then begin // How much has the mouse moved since we started the drag? DeltaMouse := Point(FStartPos.X - X, FStartPos.Y - Y); // Reposition scrollbars (i.e. pan the image) ScrollBox1.HorzScrollBar.Position := ScrollBox1.HorzScrollBar.Position + DeltaMouse.X; ScrollBox1.VertScrollBar.Position := ScrollBox1.VertScrollBar.Position + DeltaMouse.Y; end; end;
  13. Not that it matter much but it isn't necessary to use a dispatch property to return the value. Apart from that I agree with your implementation.
  14. Um... You asked "Shouldn't the calling convention for an automation object be safecall" which to me reads as "the calling convention for an automation object must be safecall". Or was there another reason you mentioned safecall...?
  15. Anders Melander

    When will we have a 64-bit IDE version ?

    It isn't. I haven't installed it, but I can read.
  16. I think your COM declarations are incorrect. For a method returning a WideString I would have expected something like this: HRESULT _stdcall GetStringValue([out, retval] BSTR* Result); Note that the result is a HResult so I can use safecall; Do yourself a big favor and use that instead of stdcall. So you need to specify that the string: Is being returned from the method Is the function return value (mostly for use by VB and such). And the Delphi implementation will then look like this: function TMyCOM.GetStringValue(out _Result: WideString): HRESULT; stdcall; begin _Result := 'Hello world'; Result := S_OK; end; or this: function TMyCOM.GetStringValue: WideString; safecall; begin Result := 'Hello world'; end; Delphi is actually excellent for writing COM servers and clients. You just need to learn the basics - and if you will be doing a lot of COM (or just a lot of Windows development), learn the low level stuff too.
  17. safecall is a Delphi concept not a COM concept and safecall just "wraps" stdcall. On the server side safecall traps exceptions and convert them to HRESULT error codes and on the client side it convert HRESULT back to exceptions (for error code only, of course). In order for a method to be declared safecall the underlying COM method must return a HRESULT. Thus: procedure HelloWorld(Value: WORD); safecall; is the same as function HelloWorld(Value: WORD): HResult; stdcall; Here endeth the lesson.
  18. https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/signaling-nan-float-double-becomes-quiet-nan-when/903305#T-N1065496 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22816095/signalling-nan-was-corrupted-when-returning-from-x86-function-flds-fstps-of-x87 https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=57484 So apparently this is just the way things are on x86.
  19. Anders Melander

    how to correct this Code

    There seems to be a pretty big gap between your knowledge and your ambitions and you shouldn't really be trying to make custom components (or whatever it was you did) if you haven't learned about things like polymorphism and scope. I suggest you start with something more basic.
  20. Anders Melander

    how to correct this Code

    SetText is declared private in the TControl base class so you don't have access to it. SetText is not declared virtual so you cannot override it. My guess is that you instead need to handle the WM_SETTEXT message.
  21. Anders Melander

    Quality Portal going to be moved

    Also known as "polishing a turd" 🙂 I haven't looked at it but I doubt that the JSM REST API provides more data or functionality than what the current UI already provide.
  22. Anders Melander

    TParallelArray Sort Performance...

  23. Anders Melander

    TParallelArray Sort Performance...

    Wouldn't it make sense to do a CLFLUSH before the sort so it doesn't benefit from all the data already being in the cache? procedure FlushCache(Data: Pointer; Size: Integer); const CACHE_LINE_SIZE = 64; asm @NextBlock: CLFLUSH [Data + Size] SUB Size,CACHE_LINE_SIZE JGE @NextBlock end;
  24. Anders Melander

    Delphi takes 9 seconds to start/shutdown an empty application

    So get a new MB that support the CPU you'd like. In my current system I have upgraded the MB in my system 3 times, the CPU 6 times, the GPU 2 times and the PSU 2 times. Always with newer and faster models. The only thing I haven't replaced is the 20 year old case (Lian Li PC-2100B tower) but that too will go the next time. I don't really need 12 internal and 6 external storage bays anymore 🙂 and being full aluminum it's quite noisy with all the fans. Probably Windows Update. That's a repeat offender on my system.