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Anders Melander

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Everything posted by Anders Melander

  1. Anders Melander

    Delphi Closedown Error

    Which includes every third party or homegrown component installed. @bazzer747 If you install MadExcept you will get a nice stack trace of the error.
  2. Anders Melander

    Thread programming without sleep or WaitFor events

    It's not really a problem. I have to support Windows 7 since the majority of my customers are still using it. In six to eight months I think Windows 10 will overtake it, but even then I will still have to support Windows 7 for those that use it. I've not yet had any needs beyond what Windows 7 provides so like I said it's not a problem for me or my customers.
  3. Anders Melander

    Thread programming without sleep or WaitFor events

    Indeed. Unfortunately it requires Win8 or "better" which means it's out of bounds for me at least.
  4. Anders Melander

    Thread programming without sleep or WaitFor events

    And he even double posted his "response". I wonder if it's a bot
  5. Anders Melander

    Thread programming without sleep or WaitFor events

    WTH? And it was closed before he reposted it verbatim here. I hate that. @turkverisoft If you're just going to ignore the advice you get you will not only be wasting your own time but more importantly the time of the people trying to help you. Now go stand in the corner. I'm out.
  6. Anders Melander

    Thread programming without sleep or WaitFor events

    Unless you're running on a Commodore 64 you shouldn't be seeing such delays due to Sleep or WaitForSingleObject. There must be something else affecting the result but it's hard to tell without seeing your source. How many threads do you have running concurrently? Anyway, IO Completion Ports are generally considered the best way to get optimal performance in the scenario you describe. It should be fairly easy to find some examples of how to utilize them with Delphi. ...and don't mess with the thread affinity. Leave the thread scheduling to the OS. It's better at it and it shouldn't really be needed for something like this. P.S. Don't use Sleep(0).
  7. Anders Melander

    License key system

    If you were in my employ I'd fire you for doing something like that. What happens when a bug in your code causes your license check to fail and you execute corrupted code that wipes the customers disk?
  8. Anders Melander

    Profiler for Delphi

    Well, I must admit it's been at least 3 years since I last used AQTime on a 64-bit project, and I no longer have a license for it, so my memories of the experience might have improved with age. I'll need a 64 bit profiler for my current project sooner or later so I guess I'll get a refresher.
  9. Anders Melander

    Profiler for Delphi

    I've used both VTune and AQTime with 64-bit projects and I can't recall that I had problems with it. What's your experience?
  10. Anders Melander

    Profiler for Delphi

    Isn't that just the old TurboPower profiler. The UI doesn't seem to have been updated since then. Ugh.
  11. Anders Melander

    Profiler for Delphi

    Yes. AFAIK VTune requires PDB-files. I've tried various tds to pdb converters but AFAIR they didn't work.
  12. Anders Melander

    Profiler for Delphi

    In my experience you get what you pay for. None of the free profilers has ever worked satisfactory for me. I would recommend AQTime or VTune but they are both a bit expensive. I prefer VTune but as it doesn't support Delphi debug info it's only suitable for asm level profiling. It's excellent for that though.
  13. Anders Melander

    Why this code fail?

    Yes it is. The code you have posted will leak the TFDQuery instance and not return anything.
  14. Anders Melander

    looking for a lo-fi Delphi Style

    TBH I'm sure that I have suffered from this back when I was a rookie, but fortunately I quickly learned that it's not my problem. IME one of the primary causes of stress is the inability to understand this. People take responsibility for things that are beyond their control. There is no spoon. The cake is a lie. Etc.
  15. Anders Melander

    looking for a lo-fi Delphi Style

    No it's not that I haven't encountered it. I just don't consider it a problem. If a PHB decides to ignore my estimate based on his own opinion then that's his problem. Sure it might be demotivating developing something that you know will be late or unfinished because of that, but again; It's not my problem. It only becomes my problem if I revise my estimate based on pressure or try to meet an unrealistic deadline.
  16. Anders Melander

    looking for a lo-fi Delphi Style

    Never had that problem. The customer/manager might have their own opinion about the size/cost of a task but that doesn't really matter. What matters is the time/cost estimate I give them. Their opinion will not affect the outcome.
  17. Anders Melander

    looking for a lo-fi Delphi Style

    Plenty. You are trying to solve a problem you've created yourself by insisting on doing the mockup in Delphi. The solution should be obvious...
  18. Anders Melander

    Threading question

    No disrespect but the same is true of many of those that have below average expertise - The Dunning–Kruger effect. I disagree but it doesn't really matter; The principles are the same regardless of the platform. Under any circumstances, at this point, your (and our) time would be better spent if you tried to locate the source of the problem instead of having everybody guess. Don't blame Windows for that. If you don't understand it then maybe leave threading to those that do. As far as I can see the majority of this thread is people restarting discussion about issues that have already been covered, people suggestion things to try and you trying it with no idea if or why it might or might not work.
  19. Anders Melander

    Threading question

    Please read the whole thread before commenting. I already answered that and posted the relevant section from the SendMessage documentation. How would that help when: The cause of the problem isn't known. The original author of the code doesn't have good understanding of threading issues. The current maintainer doesn't either.
  20. Anders Melander

    Threading question

    You are using static strings so there's no string allocation involved thus no corruption. The PChar will point to a constant string that never changes. Create the string with Format or IntToStr, as in my example, and you will get corrupted strings immediately. Also; Why WM_USER+1? Is WM_USER cursed?
  21. Anders Melander

    Threading question

    You are off course correct: You are correct if the string resource is protected, but I'm not seeing any evidence of that. The string copy you're referring to happens in the message handler when the PChar is converted to a string, but before (or while) that happens the tread can have modified or free'd the source string. It's a race condition. Let's say the relevant code looks like this: // Thread procedure TMyThread.Execute; var Buffer: string; begin while (not Terminated) do begin Buffer := IntToStr(GetTickCount); PostMessage(MainWindowHandle, WM_STATUSOUT, WParam(PChar(Buffer)), 0); Buffer := 'Lorem Ipsum Dolor'; end; end; // Main thread procedure TMyForm.WmStatusOut(var Msg: TMessage); var Buffer: string; begin Buffer := PChar(Msg.wParam); OutputDebugString(PChar(Buffer)); // Or simply: // OutputDebugString(PChar(Msg.wParam)); end; I can guarantee you that you will see corrupted output.
  22. Anders Melander

    Threading question

    Okay. I'll try again then. There are multiple problems in the original code. Like I said, Application.ProcessMessages in itself isn't a problem. The problem is that when you use SendMessage then the WMStatusOut method will run in the context of the thread which means that Application.ProcessMessage will also be executed in the context of the thread and that will definitely end badly at some point. Replacing SendMessage with PostMessage will take care of that (and get rid of ProcessMessages while you're at it. It's the mark of an amateur). Once the above is fixed, the more serious problem will surface: You're passing a pointer to a string owned by the thread to the main thread. You haven't posted the thread code, but I'm betting that there's nothing in your code to prevent the thread from modifying, or even freeing, this string once StatusOut has been called. I'm sure one of the usual suspects will be happy to provide you with an alternative solution.
  23. Anders Melander

    Threading question

    While Application.ProcessMessages is evil it isn't the cause of the problem here. Use PostMessage instead of SendMessage. SendMessage calls the message handler directly and doesn't use the message queue at all. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-sendmessage
  24. Whatever function you come up with it will be susceptible to race conditions; After you have determined that the file isn't in use, but before you can open and lock it, another process can come in and open it - or vice versa. Working from Remy's example you need to keep the file open after FileCreate. As soon as the file is closed the test result is stale.
  25. Anders Melander

    Difference between Pred and -1

    It matches the indention style though