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Jim McKeeth

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Jim McKeeth last won the day on July 1

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84 Excellent


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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. Jim McKeeth

    Colors, complementary, triadic

    My pallete library does complementary & triadic already. Still looking at expanding it.
  2. Jim McKeeth

    Cross platform color picker and palette library

    I made the different color system boxes collapsible. When I add more I'll default to collapsing the less common ones, and make it based on preference. Yes it is. I'm working on named colors and more palette options now.
  3. Jim McKeeth

    Cross platform color picker and palette library

    I was looking for more color spaces to add...
  4. Jim McKeeth

    Cross platform color picker and palette library

    Right now it is a collection of features, but I hope you find it useful. BTW, it was great meeting you in Amsterdam!
  5. This is still a work in progress, but I'm really happy with how it is going so far so I thought I would share... https://github.com/jimmckeeth/FMXColorDialog There are a few custom components in the dialog, and there is a palette code library, plus there is a new CMYK color record. Just fun project to mess around with on vacation. FMXColorDialogSample_PseA8aEaZC.mp4
  6. A agree, documenting is important, but I just didn't think of it as an "add-in."
  7. I've added HelpNDoc to the overall list of the survey https://forms.gle/xuFWpSrE5TDdordNA I somehow missed the documentation category, so I'll need to do a follow up, but still good to go out and vote for it overall.
  8. Jim McKeeth

    Essential Delphi Addins survey

    The poll is to see which ones are most essential, but I think many of them game changers on their own. So one item is all it takes to be essential.
  9. Jim McKeeth

    Essential Delphi Addins survey

    Thanks, I will add it.
  10. Jim McKeeth

    vote for GExperts .

    Vote for GExperts in the Essential Delphi Addins survey https://forms.gle/xuFWpSrE5TDdordNA
  11. Jim McKeeth

    Vote for MMX Code Explorer

    Vote for MMX Code Explorer in the Essential Delphi Addins survey https://forms.gle/xuFWpSrE5TDdordNA
  12. I'm running a survery on Essential Delphi Addins and would love if everyone could vote and share the survey with other Delphi developers. https://forms.gle/xuFWpSrE5TDdordNA What is your favorite Delphi addin?
  13. I know the reFind utility by Embarcadero has a narrower focus on just FireDAC migrations, but that is something else Delphi Parser does too. I'm curious if with a little work reFind could accomplish a lot of the other functionality as Delphi Parser.
  14. Jim McKeeth

    Any chance of getting a signed installer?

    That is fabulous of your Patrick. I don't currently have a certificate but was looking into getting a new one.
  15. Jim McKeeth

    Any chance of getting a signed installer?

    Hardly FUD. You really should do some research before responding. When I was at DEFCON last year there were speakers from the EFF talking about the EU laws, and I have friends who work in cybersecurity here in the states. Hardening the software development supply chain is a really big deal. Update: Sorry for my snippy response. Security is in fact a really big issue. Please do read up more on it before you dismiss the concept completely.