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  1. Development

    ICS 8.65 design installation failed

    Thank you so much Angus, the problem was the ICS source directory was not in the path. After that the design package was installed without difficulties. Best regards
  2. Development

    ICS 8.65 design installation failed

    Sorry, the error is just something like "Impossible to load the package ..... The specified module was not found". The design package seems to not be installed because in the project I have the TWSocket is not found anymore.
  3. I just upgrate to RAD Studio 10.4.2 Sydney (c++) and I am trying to install the last version of ICS Overbyte (8.65) but the design installation failed. No problem for the run-time projects, I can compiled them without error but for design projects I have this error : I check the path, the requested .bpl is in the folder. I have the same kind of error for the 3 design proj. Thanks for your help,
  4. Hi, I solved the problem. I added the path to BPL in system variables for my user, I don't know why it doesn't take variables defined for all users. Thanks,
  5. How can I have more informations about the bpl ? It is the first time I have a problem to install package into RAD Studio. Is there any options in RAD Studio to change to be able to know what is the problem ?
  6. It is what I am doing. On IcsCommonCB103Design.bpl (in RAD Studio), right click -> build => OK build succeed then right click -> Install => Error Impossible to load the package (see attachment). However the file is in the directory and the system path update to access Win32 folder. I am doing the same for the 2 others design projects.
  7. Hello, I found in the forum a post that give a solution for my problem (Trying to install ICS 858 on C++ Builder Rio 10.3.1 post by alank2). I follow the given instructions : made the changes in the different files and added the Win32 folder to the path. With files corrections, the compilation of the Run projects works fine. Good news !! But I still have a problem with Design projects. When I am trying to install them I always have the error : enable to open the package. The requested .bpl are in the folder. I try to add this package directly with RAD Studio IDE from Component -> Install packages but the error is still there. What can I do to solve this error ? Thanks for your help.
  8. Hello, I am trying to install ICS for RAD Studio 10.3 Rio. As said in the ReadMe document, I open CB103InstallVclFmx.groupproj into RAD Studio 10.3.2 Rio. This group of project contains 3 Run projects and 3 Design Project. I am trying to build the Run projects and it failes : - project IcsCommonCB103Run.cbproj returns 'false.dpr' file not found - project IcsVclCB103Run.cbproj and IcsFmxCB103Run.cbproj => enable to open 'ICSCOMMONCB102RUN.LIB' Why projects are looking for ICSCOMMONCB102RUN.LIB when I am trying to install 103 version ? If somebody can help ? Best regards
  9. HI, Is there any C++ samples for a basic TCP/IP Client Server connection ? In Samples folder from ICS installation there is no samples for RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo C++ Builder. Thanks for your help.
  10. Development

    sspi error with TWSocket

    Finally, I didn't change anything in OverbyteIcsHttpProt.pas file. I prefer to define SECURITY_WIN32 when required. Thanks for your help.
  11. Development

    Missing obj

    Hi, I also have this error on RAD Studio 10.2 Tohyo with C++ Builder. I followed the readme instructions : build run project (Debug and Release) and install design project. I don't have the .obj installed on my machine. Thanks,
  12. Development

    sspi error with TWSocket

    I never use this NTLM controls. Where I can change NTLM authentification ? Thanks,
  13. Development

    sspi error with TWSocket

    OK. I define SECURITY_WIN32 in each .h files and the problem is solved. Thanks so much.
  14. Development

    sspi error with TWSocket

    Hi, I upgrade the ICS Overbyte version I used to be able to use this Library with RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo (C++ Builder). I already have a version on a separare computer that works with Rad Studio XE5. Since I add a TWSocket component on a form, I can't compile the project anymore. I have an error : You must define one of SECURITY_WIN32, SECURITY_KERNEL or SECURITY_MAC from sspi.h file. I Added #define SECURITY_WIN32 at the beginning of my project by the problem is not solved. Can you help me ? Best regards,