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Everything posted by RDP1974

  1. RDP1974

    http client

    hi, can be possible to use thttpclient in async mode and do 4 get concurrently (as chromium does)? are they overlapped? how to discover the sender? or we need to run 1 get at once in sequence?
  2. RDP1974

    fmx at runtime controls

    hi, I want do this with fmx: 1- vertscrollbox 2- tlayout 3- create at runtime trectangle then fill it with a bitmap, dinamically, when needed (as add tiles) I did a small test without success how to do? btw. I like to add event callbacks too, as onclick() btw. the best method to draw things, call update, etc.
  3. RDP1974


    hi, I need to develop webrtc ios android app can someone suggest me which is better among Alcinoe https://github.com/MagicFoundation/Alcinoe or http://www.flashavconverter.com/content/webrtc-delphi-component (this last doesn't patch units and this is preferable to me) about reliability and quality? thanks for any hints
  4. RDP1974

    64bit designtime firedac

    hi in D12 64bit can be possible to use in designtime firedac components? actually I use libs ver 6.1.111 32bit and 64bit to connect to mysql ver 8.0.23 8.0.23> drivers to use are mandatory 64bit so designtime is not possible (requiring 32bit libs)
  5. RDP1974

    64bit designtime firedac

    mysql oracle from ver.8 is 64bit only c connectors dll are inside \lib and \bin folders (without 32bit version) the solution of Lajos seems a good workaround (32bit odbc in designtime and 64bit native for runtime) very thanks
  6. Hi, I want ask, using OmniXml, can be possible to: 1) load, populate a XML doc from a XSD schema? 2) then set the values?
  7. hi, I like to test if can be possible to embed a not visible tform within a isapi I get an exception "only one datamodule for application" perhaps somebody knows if can be done?
  8. RDP1974

    suggestion arm v8 cpu

    hi Marco Cantu, please permit me to suggest you a new platform to add to the existing ones: Linux for arm v8 cpu I used to code for the industry micro boards as hardkernel, rapsberry pi, arm v8 with freepascal (sdl2 audio video, webserver, etc.) should be a nice addition: with your rtl, firedac, quality stack, will open D to a big industry market
  9. RDP1974

    suggestion arm v8 cpu

    oddly they missed the giant "smart industry" wave (whole over arm64)
  10. RDP1974

    suggestion arm v8 cpu

    eh! in the Marco Cantu website, he tell to post in this forum the requests and suggestions for new things
  11. RDP1974

    fmx advanced tutorials

    hi, fmx seems a good technology for mobile platforms will be a nice feature to add a script interpreter to build the dfm (similar to flutter) instead to drag and drop components and properties anyway does exist advanced topics examples eg. to manage directly the canvas, the gestures and events, how to build custom components?
  12. RDP1974

    fmx advanced tutorials

    well, a good way to paint with FMX, without use components and properties, but drawing directly over the canvas, manage layers (z-order) with applied effects and events?
  13. RDP1974

    delphi12 skia vulkan

    how to enable vulkan in skia android projects? there's any deep config tutorial for skia settings?
  14. hi, do you know if with D12 we have enhancement on $L static objects? especially the $TLS sections are now managed? further can you remember which rtl file in delphi source tree is the C runtime mapping? thanks btw. how to link static C libs compiled with visual c++ ucrt?
  15. good afternoon, I have updated the memory allocator in the RTL subset on my site, here is the link with the library Delphi64RTL in case of any problems please notify me thank you Roberto Della Pasqua www.dellapasqua.com btw. https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/tools/oneapi/onetbb.html https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/videos/turbocharge-your-cpp-code-memory-allocation.html
  16. RDP1974

    ios sdk version

    hi, I'm new to FMX I have xcode 14.2 and ios sdk 16.2, with delphi 11.3 if I deploy a ios fmx app with this toolchain, a iphone with ios 15 or previous will run the app? can be possible to install previous ios sdk in xcode so to be able to test old devices? thanks
  17. RDP1974

    Delphi Linux Curl

    if I don't mind http client is using under the hood the curl
  18. I'll further optimize the method zlibdeflate avoiding a copy buffer btw. be careful to set before the call the correct http content type, example Response.ContentType := 'application/json; charset="UTF-8"';
  19. hi, I have updated the unit RDPWebBroker64.pas of the library Delphi 64 RTL Intel IPP TBB for more reliability basically we intercept the text kind of the content (text, html, application, json, css) then will compress it using Intel IPP accelerated deflate average compression of typical json table on a real test is 5x (200KB -> 40KB) and the speed is 5x faster the standard gzip provided with iis in a third-party detailed test over zlib enhanced libraries, this lib places at the first position for speed with text kind content as the web apps web apps benefit of drammatic smaller response time (and the price of cloud bandwith can be lowered) enable programmatically the compression in webbroker apps: procedure TWebModule.WebModuleAfterDispatch(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean); begin Response.ZlibDeflate; end; the whole ecosystem of frameworks built over webbroker can use this library transparently please let me know if you discover memory leaks or if you do benchmark or test over it (also plz check if the code can be better) thank you kind regards Roberto Della Pasqua
  20. RDP1974

    D11.2 + FireDAC + MySQL 64 bit not working

    hi, I use D11.x with MySql 8.x both in 32 and 64bit. You have to use the DLL found into bin folder of the MySql installation and put it into fdphysical lib name. If your system is virgin then install the runtime of visual c. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist put at runtime the 64bit lib $ifdef win64 ... and develop with 32bit Install mysql 32 for 32 dll and mysql 64 for 64 dll
  21. hi, I have updated my repository of high performance Delphi 64bit RTL with latest zlib 1.2.13 and Intel IPP 2021.7 I have done DLLs perfectly with zero warnings nor errors and virus free https://github.com/RDP1974/Delphi64RTL kind regards Roberto btw. be careful with zlib deflate accelerated, if you pass an already compressed buffer (lz family as zip rar tar etc.) the compress call will exit with an exception so, wrap it between a try except or filter the mime before
  22. hi, does anybody has isapi filters under Windows 2022 server 10.0.20348.1366? using D11.2, also with empty project (sdk iis 7.0 headers) -> getprocaddress error on dll loading plz tell me if you have delphi isapi filters running in w2022s? thank you
  23. RDP1974

    isapi filter windows 2022 cannot load

    solved, the problem was in the headers translation from the c sdk need to pass types using var instead of pointer somewhere isapi unit that comes with delphi has not this problem
  24. RDP1974

    isapi filter windows 2022 cannot load

    a 32bit isapi I suppose (2005) maybe 64bit ver sdk iis 7.0 are problematic under win2022 or maybe some permission related things
  25. RDP1974

    D11.2 + FireDAC + MySQL 64 bit not working

    hi, I have many 4.0 industry software made in D11x and MySQL in Firedac I use libmysql.dll from the MySQL folder, this should be inserted in TFDPhysical vendorlib property under Windows Server 2016, 2019, 2022 works fine you have to setup microsoft visual c runtime before https://learn.microsoft.com/it-it/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170