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Posts posted by JonRobertson

  1. I wanted to say that yesterday I took the time to configure MMX to group and sort uses clauses they way I wanted and it is working great.


    I expect you hear this a lot, but thank you for your help and keeping MMX alive. I did not have the opportunity to use Code Explorer when it was a ModelMaker product. Yesterday I took the time to go through most of the options and will be changing my coding habits to take advantage of more MMX features. :classic_smile:

    • Like 1

  2. On 11/8/2023 at 3:59 PM, Uwe Raabe said:

    Now when you format the uses clause (with Ctrl-Alt-U while the cursor is inside a uses clause) MMX does the following:

    • Resolve any unit aliases
    • Resolve all unit scope names
    • Group the units as configured (see below)
    • Compress and wrap each group according to the settings

    I must be doing something wrong. In MMX Properties, Pascal, Sorting, I enabled "Group and sort uses clauses". But Ctrl-Alt-U changes this

      ShlObj, SysUtils, Windows;

    to this

      SysUtils, Windows;

    and I expected this

      Winapi.ShlObj, Winapi.Windows;

    This is using Delphi 11.3 and MMX 15.1.7 build 2567.



  3. My recommendation is to uninstall any Parnassus add-ons. Shortly after I started using Delphi 11, I installed the Bookmarks and Parallel Debugger add-ons. I was getting constant exceptions, especially when a debugging session ended or I closed the IDE. Once I uninstalled those two add-ons, I no longer had problems with Delphi 11 throwing exceptions.


    I have Delphi 11.3 and 12 installed on same laptop here and I am not having those issues.

  4. I sent an email to support@mmx-delphi.de. I decided to post here in case someone knows a solution aside from turning off "Auto complete used units" under Pascal->Editing.


    When adding an event, MMX does not recognize when the required unit is already in the uses clause without a unit scope.


    For example, adding an event for TDataSet.OnNewRecord adds "Data.DB" to the uses clause, even though "DB" is already in the uses clause.

    [MMX] FormUsers(12): Auto Completed uses clause. Added: Data.DB

    On compile/build, this results in:

    [dcc32 Error] E2004 Identifier redeclared: 'Data.DB'

    This is a legacy project. Adding unit scopes to each unit reference is on the to-do list. I do feel this is a flaw in MMX that could be corrected if MMX can distinguish the unit scope from the unit name.



  5. On a machine where the application is working, run regedit and look for an entry at one of these locations:



    If you find an entry at either location, look for a key named LocalServer or InProcServer32. The default value should be the full path of the file that contains the COM class.


    • Like 1

  6. Although I wish Delphi had fewer defects, I wish my own software did as well. ;)


    Keep in mind that the stability could be caused by an add-on, if you have any installed. When I started using Delphi 11 on a daily basis, it was crashing at least 5 or 6 times a day. It crashed after every single "run with debugging" session ended. And it typically threw exceptions any time I closed the IDE (even if no other exceptions had occurred during that instance). Luckily I had a pattern to investigate.


    Immediately after I installed Delphi 11, I opened Get-It to see what was available. One of the add-ons I installed was Parallel Debugger from Parnassus. Once I uninstalled Parallel Debugger, the IDE immediately became mostly stable. Since uninstalling Parallel Debugger helped so much, I also uninstalled their Bookmarks add-on.


    For me now, Delphi 11.3 may throw an exception once a week.

    • Like 1

  7. I just installed Phython4Delphi. The first demo, Demo01, throws an EPyRuntimeError (s_type = 'RuntimeError', s_value = '') when I click Execute Script on the simple print(2+2) example.


    The fourth line of Run_CommandAsObjectWithDict calls CheckError, which calls PyErr_Occurred, which does not return nil. I am just getting started with Python (for fun), so I am in the dark about why this error would occur or what needs to be done to resolve the issue.


    I have python 3.12 installed, both 32-bit and 64-bit. I have tested Demo01 as 32-bit and 64-bit and both throw the same exception.


    I can launch python at a command prompt and execute the script with no error.


    Any idea why this is occurring? Thanks.
