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Everything posted by Fr0sT.Brutal

  1. Ah, you're right. Nice, the compiler is a bit more clever than I thought
  2. No, this was a non-DB-related question, just curiosity. While there is IsLetter function, it checks for all letters in Unicode table so I wondered which constructions are popular for the purpose. Yes, that's possible. CharInSet won't check whether a char is ASCII or not and codepage-dependent cases are possible that won't produce neither compile-time messages nor run-time errors. Alas, I can't imagine how they could force the check. Runtime exception in such a basic function doesn't look good Sounds nice, create request to QC? 🙂
  3. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Copy bitmap from one app to another app bitmap

    If that handle is WinAPI handle then yes, you can replace that loadbitmapfromfile with call to your DLL returning the handle
  4. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Database strucure elements (properties?)

    Have you tried pressing Inspect button?
  5. Some forums I lived at red color was only allowed for moderators. That was very good rule.
  6. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Background Compilation

    Form.Position = poDesigned?
  7. Fr0sT.Brutal


    I'd too expect it to be instance method. No string in Delphi could be null in fact so there's no sense in static class method. Probably they simple copypasted it from .Net which has nulls and thus such function couldn't be an instance method?
  8. They couldn't. Set is limited to 255 elements, so CharInSet only works for Ansi sets (I'm sure you know that 😄 ) Btw, I wonder how do you check whether a char is a letter of a some language (f.ex. Norwegian, German)? They have not only latin chars but some additional which can't be declared with simple 'a'..'z'. You have to add them explicitly, like 'a'..'z', 'æ'?
  9. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Copy bitmap from one app to another app bitmap

    If you have no control over cobol app and it only reads from file, there's little you can do except hooking CreateFile & FileWrite WinAPI's. Or even use filesystem driver to represent a piece of RAM as a drive but that unlikely is an option. In theory, if you're lucky and the app uses only CreateFile without additional file-specific checks, you can feed it with path to a pipe which you will create and control.
  10. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Copy bitmap from one app to another app bitmap

    I think Anders meant pointer to WinAPI bitmap handle
  11. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Not Threadsafe??

    Just launch the thread and let it work, catch the event when it's done.
  12. Fr0sT.Brutal

    String literals more then 255 chars

    Why the //s at the end? On topic: enlarging only size limit without multiline literals seem nearly useless to me. However, there's another catch - we have those stupid 3 different linebreaks. Which of them multiline literals will have? They either will contain hardcoded linebreak incompatible with 2 of 3 OS's or will depend on target OS or file encoding, thus the value of a constant will differ on various platforms.
  13. What exact safety you mean? One instance across threads or thread-personal instances?
  14. Fr0sT.Brutal

    String literals more then 255 chars

    IDK about D11 but D10.3 still is not able to handle multiline literals. This might be not simple TP legacy size limitation but the parser's which is harder to remove.
  15. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Why is Url an undeclared identifier here?

    Funny, even after 20 years of Delphiing you can discover something new 🙂 Edit: Alas, that's only for compilers with array literals.
  16. If it's an important part of the code, storing as array is acceptable. RTL itself stores Unicode table in this manner. Just make a conversion tool to not have to edit that array manually
  17. Fr0sT.Brutal

    [Very unsure] Indy vs sgcIndy

    Yes you can but only for the derivative you wrote. Your code => your rules, not your code => not your rules 🙂 Or at least MPL which requires modifications being published but allows any private derivatives (inherited classes etc)
  18. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Why is Url an undeclared identifier here?

    Array constants with no predefined length never were not allowed
  19. Did you even look at FTP client demo? You're using it fundamentally wrong. ICS is asynchronous - this means you start an action and wait for some events to happen
  20. Interesting. Could you post the link to your profile? I'm curious what I'd think about your questions. You know, there's a rule I learned from my own experience: if you ask Google for a question and find nothing, likely you're trying to do something wrong. The same with questions.
  21. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Methods from Libraries (bpl or pas) in Apps??

    Fast & simple check whether a code is compiled into binary: build in debug mode and look at dots near line numbers. No dots - code was stripped by linker
  22. Fr0sT.Brutal

    OpenSSL fails to Load

    @Remy Lebeau yes, that's exactly what I thought. Probably didn't express that clear enough. BTW, harsh patching of lib names inside binaries also seems to work. I changed libeay|ssleay32 to libeay|ssleay99 and test app powered by QT connected successfully
  23. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Combining Delphi and NodeJS in IIS

    I didn't tried this but see no problems. You'll just have to either run Node constantly or have it launched every time it is needed (like any other server app in fact)