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Everything posted by Fr0sT.Brutal

  1. You're lucky the backend is not controlled via STDIN 🙂
  2. Fr0sT.Brutal

    RpShell not found

    Rave has been shipped together with IDE for some time, probably you could use the latest IDE version where it was available.
  3. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Remove empty event handler

    This feature causes me more troubles than good. From time to time I add methods manually (important) to a form, write down name and args, generate method body, then go to somewhere else, do something and automatically hit Ctrl-S. Ouch, all my crafted declaration is gone! If only that removal could be undone!
  4. Fr0sT.Brutal

    FMX mobile database

    What is the concrete limitation of the version? +1 against direct DB access, DB servers are not intended to be publicly open. There's plenty of ways to shut them down even with anonymous access. Moreover, mobile => unreliable data channel => you'll get enough pain of lost connections with data access components.
  5. IDE automatically removes datalinks if datasource is unavailable. Version control to save you from the pain of restoring links and you've to open forms with the project loaded. Or just assign datalinks at runtime
  6. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Bringing TGlobe from D5 to present day

    Guys are you sure it's really open source?
  7. Fr0sT.Brutal

    New Command Line Parser in mORMot 2

    Funny. At least Win7 seems to handle that correctly (launching [project1 /par="aa vv"] results in single argument [/par=aa vv]). However I'm not sure if this is stable and expected behavior.
  8. Fr0sT.Brutal

    New Command Line Parser in mORMot 2

    This is non-standard. I guess the program will receive par1=/path="C:\Program and par2=Files\mORMotHyperServer\" Seems to work actually
  9. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Does C++ Builder have a Clear() method?

    There is EmptyStr constant, maybe it will help? I personally never bother of such things and always use '' / ""
  10. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Working with PDF files??

    Check pdfium project
  11. Why not go further and try full OS memory dump just to save a couple of bytes?
  12. If it's possible, I'd reflect that radiobuttoned option to config according to its meaning, i.e. not a set of flags but an index from a list of choices.
  13. Who talks about indexing? Sometimes you have a raw buffer and have to search inside it for something or compare current pointer with something.
  14. Until Delphi implements array/string slices, pointers will rule in data processing that is supposed to be slightly faster than a snail.
  15. Never. Why? Mining. I doubt all bad algo's in the world together eat as much power as mining.
  16. Fr0sT.Brutal

    New to delphi - coming from web

  17. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Unsupported Pixal Format

    Why not write to Pdfium support?
  18. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Unicode weirdness

    So you had file interpreted as ANSI and converted into UTF16 with all the "weird" chars just widened ($AB => $00AB). And you had your UTF16-encoded literals defined in the same way because IDE thought the source file is in ANSI. Then, in new version, the option has changed to UTF8. And your literals which together form a valid UTF8 compound char turned to single UTF16 char which is not contained in source string. That's my version.
  19. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Unicode weirdness

    Seems Project options > Codepage has been set to 65001 Just define the fragments to replace with numeric codes. Or try defining them char by char ('a'+'b'+'c')
  20. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Looking for a forum is this it?

    I do not insist - just expressing what I saw. User base is much smaller than Delphi's, RTL is not so pretty (i.e. strings, sets), you need dumb stuff to use Delphi units (externalsym and all this crap), compiler is always two steps behind, etc, etc...
  21. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Looking for a forum is this it?

    IMHO CB is an Emba's poor orphan compared to Delphi. It's full of quirks, awkward stuff, mysterious bugs and so on. My colleague uses it and struggles much with issues that I never have in Delphi or solve them quickly. He couldn't setup FastMM to catch memory leak, has no debugger on x64 and so on.
  22. I did, I think it's one of the most useful coding applications. At least for trivial cases (like foo.bar := 1; assert(foo.bar = 1)) - writing them is boring even for junior but who knows how the class will evolve. Probably setter will become a big method where bugs are highly possible
  23. Fr0sT.Brutal


    Is this what you're looking for? https://blogs.embarcadero.com/learn-about-using-delphi-methods-as-python-functions-with-python4delphi-sample-app/
  24. Fr0sT.Brutal


    Sure var lambdas : string = 'λλλ'; python.someFunc(PChar(lambdas)); 🙂 Jokes aside - what you mean by lambdas? Inline functions?
  25. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Anyone know why?

    Are you still hiring and where are you? 🙂