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Everything posted by Fr0sT.Brutal

  1. Yep, there must be no any locale-dependent conversions in standardized format. Alas, these functions are hard to spot and remember. Anyway, there should be special formatsettings instance with all explicilty assigned properties.
  2. But ISO has SDK and .net bundled AFAIK. Also consider cases of packages fuckups (google "npm package breaks internet") and intentional or occasional malware introduction. Not mentioning probably broken compatibility in new versions. And your customer won't be happy if, for example, he installs an app from accessible supersoft.com but an installer tells that some other snakepackages.com is inaccessible for some reason so it can't continue and advises the user to snag off.
  3. Fr0sT.Brutal

    GUI are not the same size

    Of course. When form is shown, it gets scaled (including all controls inside). So W_new := W*Scale and 500 turns to 500*1.75. But when you create a control at runtime, the dimensions are already considered "scaled".
  4. Fr0sT.Brutal

    TidTCPServer and TidTCPClient withh SSL/TLS enabled

    Hmm, TLS handshake starts from constant prefix, in theory it should be possible to autodetect plain data or do TLS first
  5. I think delivering a commercial software directly depending on some 3rd party components you don't control and which should be downloaded from some another 3rd party's source is not the right way to go unless that's some kind of GUI scripter that must allow using ANY package. The right way is to have all these packages in your repo and install them only from your source (distr / your site). This way you can be sure things work and no small update of a single tiny package breaks your whole setup.
  6. AFAIU he wants to let users install additional packages for use in his app
  7. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Some sort of IPC cross platform?

    Pipes are the best for apps you launch and control. The easiest implementation at the sub app side is just ReadLn/WriteLn
  8. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Zint barcode studio zint.dll

    It's in my awesome list (link in the signature)
  9. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Lazarus build for Linux

    You have to build FPC for the target first. Here's the excerpt from my own batch file CALL make %Make_Opt% clean CPU_TARGET=%TargCPU% OS_TARGET=%TargOS% || (ECHO Command "make clean" for FPC failed... && GOTO :BuildFPCErr) CALL make %Make_Opt% crossinstall %FPC_Opt% CPU_TARGET=%TargCPU% OS_TARGET=%TargOS% INSTALL_PREFIX="%FPCPath%" || (ECHO Command "make crossinstall" failed... && GOTO :BuildFPCErr) then you'll be able to crosscompile apps. Check ready-to-use script here https://github.com/Fr0sT-Brutal/FPC_Build
  10. Probably you can go with interfaces as well. Like function DoRequest(Data: Pointer; CallbackIntf: ICallback) this should be more modern and suitable for C#'s OOP-everywhere-style
  11. Nope, it's a rough sketch of Delphi DLL just as you want. DoRequest is the function to export. The idea is to accept a callback function in params, save it in some way and then call it from On* event handler. However, I'm not sure if C# is able to give pointers to functions to DLL.
  12. type TRequestCallback = procedure (...); TCallbackStore = class procedure DoOnRequest(Sender; ...); // <- will call Callback Callback: TRequestCallback; end; var cbStore: TCallbackStore; function DoRequest(Data: Pointer; Callback: TRequestCallback) begin cbStore := TCallbackStore.Create; cbStore.Callback := Callback; requester.OnRequest := cbStore.DoOnRequest; requester.Request(Data) end;
  13. You can always extract any function from RTL unit and compile it separately.
  14. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Using lame_enc.dll to encode to MP3

    Weird to see such issues. Usually DLL interface just translates all function declarations to some language. Do you mean these issues exist inside the DLL itself?
  15. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Developer Express gave up on FMX

    I think they will relocate
  16. Fr0sT.Brutal

    2022 Stack Overflow Developer Survey

    Next year SO: I've found 3 programmers of the same tastes and appropriate sexual orientation near you. Send them "lunch pull request"?
  17. Be aware that WideString is OS-controlled so is much slower in creation/disposal.
  18. Browser component is the most easy option. Other ones may be possible or not depending on API a site uses. In theory, you can always send HTTP requests instead but in practice a site could implement some defending techniques like generated tokens.
  19. Fr0sT.Brutal

    TortoiseGit with Delphi 10 Seattle

    Manually 🙂
  20. Fr0sT.Brutal

    TortoiseGit with Delphi 10 Seattle

    2) and 4) surprised me much. I just call Tortoise's Commit and Log dialogs from IDE via Tools menu in any time and do Git stuff from there
  21. Fr0sT.Brutal


    Check the list in my signature
  22. Hmm, doesn't FNewPackageEvent.WaitFor(500); wait for the event at most for 500 ms and then go further anyway even if it's still non signaled? You also didn't show the main code that calls SetNext methods, now I see possibility that SetNext call could happen when a thread still processes its task so crit sect waits for it to finish.
  23. Fr0sT.Brutal

    New Delphi job opportunity

    Uhm, if only you'd been in Austria 😄 Australia scares me too much with all these people walking with their legs up, giant spiders eating cows and rude kangaroos that could beat you when they're drunk and in the mood for fight 😄