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Everything posted by JiyaHana

  1. JiyaHana

    Physically reduce jpeg image size??

    Hey try to use library like ImageMagick in Delphi 12 Athens on the other hand you can compress your jpeg images from online application such as https://jpegcompressor.com/. It supports various type of formats and compress images without losing their original quality.
  2. JiyaHana

    IDE stopped saving to *.~

    Check your settings for auto backup or temporary file creation and also check the feature is enabled in the preferences or options menu.
  3. I'm sorry but firstly I written about GetMem function.
  4. You can try with the GetMem function to dynamically allocate memory for the record.
  5. JiyaHana

    Vim Keybindings?

    Many IDE support Vim keybindings through specific plugins or extensions.
  6. if State in [wsfsCompleted, wsfsNotComplete] then begin j := 0; for i := 0 to DataBytesInBuf - 1 do begin {$R-} PData^ := PData^ xor Mask[j]; {$R+} Inc(j); if j > 3 then j := 0; end; end; Try this.