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Everything posted by Rollo62

  1. Rollo62

    Replacement for TBits?

    I still have no clue why the heck Jud needs 300 Billion Bits in memory in the first place. Aren't there really no optimizations in the algorithm or processing task possible somehow ?
  2. Rollo62

    iOS 17

    That sounds a very likely candidate, have you tried to isolate the StoreKit parts in your app and tried to run without it ? Does it still crash ?
  3. Rollo62

    iOS 17

    Not looked into ios17 yet, but usually crashes were caused by changed permission stuff. Have you checked which parts have changed, is there already the documentation available ? Maybe looking into the changed parts might give a clue.
  4. Maybe they only want to wait until the EU directive related to AI is final, to copy-and-paste it. Probably the EU proposal might be faster, since the EU commission was getting hyper-accelerated in bureaucracy a lot over the past 1-2 years
  5. Rollo62

    VCL Wrap

    Not sure what you mean, didn't I say exactly that above ? Anyway, a third approach could be thinkable, a complete "interposer-replacement", by replacing all the original system units of the original installation at once, by their same unit names with imposer wrappers. Which then have the effect that you don't need to install new components or replace existing ones, just adding an intermediate layer to all system units with the same system unit name and classes. That's just an idea, never checked that, because it's too much effort, but maybe that is a reasonable combination of my 1st and 2nd approach, to replace all system components at once to be their interposers. Must check that idea one day, should be possible too.
  6. Rollo62

    Replacement for TBits?

    Like said, just an alternative idea, with pros and cons. Only @Jud may know if this is workable for him somehow, or not.
  7. Rollo62

    Replacement for TBits?

    How about the idea to store this in a 2D-image as Bitfield, of maybe 17320x17320 pixel ? Of course storage will be maybe more efficient, but access would be slower. Thinking further, using such Bitfield with involvement of the GPU ....
  8. Rollo62

    VCL Wrap

    Accepted, yes, but maybe from a purist's standpoint this is not what is recommended. What I like from the imposer is, that this perfectly can extend or repair missing standard components' behavior, without the need to install new components, while still working well under the IDE Designer if you don't mess up things. Existing projects still work and can be easily extended. The drawback is that this is kind of "magic", just to add your wrapper unit in the uses clause and suddenly a new behavior appears, I think this is the reason why many people dislike it. Another approach, which is maybe more clean, but clumsy, would be to use consequently your own set of standard component wrappers. Like TEdit => TEditEx, TLabel => TEditEx, TButton => TButtonEx, ... as intermediate wrapper-layer around every standard components. That way you need to install small wrappers to any existing components by default, with the option to extend or repair those wherever needed. This is maybe more clean, but has also a huge impact on projects, since you should only use your new components then and never use a normal standard TButton anymore.
  9. Rollo62

    Apple Transporter Error

    I assume you used the same *.dproj from D10.4.x under D11, right ? The "auto-migration" from the IDE to migrate an older project file doesn't always work out for me. For such kind of problems I always use a new, empty project, under a new IDE like D11, which has usually preset everything correctly. The only drawback is that you have to re-set every option for your project, to make the D11 compatible to the D10 project, Usually with a clean project you have a much better starting point under a new IDE.
  10. Rollo62

    Apple Transporter Error

    It seems that D10.4 Transporter setup is working for you. So, if you have two Macos Transporter setups, one for 10.4. and 11, have you tried to create the IPA with D11 and to upload this IPA on the D10.4 Transporter ? I think the transporter is a separate app, and should be working with any valid IPA version. This is just a simple upload tool, and I think the main tests were done in the AppStore.
  11. Hi there, there is a new security update out, but all in all, the whole Ventura leaves a bad taste for me. Lots of performance issues forced me to move to Windows-hardware, so I'm waiting for the next big macOS bugfix for my Intel MacBook Pro 2018. I'm afraid the new security update 13.4.1 is NOT the big bugfix yet: https://www.gottabemobile.com/macos-ventura-problems-5-things-you-need-to-know/ Do you have any experiences or performance tips with Ventura so far, or the latest update ?
  12. Rollo62

    macOS Ventura 13.4.1, any comments ?

    Thanks, so you use the newest version 13.4.1 without special issues ? I think you mean this OpenCore, the kindof bootloader. Since OpenCore ist not the official OS, do you face any issues with AppStore uploads, TestFlight, reviews, or the like ? I use Macos normally, to prevent any additional issues with uploading or review of the apps in the Apple universe.
  13. Rollo62

    macOS Ventura 13.4.1, any comments ?

    I wonder if you are still able to install the latest XCode, SDKs and tools without problems ? My older MacBook from 2013 stuck on Catalina as the latest version, never checked if it can be used for development ever since.
  14. Could this be related to 24Bit vs. 32Bit images ? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57143845/mtktextureloader-messes-png-rgb-vs-bgr-formats https://developer.apple.com/documentation/accelerate/conversion https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46886993/how-to-determine-whether-the-colour-format-is-rgb-or-bgr https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coregraphics/cgcolorspacemodel?language=objc
  15. Could this be related to changes in the intent-filter ? https://lecturepress.com/academy/object-pascal/launch-external-apps-from-delphi-android-apps/ https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/making-sense-of-intent-filters-in-android-13-8f6656903dde
  16. Rollo62

    macOS Ventura 13.4.1, any comments ?

    Well fine then, I'm not the only one Downgrading is not an option for me right now. I'm hesitating to install the new version 13.4.1, not sure if it makes things better or worse. This update is only about security, not mentioning any performance or other improvements.
  17. Rollo62

    VCL Wrap

    Wouldn't it be more clean to use the interposer without the intermediate class wrapper TSuperButton ? https://zarko-gajic.iz.hr/delphi-interceptor-classes-tbutton-classtbutton/ type TButton = class(stdctrls.TButton) private fLastClickTime: TDateTime; public procedure Click; override; public property LastClickTime : TDateTime read fLastClickTime write fLastClickTime; end;
  18. Rollo62

    E-Payment processing software for Delphi

    Aside the technical challenges, my first question would be, how much Apple and Google will Charge for such InAppPurchase of a burger? If you run locally on your own infrastructure, thats fine, but an app in the stores has myriad of restrictions. Or are you talking about Windows even?
  19. Rollo62

    How can I enlarge the font of a Combobox in Delphi FMX?

    Be aware that the editing structure of styles and their subcomponents were not necessarily compatible under all platforms. Which is the biggest headache in FMX styles IMHO.
  20. Hi there, I just saw this advice from the website Softacom, about creating successful websites: While that is perhaps true, this article didn't mention the dangerous side-effects of CDN: At least in Europe, if you use CDN, e.g. Google Fonts, you can be sued by law firms for violating data protection laws. This can result in quite high penalties and fines. Furthermore, public liability insurers for companies may find a breach of their terms and conditions, due to increased risk, and cancel the contract or increase prices. It is therefore advisable to also look at the commercial side of things, even if the technical advice is extremely plausible. In addition to the commercial side, I have always been an advocate of using one's own server space instead of an external CDN in order to minimize access to external servers and perhaps even get better performance.
  21. Rollo62

    How To Debug This Memory Leak?

    Interesting, what exactly you mean by “reapply” ? Did you just reload the style file into the StyleBook ? Maybe the StyleBook contained an older *.style file version, from an older IDE version, that could explain the differences. I never checked for changes in style files from IDE version to version, but perhaps I should do that.
  22. I am not working with that, but here is another option worth looking at, from SDL Component Suite. Seems still active, but I cannot really look deeper into the offers they have, maybe its not active anymore. They have a second site too, probably this is more active. Perhaps, this is interesting too, from a book, but Pascal. Not sure, possibly both need larger conversions, if you want to use them under FMX.
  23. Rollo62

    Something like SimpleNote with an API?

    Not sure if you find NextCloud too fat for your solution, I dont bother about its <= 100MB size ? Of course, this is so much more, than a simple note taker. But this is small, perfectly maintained, has smooth update process, gives full control over all aspects of sharing, accounts, and so on, has free apps, WebDAV support, offers an API access, runs on a simple, virtual PHP server ... Notes can be edited as MarkDown ( as one of the simplest options ), with Online editor and good-working Apps available. I'm still testing and dive deeper and deeper into NextCloud for my personal and private small teams, and this is veeeery smooth so far. Probably, you like and get more familiar with that too
  24. I'm not sure what problem you need to solve, but for me, UTF8 works well under all platforms. Honestly, I have not checked for any UTF8 compatibility issues on the different platforms, because I use my own translation system. Did you find any specific issues with UTF8, do you have an example ?
  25. this = the AV exception Like I said, I doubt this can be catched safely, because the system is highly unstable probably. The better way would be to determine and limit the stack size usage in the first place. Maybe this is also interesting reading: https://blog.grijjy.com/2019/01/25/allocation-free-collections/ https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/Default_Exception_Handling_in_VCL https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6150018/what-is-a-safe-maximum-stack-size-or-how-to-measure-use-of-stack https://itecnote.com/tecnote/delphi-a-safe-maximum-stack-size-or-how-to-measure-use-of-stack/ https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/Memory_allocation_sizes_(Delphi) https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/Reserved_address_space_for_resources_(Delphi) https://www.thoughtco.com/understanding-memory-allocation-in-delphi-1058464 http://unigui.com/doc/online_help/thread-stack-size.htm Not sure how to determine the current used and available stack size in the modern Windows ( and other platforms ) world, not have needed that for the last 15 years or so.