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Everything posted by Rollo62

  1. @Felix Berto Castillo G. Thanks for the link. How got you rid of this warning, by increasing the API level to 29 ? What if I don't want to increase that, have you tried the 2nd option ? Where do I get a " ReTrace mapping file" for an FMX app ? Is there maybe a minimal or empty file that I could include in the deployment to get rid of that warning ? Some more links: http://buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled true proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro' } } https://blog.mindorks.com/applying-proguard-in-an-android-application https://medium.com/@sagar.s.rao/d-obfuscating-google-play-store-crashes-logs-android-5b0a3c50da95 https://stackoverrun.com/de/q/10664775 https://www.codegrepper.com/code-examples/delphi/How+to+create+a+proguard+file+in+android+studio+flutter https://forum.unity.com/threads/need-help-with-2-warnings-on-the-google-play-console.923267/
  2. Rollo62

    Delphi iOS Metal Api Comparison (Video)

    Well, than I have to look into OrangeUI soon
  3. Rollo62

    Delphi iOS Metal Api Comparison (Video)

    Great, that looks awesome. I think you draw your scene by yourself at low level, or you use a kind of game engine. From my tests unfortunately I got crashes right away, had no time to discover deeper yet. I'm afraid this is because I use FMX controls, also with some kind of animations active, but nothing very sspecial. My guess is, that there were some differences in handling those animations. Again I think I have to rebuild a test app from ground up, to check that behaviour.
  4. Rollo62

    Panel invalidate won't refresh information.

    procedure Tform.OnGeocodeReverseEvent(const Address: TCivicAddress); begin end; You should consider that this event is triggered by separate hardware, and it may or may not occur in the mai UI thread. I would decouple the results, and use TThread.ForceQueue to ensure that main UI is vaild.
  5. Whats the purpose of copying bitmap to a (linear) stream ? This sounds as its for saving to disk.
  6. Hi there, I'm wondering if there are any general tests available, which were testing all kind of Delphis basic behaviour, from very basic (like basic data types size, behaviour, etc. ), to more complex classes tests (like JSON, DateTime, etc.) to some specific failue tests (like RSP12345, ...). The goal is to fastly find differences between different Delphi versions, different behaviours of the basic classes, behaviour of workarounds and fixes in different versions. I'm afraid that many people have written their very special tests, for special cases, but wouldn't it be interesting to have many general, Delphi-related tests too ? Maybe something like that is already there, at Github or elsewhere, something like the curated list for Unit-Tests, or even better: already a complete Delphi-Test.
  7. @Anders Melander I recently saw this post from you, as a maintainer of the wonderful Graphics32 libary. https://en.delphipraxis.net/topic/4140-smooth-scaling-of-bitmaps/?do=findComment&comment=36266 So I hope that you and/or others might have more insights about the future of the Graphics32 project. I used it in the past very successfully, and would also nowadays bet on it, but the activity of this project is quite slow. Why is that, I cannot really understand ? I have seen attempts from ZhaoyiPeng, to bring Gr32 to FMX, but also this moves quite slow, or is stalled. I see effords from Angus Johnson, to push a new Image32 project. Is the Image32 based partly on Graphics32 technologie ( I'm afraid its not), or how does it fit all together ? I had no time to look into all that more deeply, but the Gr32 for FMX seems to be only a proof of concept, and many features still missing. My original though was that Gr32 is able to use different backends, so it might be possible to port this to FMX too. Since FMX makes use of GPU, I'm not really sure if Gr32 can beat this, but I think Gr32, on the other hand, has features that were not available in FMX right now, and still would make sense. Anyhow, beside FMX, for VCL this seems to be still the great choice for bitmap operations. So what is the status and the roadmap of this project ? Would be good to know. Is this lack of maintainers or lack of interested users ?
  8. Hi there, this is another chapter of my daily issues with Apple: Suddenly the update of IPA to AppStore of an formerly running app failed, when using the Transporter. I usually keep my Transporter open for days and weeks, maybe that causes sometimes an issue. From my research for this error I found a few possible reasons and solutions in the web, where I've tried to re-boot my VM first. Solution: 1. Just relaunch Transporter app, or quit and re-enter it again. (not tested, but sound reasonable). 2. Try completely shutting down your device and then turning it back on and trying. (I've tried this one). 3. Check the matching case of the SKU for new apps: E.g. "com.company.appName" wasn't accepted. If changed to "com.Company.AppName", matching the AppStore entry, it works. Sometimes solutions can be so easy, but I hardly see the easy one's very often 😥
  9. Solution 2 worked for me, have you checked all the options 1-3, that I found in my research ? You can additionally try to clean the project and restart the Rx10.2 IDE. Since then the issue was gone.
  10. Rollo62

    What is the future roadmap of Graphics32 ?

    Thanks, thats a fair goal, but wouldn't it have been better to start with a cleaned up GR32 branch then ? Maybe sometthing like Gr32 V2.0 (or 3.0) is still possible. So you would recommend Image32 over Graphics32 for new projects ? But at the moment I think its Angus project alone, and not sharing some parts with the community. That can be good to have a tough leader, avoid smearing out the core philosophies, but its also some kind of risk.
  11. Have you considered a educational license ?
  12. Dear David, I think you are right for the sorting issue. Since I like to use the "Tag" or "Object" property for having an simple integer ID to each entry, beside the display function, I'm curious how you would handle this. Do you also use an external storage, if you just need the "Tag" for identification of the entry, but not the sorting ? When would you use a "Tag" locally, and when would you use it externally ? I think if the "Tag" only would exists in the ListView then it should be better hold externally, to have the data separated, but most of the time it comes already from external sources, which were not so convenient to access or need more processing.
  13. function PrepareLineForExport2(const aDataIn: TData): string; begin Result := aDataIn.ID1.ToString + cSeparator + aDataIn.S1 + cSeparator + BoolToStr(aDataIn.B1) + cSeparator + aDataIn.S2 + cSeparator + aDataIn.C1 + cSeparator + aDataIn.S3 ; end; Sometimes I like to use a "prefix" pattern like this. To make things visually more readble, and to easily include/exclude parts for testing ( by puttin // in frontt).
  14. Rollo62

    The Case of Delphi Const String Parameters

    I know, but it uses the syntax of "by value", and this should give the compiler enough clues. Anyway, I would think that OUT will be touched first time only INSIDE of a function, at the very first line, like the "var" section, but not already outside by the caller. In practice I nearly all the time use VAR, instead of OUT, and have no (philosophical) issues with that. A VAR is IMHO usable as an out parameter, as I can use it to bring pre-settings with it. My typical pattern could be like this function TryProcessValue( var AValue : String; ANew : String; ACanIProceed : Boolean ) : Boolean; begin if ACanIProceed then begin AValue := ANew + ' I can happily proceed, and setup my OUT variable here'; Result := True; // This may additionally notify that AValue is valid end else begin AValue := ''; //<== Initialize AValue ( to ensure the OUT variable is well defined ) Result := False; // This notify that AValue is invalid end; end: So I don't need to test AValue itself, since I can use the function result itself, while still AValue could be checked too and has a defined value.
  15. Rollo62

    The Case of Delphi Const String Parameters

    I would disagree to that, because a compiler should understand that by ref and by value of the same value is requested, and should process the by value first, because the initialization of OUT should be considered "inside" the function, not from the caller. http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Parameters_(Delphi)#Out_Parameters So the compiler could process all parameters before he touches any OUT parameter. An OUT variable should be IMHO considered undefined, until "inside" the function some value is assigned to. At least this is what I would expect here, and it should be easy for a compiler to detect such situation.
  16. Rollo62

    The Case of Delphi Const String Parameters

    Can you explain how that behaviour can be intended ? Is there any argument why this is correct ?
  17. Rollo62

    The Case of Delphi Const String Parameters

    Test(t,t); Interesting, thats a nasty bug. Again I'm happy that I prefer to use VAR over OUT, despite the fact that this is maybe philosophically a little sloppy Since tthe DefaultValue is copied by value, I would not expect that behaviour. I would call this a compiler bug, is there an RSP already ?
  18. Rollo62

    The Case of Delphi Const String Parameters

    I personally have not much problems with the const string, but maybe it would be a more clean design always to use immutable strings instead (or together with) const ? This would enforce an (unnecessary) string-copy usually, while the simple const may get away without any copy, in the best case. I'm not afraid of additional copy too much, but I think also why should we do that, if there were only little const issues. On the other hand, I assume there is no really immutable string possible in Delphi, so lets stay with const (or I have to write my own complete string class maybe, with a lot of extra protection).
  19. Rollo62

    Display problem Galaxy Note 5

    Use grouping in TLayouts, and alignment via Align.Top Left Client etc., Create gaps via Margins . ..
  20. Now the download works for all content types, thanks again, great book. I'm using async, event and message based approach for some years now very successfully. Its good to have such a summary, where you pointed out some general pitfalls and the basic foundation for reactive apps in general. I like the "incorrect/correct code" approach in your book, which make it much more readable and comparable to me. Please take a good rest over the current holidays, to get some new ideas and regain energy. Since I hope to see many more of such books from you in the next year
  21. @Dalija Prasnikar Thanks, its complete now 👍 I could download only the PDF-Version, not ePUB and MOBI, is that correct ? Anyway, I prefer PDF anyway, but I never know what eReader gadgets I will buy in the future.
  22. Rollo62

    Can an app beat a spreadsheet?

    I used to work with Excel heavily, even with interactive, app-like documents, in the past. All that was very nice and efficient, but I still would say that I only touched 10% of Excels capabilities. Nowadays I still work with older Excel 2003, since this is the last mainly compatiblle Excel version, for all the features I loved to use. I try to move to LibreOffice instead, but only as spreadsheet and not with all VBA features, and all my interactive features are broken nowadays. Unfortunately either Excel, Office365 and LibreOffice were not able to give that light ease of use of the old Excel versions. And I'm talking about the ease of use for inserting lines, formats, printing formatting, etc. All that is gone now, or very much limited, where I see the old Excel still as perfect UI, which I even used as replacement for Word in some cases. I considered many times, to put my stuff into an Excel-replacement-app, but I think from the 10% I ever used, cut another 10%, so even that remaining 1% of the normal Excel would be a too tough project. Even is you use libraries from TMS or others, this is quite tough to re-implement the basic convenience features, and still a lot of manual coding is needed. I'm looking more towards solutions in HTML5, CSS, JavaScript right now, to make nice, interactive, print-friendly data presenstations, where HTML seems to be much more flexible than Delphi could every be. Always when I have to fill a PDF form, I think OMG, why on earth has Microsoft give away control over the spreadsheet market, which they once 100% ruled, so that this ugly peace of modern PDF could happen.
  23. Rollo62

    Chess board

    I just meant the whole page, which offers a lot of newer and older chess related games. Have not checked them.