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Everything posted by Tobitoba_15

  1. Tobitoba_15

    empty frameworks im iOS SDK 17.5

    Hi everyone, We have challenges with the new iOS SDK 17.5. There are no more “PrivateFreameworks” in the xCode path, which is why we get error messages when compiling that certain frameworks cannot be found. Even when updating the SDK information between the Mac and Delphi, the folders remain empty. This is understandable if there is no package available on the xCode side. Two examples are the frameworks “DocumentManager” and “AVFCapture”. However, there are many more. The iOS Simulator 17.5, on the other hand, does not have this problem. Here, “PriavteFrameworks” are still available on the xCode side and these are also transferred to Delphi. This also works perfectly with the iOS SDK 17.2. Images and examples are available as image material. The latest environment is used: - macOS Sonoma 14.5 - xCode version 15.4 - iPhoneOS 17.5 - Delphi 12 Athens Patch 1 I also tried to compile an empty project, which gives the same error. How do you create iOS 17.5 versions? Can you help us? Best regards Tobi