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  1. dlucic

    Invalid parameter..

    Hello everyone, I have a problem with ClientDataset commponent in my Delphi 12 application. I have a Datasnap application with several FireDacQuery objects and DatasetProvider objects. On the other side I have application with TSQLConnection that connects to DataSnap application. That works fine. Now I have ClientDataSet object that connects to one of FireDACQuery in DataSnap appliacation. I set Remote server property and ProviderName property on ClientDataSet object. I forgot to write that this code works very fine on Delphi 10.2 in the past. Now when I try to open ClientDataSet I get error message : Invalid parameter.. This query has now parameters. What can be the problem?
  2. dlucic

    Datasnap param problem

    Any solution?
  3. dlucic

    Datasnap param problem

    I made a simple test application as you tell me but I never get error as one in my application. New app has all the client data sets as my original application When I click on button List param my test app fill Listbox with all params from the CDS selected by Radiobuttons. Then I select one of params and click on the other button Test param. This is onClick method code I never get error as I get in my original application
  4. I have a problem with my DataSnap client application on Android 11 OS. Not every time but from time to time and on different places in my code. Sometimes I recive this message When i click Break debuger points on this line in code What can be a problem
  5. dlucic

    Project raised exception class 10

    I am developing an android application on Delphi 12. My application connects to a DataSnap server. Some times, but not every time, my application throws this exception. Once when the application starts, the second time when a new form is opened and sometimes everything works without error I suppose everything crashes on line 312 in this module Those any one know the reason of this?
  6. Thanks again. If you wish I can send you compleate code for both applications. That is small peace of code for each of them. But you need a small MS SQL Database with one table with just to columns
  7. Thank you bu that is not my problem. I changed code as you tell me but I still have this massage
  8. I have simple DataSnap server application with connection to MS SQL Server and also simple client application. On the server side I have TFDConnection object to connect to MS SQL Server. I also have TFDQuery with simple sql "insert into slika_test (slika) values (:slika)". Param slika is for image datatype in table test_slika. This is properties of Param slika of TFDQuery object Of course, there is DataSetProvider object On the client side I have TSQLConnection and DSProviderConnection object's. I connect to DataSnap server application with them. There is also TClientDataSet object This is code for click on Button I load image from Image1 object on the form into MemoryStream. Than I put that MemoryStream in Param of ClientDataSet object and execute. When I do that for the first time everything goes well. Data is stored in MS SQL table. But when I click it another time and same code executes I receive this error on the server application Any body knows what is the problem?
  9. That's exactly what I tried, buti it heppens exactly as I wrote. This is code on my login form. I have procedure KonektujSe where I connect to DataSnap server service and it works fine. Than I have some code in onClick method with try except. When error occures I call KonektujSe procedure again but it doesn't work.
  10. Thank you but you did not understand me. I mada both server DataSnap service and client Android application. Datasnap service has connection to MS SQL Server. This is objects that I used on server side service application : On the other side, I have android application that connect's to my DataSnap server service through TSQLConnection and TDSProviderConnection. And everything works fine until I lost my wifi connection in a second. I am trying to find way to recover my android application without restarting it. So, my android appllication works fine and when wifi connection broke for a second I receive Socket error #103 when I try to open one of mine TClientDataSet's. If I try it one more time it works fine again. But when I try it for the third time I receive Socket error #104. And that goes in a round (good response, Socket error #104, good response, Socket error #104...) until I restarted my application.
  11. I have a problem when my andoroid device lost wifi and connection broke. I can not reestablished that in ordinary maner. My andorid application have TSQLConnection object that connects to DataSnap server application. Everything works fine until I issue network problem. When wifi temporarly lost connection TSQLConnection also lost connection and I get Socket error #103 when I try to open TClientDataSet and that is OK. When I try it once again it works fine. I supose my application successfuly reconnect and open the query. But when I tryed it for the third time I have Socket error # 104. And again. Once OK another time Socket error #104. There is no problems when wifi connection is stable. What should I do?
  12. Can you help me please. I dont know how and where to do that
  13. You are right. What can I do now?