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Everything posted by dlucic

  1. I have a problem when my andoroid device lost wifi and connection broke. I can not reestablished that in ordinary maner. My andorid application have TSQLConnection object that connects to DataSnap server application. Everything works fine until I issue network problem. When wifi temporarly lost connection TSQLConnection also lost connection and I get Socket error #103 when I try to open TClientDataSet and that is OK. When I try it once again it works fine. I supose my application successfuly reconnect and open the query. But when I tryed it for the third time I have Socket error # 104. And again. Once OK another time Socket error #104. There is no problems when wifi connection is stable. What should I do?
  2. That's exactly what I tried, buti it heppens exactly as I wrote. This is code on my login form. I have procedure KonektujSe where I connect to DataSnap server service and it works fine. Than I have some code in onClick method with try except. When error occures I call KonektujSe procedure again but it doesn't work.
  3. Thank you but you did not understand me. I mada both server DataSnap service and client Android application. Datasnap service has connection to MS SQL Server. This is objects that I used on server side service application : On the other side, I have android application that connect's to my DataSnap server service through TSQLConnection and TDSProviderConnection. And everything works fine until I lost my wifi connection in a second. I am trying to find way to recover my android application without restarting it. So, my android appllication works fine and when wifi connection broke for a second I receive Socket error #103 when I try to open one of mine TClientDataSet's. If I try it one more time it works fine again. But when I try it for the third time I receive Socket error #104. And that goes in a round (good response, Socket error #104, good response, Socket error #104...) until I restarted my application.
  4. I created a Datasnap server application that connects to the MSSQL database via the TFDConnection object, and then executes a specific SQL query via the TFDQuery object, the results of which are further forwarded via the TDataSnapProvider object. This is screenshot of that application I created a simple client application that opens this query and displays the results in a ListBox. This is the code : When I run application on Windows I get a correct result with Serbian letters as you can see in the image below But when U start the same application on Android, I have a problem with display of Serbian letters. What is the problem? Thanks
  5. Thank you so much
  6. Can you help me please. I dont know how and where to do that
  7. You are right. What can I do now?
  8. I have created a simple datasnap server application Then I created a client application that connects to the server and performs some simple operation that returns certain data that I display in the TMemo component. When I start the client application from one computer, everything works as it should, but on the other it fails to open the connection and reports : Invalid parameter. What could be the problem, and I don't think it's FireWall since I can connect via Telnet
  9. dlucic

    DataSnap connection problem

    Thank you That resolve my problem on Windows machine. But I still have problem on Android. MidasLib must be exscluded from uses when I build app for Android. When I click on button application froze and stop working
  10. Can I connect to MSSQL Server with FireDAC on android application? When I try it there is a problem Is there any eay for direct connection from my android application to MSSQL Server
  11. OK. I know that about REST API, but I would like to try a direct connection if possible. Why is that a bad idea? Thank you
  12. Hello everyone, I just installed Delphi 12.1 and try to run simple (blank) android application on Phone with Android 11. I suppose that all configuration about SDK is correct because my device is in the target list as you can see on picture bellow It seems that I have some problem with the configuration and version of JAVA, and I can't figure out what the problem is. When I try to start an application that consists only of an empty form, I get the following messages When I look at the settings in the SDK manager, everything seems fine I tried with various versions of JAVA but I did not make any progress. Can someone please help me and point me to where I am going wrong
  13. That's it. Thank you very much for helping me
  14. Thank you so much. Now, I have another problem. Please, can you halp me to resolve this