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Everything posted by GabrielMoraru

  1. Yes. Delphi's documentation was always in a deplorable state. Since I had problems installing the SDK, I wanted to follow their documentation. ----------- I used FMX some years ago and I don't remember having any of this problems. Is FMX getting worse instead of better? (Rhetoric question)
  2. My Android device is not detected (even if connected via USB and switched to developer mode). The official documentation shows this screenshot where I could install the driver for my device: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/images/RADStudio/Alexandria/e/d/d6/AndSDKMini.png with the following warning: and window opens, and then the Android SDK Manager opens". They say it should be under the Start menu, but I can't find it there.
  3. Great! Now "Android SDK Manager" is missing!
  4. I think I have seen a "Java not found" message during setup but I just shrugged my shoulders as Delphi compiled fine for Win. But as I said, now I have a script to fix it all. But... too bad for all those wasted hours... Embarcadero could have been done it properly from the beginning with a bit more testing... _____ Edit: I think Emba knew about it from the beginning because the official documentation says: " The first time you attempt to compile an Android application, RAD Studio prompts you to install the missing components of the Android SDK, Android NDK and Android development tools if some required components have not been installed during RAD Studio installation". This vague language... Do they mean, "by accident" or "the user did not want to install them"?
  5. I had the same issues on Delphi 11.3. I have no clue why Delphi setup completely failed to install all SDK files/folders for Android. Java path was also not set. And this is a brand new installation (in a brand new computer ) I read the official documentation and tried some commands. In the end it worked. So, I created a script - otherwise, next time when I install Delphi, I forget all the commands. Do a search for "Update_SDK.cmd" in this page. In the script, replace "32" with "33" if you are on Delphi 12! Run the script and grab a beer until it finishes...